Snippets Collections
import { createContext } from "react";
import useFetch from '../hooks/useFetch' // import the useFetch hook

const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';

const CitiesContext = createContext();

function CitiesProvider({children}){

    // fetch hook for cities => see useFetchCties file
    const {data: cities, loading, error} = useFetch(`${BASE_URL}/cities`);  

      <CitiesContext.Provider value={{
          cities: cities,
          loading: loading,
          error: error


export {CitiesContext, CitiesProvider}

import { createContext, useState } from "react";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

//1. create the context
const PostContext = createContext();

// 2. create  the Provider function that returns the provider
function PostProvider({children}){

  // 3. add all state and functions we need
  const [posts, setPosts] = useState(() =>
    Array.from({ length: 30 }, () => createRandomPost())

  const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState("");

  // Derived state. These are the posts that will actually be displayed
  const searchedPosts = searchQuery.length > 0 ? posts.filter((post) => `${post.title} ${post.body}`.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())) : posts;

  function handleAddPost(post) {
    setPosts((posts) => (
      [...posts, post]

  function handleClearPosts() {

  function createRandomPost() {
    return {
      title: `${faker.hacker.adjective()} ${faker.hacker.noun()}`,
      body: faker.hacker.phrase(),

   // 4. return all values we need to the provider
   // the values represent all state and functions we have above using an object
   // then we call each key inside the wrapped component where each state or function is needed

    <PostContext.Provider value={{
      posts: searchedPosts, // the derived state that holds the posts
      query: searchQuery, // the query
      querySetter: setSearchQuery, // query setter function
      addPostHandler: handleAddPost, // add post function
      clearPostHander: handleClearPosts, // clear posts function

} // close the PostProvider function

// 5.export the postContext to use AND the Provider to wrap all components
export {PostContext, PostProvider} 

Sat Feb 17 2024 23:59:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#react #context #provider #hook

Sat Feb 17 2024 23:27:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#react #context #provider

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