

Thu Feb 22 2024 15:18:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @aguest #python #classes

class Rectangle:
    def __init__(self, length, width):
    	self.length = length
		self.width = width

    def area(self):
    	return self.length * self.width

class Square(Rectangle):
    def __init__(self, length):
        # Call the __init__ method of the parent class (Rectangle)
        # super() refers to the parent class of this class
        # Actually using the __init__ method of `Rectangle` here
        #	which needs 2 parameters, `length` and `width`. Since
        #	a square is length==width then we use `length` twice.
    	super().__init__(length, length)

my_square = Square(5)
my_square.area()  # 25

`super().__init__` calls the parent class' `__init__` method. This allows you to reuse the parent's `__init__` method while customizing the child's `__init__` method at the same time. In the example above, *Rectangle* takes 2 parameters (`length` and `width`), but for a square it's length is equal to it's width so we only need 1 parameter (`length`). We customize the *Square* class' `__init__` method to only require 1 parameter and then call the `__init__` method of *Rectangle* by using `length` for both `length` and `width`.