/* Effect Animations */
//Methods :fadeOut, fadeIn, fadeTo, fadeToggle
//fadeOut adds property 'display: none'
$('elem').fadeTo(1000, 0.5);
// 0.5 will be the opacity.
//Will Toggle between fadeOut and fadeIn. If it's already Faded out, It will fadeIn and vice-versa ( It will remeber opacity mentioned in line 6 and will provide same opacity.
$('elem').fadeTo(1000, 0);
// Opacity will be zero, But element will be there (Blank Space )
// Methods : hide , show, toggle
// It will add prop "Display : none".
// It will add prop 'display : block'.
//It will switch between none/block.
// Methods slideUp, slideDown, slideToggle
//There will be cool animation, And it will add 'display:none'.
// It will reverse the slideUp or it will pop up the element by adding prop 'display:block'.
//It will switch between slideUp/slideDown.
//Animate ( Values have to be numerical )
'margin-left' : '20px',
}, 1000 )
// 1st way, It will set the margins and override the defauls ones,
// 2nd way, This is better as it will add/remove margins to the current provided
'margin-left' : '+=20px',
'opacity' : '0'
}, 1000 )
//We can also do camel casing in properties.
'margin-left' : '+=200px',
'opacity' : '0.8',
'height' : '50px',
width : '50px',
'margin-top' : '10px',
borderRadius : '9px'
}, 1000 )
//Delaying and Chaining Examples.
$('elem').delay( time ).method( property )
//slideToggle() will work after 2 seconds.
//Timing the functinos according to the Time ( As a call back functions )
$('div#content .red-box').slideUp( 2000, 0, function(){
$('div#content .green-box').slideUp( 2000, 0 ,function(){
$('div#content .blue-box').slideUp(2000, 0 )
//All the call back functions are nested with each other.
// Or 1: using Arrow functions.
$('div#content .red-box').slideUp( 2000, 0 , () => {
$('div#content .green-box').slideUp( 2000, 0 , () => {
$('div#content .blue-box').slideUp(2000 , 0)
// Or 2: using Arrow functions + Chaining + using different methods in one program.
$('div#content .red-box').slideUp( 2000, 0 , () => {
$('div#content .green-box').animate({
marginTop : '20px',
'opacity' : '0.6',
}, 2000 , ()=>{
/* -----------------------XX ---------------------------- */
/* Selectors. */
$('body').children().not('.one').css('border' , '2px solid red');
$('.parent').children().not('.one').css("border","30px solid blue");
$('ul').children('li.spec').slideUp(2000); //Direct children 'li.spec' of 'ul'
$('li').parents('ul').css('border', '2px solid red');
$('ul').children('ol').css('font-weight', 'bolder');
$('li').siblings('li').css('border', '2px solid red');
$('h1').next().css('border', '2px solid red');
$('h1').prev().css('border', '2px solid red');
$('li').filter(":odd").css('border', '2px solid red');
$('ul').find('li').filter(":even").css('border', '2px solid red');
$('ul').first().css('background-color', 'red');
$('ul').last().css('background-color', 'red')
$('li').eq( numberHere ).css('background-color', 'red');
$('li').eq( -numberHereFromBackToFront ).css('background-color', 'red');
/* -----------------------XX ----------------------*/
/* DOM */
$('ol').append('<li> Will be last item on OL </li>');
$('<li> Seven </li>').appendTo(('ol'));
$('ol').prepend('<li> Will be Top Item on OL </li>');
$('<li> From Top Seven </li>').prependTo(('ol'));
$('div.one').after("<div class='box bg-info m -4'> after </div>");
$('div.one').before("<div class='box bg-secondary m -4'> before </div>")
return "<div class='box bg-secondary m -4'> before </div>";
//We can do like this for all the above mentioned methods.
$('li:even').replaceWith('<li> All the Even li will be replaced </li>');
return 'Works same way, But we are returning using an function';
$('li:even').replaceAll('<li> All the Even li will be replaced </li>');
//Removing elements
$('p').empty(); //Will only remove the content inside the 'p', Will not remove the 'p' element itself. ( it basically empty it)
//Manipulating attributes.
//It will change the value;
//It will work as "checked" works in HTML. ( by default it will be checked )
//To get an value from the element. ( eleme.value ( vanilla script ))
// classes
//Add class.
$('.select').addClass('classNameToBeAdd classNameToBeAdd2 classNameToBeAdd5'); //multiple classes.
$('div').addClass(function(index, currentClass){
if(currentClass === 'dummy01'){
return 'classNameOneToBeAdded' //Example : To add class using index or checking if the class prexisted or not.
//Remove classe.
$('.select').removeClass('classNameToBeRemoved classNameToBeRemoved2 classNameToBeRemoved4 ');
$('.select').addClass('class1').removeClasss('class3').addClass('blah blah2...') //Chaining it.
// data
let valuesArr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
$('.element').data('keyHere', "valueHere");
console.log( $('.element').data('keyHere') );
$('.output').data('dataSet1', valuesArr);
$('.output').data('ds2', "Jaskaran");
console.log( $('.output').data('dataSet1')); //It will return the whole array('valuesArr')
console.log( $('.output').data('ds2') );
console.log($(".output").data()); //It will return all the data linked to the '.output' element.
$('.output').removeData("dataName"); // How to remove the data.
<p data-sampData1='Something to be stored'>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Distinctio.
/* -----------------------XX ---------------------------- */
/* Event Handlers */
$('.elemt').methodName(function(){ });
//hover(handlerIn, handerOut);
$('elem').hover( function(){console.log('code written from handlerIn')}, function(){console.log('code written from handlerOut')}) // We can use 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave', But just another way to code.
//Adding multiple handlers on single "element" using "ON" method.
$('.elem').on("click dblclick mouseenter",function(){
console.log('Active : ')
//Delegated events,
//In case we add some dynamic elements( from js/external src). Events handlers are not added to the Dynamic content so we need to use 'Delegated events'.
$('.parent').on( "click", "p" ,function(){
});//In this case we have added 'p' tag from JS, So in order to access/select, We need to use such syntax.
<li data-item1='Item One Data Here...'>Write your own destiny</li>
<li data-item2="item Two Data here">Fate is what choices you make</li>
//{item1: "Item One Data Here..."}
//Item One Data Here
//KeyDown && keyup
//Focus, Change and blur
$(this).css('box-shadow',"2px 2px 14px grey");
$(this).css('box-shadow',"2px 2px 14px grey");
$(this).css('box-shadow',"2px 2px 14px grey");