; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GetWindowInfo(HWND)
; Function:
; Retrieves information about the specified window.
; Parameter:
; HWND - A handle to the window whose information is to be retrieved.
; Return value:
; If the function succeeds, the return value is an object containing the information.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632610(v=vs.85).aspx
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetWindowInfo(HWND) {
Static SizeOfWINDOWINFO := 60
If !DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowInfo", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", &WINDOWINFO, "UInt")
Return False
; Object WI
WI := {}
WI.WindowX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 4, "Int") ; X coordinate of the window
WI.WindowY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 8, "Int") ; Y coordinate of the window
WI.WindowW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 12, "Int") - WI.WindowX ; Width of the window
WI.WindowH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 16, "Int") - WI.WindowY ; Height of the window
WI.ClientX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "Int") ; X coordinate of the client area
WI.ClientY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 24, "Int") ; Y coordinate of the client area
WI.ClientW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 28, "Int") - WI.ClientX ; Width of the client area
WI.ClientH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 32, "Int") - WI.ClientY ; Height of the client area
WI.Style := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "UInt") ; The window styles.
WI.ExStyle := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 40, "UInt") ; The extended window styles.
WI.State := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "UInt") ; The window status (1 = active).
WI.BorderW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 48, "UInt") ; The width of the window border, in pixels.
WI.BorderH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 52, "UInt") ; The height of the window border, in pixels.
WI.Type := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 56, "UShort") ; The window class atom.
WI.Version := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 58, "UShort") ; The Windows version of the application.
Return WI