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[root@mysql-in-servicecloud-consolidated-slave-1 ~]# cat /usr/local/scripts/
import commands
import os
import time

for x in range(0, 4):
        status = commands.getoutput("mysql --login-path=statuser -sN -e \"show slave status\"")
#        SLACK_URL=""

        for row in status.split("\n"):
                SERVER_NAME = "mysql-in-servicecloud-consolidated-slave-01"
                SLACK_MESSAGE = "<!channel> Problem in \`[Azure] "+SERVER_NAME+" \`: "
                Slave_IO_Running = row.split("\t")[10]
                Slave_SQL_Running = row.split("\t")[11]
                Seconds_Behind_Master = row.split("\t")[32]
                if Slave_IO_Running.find("No")!=-1 or Slave_SQL_Running.find("No")!=-1 or int(Seconds_Behind_Master)>5:
                        SLACK_MESSAGE = SLACK_MESSAGE + "\`Slave_SQL_Running: "+Slave_SQL_Running+"\`; \`Slave_IO_Running: "+Slave_IO_Running+"\`; \`Seconds_Behind_Master: "+Seconds_Behind_Master+"\`"
                        os.system("curl -X POST --data \"payload={\'text\':\'"+SLACK_MESSAGE+"\', \'username\':\'gcp-watchman\', \'icon_emoji\':\':bangbang:\'}\" "+SLACK_URL)
                os.system("curl -i -XPOST '' --data-binary 'mysql_slave_lag,slave_name='"+SERVER_NAME+"' value='"+Seconds_Behind_Master+"''")

curl -s | \
  jq -r '"Status: " + (if (.status == "active") then "Active Incident" else "Ok" end),"Last Updated: " + .date_updated,if (.active_incidents[] | length) > 0 then "Active Incidents\n" + .active_incidents[] .title else "" end'
pipeline {
    stages { ... }
    post {
       // only triggered when blue or green sign
       success {
           slackSend(channel: 'alerts-testing', color: 'good', message: ":party_parrot: NOTIFICATION: NEW RELEASE ${newRelease} WILL BE CREATED AUTOMATICALLY :party_parrot:")
       // triggered when red sign
       failure {
           slackSend(channel: 'alerts-testing', color: 'RED', message: ":alarm_clock: NOTIFICATION: NEW RELEASE ${newRelease} WITH SOME FAILURE :alarm_clock:")
       // trigger every-works
       always {
           slackSend ...

Wed Aug 17 2022 05:42:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#bash #mysql #slack

Mon Mar 28 2022 15:24:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#bash #wtfutil #slack

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