func addshadow(top: Bool,
left: Bool,
bottom: Bool,
right: Bool,
shadowRadius: CGFloat) {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
self.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.layer.cornerRadius = 8
self.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 0.0)
self.layer.shadowRadius = shadowRadius
self.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.4
self.layer.shadowColor = UIColor(red: 6.0/255, green: 141.0/255, blue: 144.0/255, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
let path = UIBezierPath()
var x: CGFloat = 0
var y: CGFloat = 0
var viewWidth = self.frame.width
var viewHeight = self.frame.height
// here x, y, viewWidth, and viewHeight can be changed in
// order to play around with the shadow paths.
if (!top) {
if (!bottom) {
if (!left) {
if (!right) {
// selecting top most point
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
// Move to the Bottom Left Corner, this will cover left edges
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: viewHeight))
// Move to the Bottom Right Corner, this will cover bottom edge
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: viewWidth, y: viewHeight))
// Move to the Top Right Corner, this will cover right edge
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: viewWidth, y: y))
// Move back to the initial point, this will cover the top edge
self.layer.shadowPath = path.cgPath