Snippets Collections
{%- liquid
    assign previous_product = collection.previous_product
    assign next_product = collection.next_product
    if previous_product or next_product
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        assign previous_product = nil
        assign next_product = nil
        assign last = collections[collectionList].products_count
        for p in collections[collectionList].products
        	if p.handle == product.handle
            	assign prev = forloop.index | minus: 2
                assign next = forloop.index
                if prev >= 0
                  assign previous_product = collections[collectionList].products[prev].handle
                if last >= next
                  assign next_product = collections[collectionList].products[next].handle
<div id="nextpre">
    		{%- if previous_product -%}
            <a class="next-prev-icon prev-icon" href="{{ previous_product }}">
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- if next_product -%}
            <a class="next-prev-icon next-icon" href="{{ next_product }}">
        {%- endif -%}
{%- liquid
    assign previous_product = collection.previous_product
    assign next_product = collection.next_product
    if previous_product or next_product
    	assign collectionList = product.collections[0].handle
        assign previous_product = nil
        assign next_product = nil
        assign last = collections[collectionList].products_count
        for p in collections[collectionList].products
        	if p.handle == product.handle
            	assign prev = forloop.index | minus: 2
                assign next = forloop.index
                if prev >= 0
                  assign previous_product = collections[collectionList].products[prev].handle
                if last >= next
                  assign next_product = collections[collectionList].products[next].handle
{%- if previous_product -%}
            <a class="next-prev-icon prev-icon" href="{{ previous_product }}">
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- if next_product -%}
            <a class="next-prev-icon next-icon" href="{{ next_product }}">
        {%- endif -%}
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Wed Jun 15 2022 13:38:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#shopify #shapedivider #divider

Wed Jun 15 2022 12:42:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#shopify #shapedivider #divider

Wed May 18 2022 08:49:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#shopify #shapedivider #divider

Wed May 18 2022 08:48:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#shopify #shapedivider #divider

Wed May 18 2022 08:39:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) https://websesepro.comblog/how-to-add-shape-divider-in-shopify-theme-sections/

#shopify #shapedivider #divider

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