Wed Sep 22 2021 11:55:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @isathelizard
<div class="bg-white overflow-hidden"> <div class="relative max-w-7xl mx-auto py-12 md:py-16 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 "> <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4"> <div class="col-span-2 md:col-span-1 flex items-center"> <div> <h2 class="font-body text-red-1000 tracking-widest font-bold uppercase text-left">Case Study </h2> <h3 class="mt-2 text-4xl font-title text-gray-800 text-left pb-2"> Curascribe </h3> <img class=" block md:hidden w-11/12 mx-auto mb-4 md:hidden md:w-3/4 mx-auto" src="" alt="Curascribe case study" width="1184" height="1376"> <p class="font-body font-base text-gray-800 font-normal">We designed and built the first web and mobile platform that connects doctors with virtual scribes, helping doctors save time, focus entirely on the patient's health, and store confidential information safely.</p> <a href="" download=""> <button type="button" class=" w-auto font-body text-center border border-transparent text-sm font-bold text-red-1000 hover:text-red-800 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent focus:outline-none focus: bg-transparent mt-5"> Download Case Study <svg xmlns="" class="h-6 w-6 inline" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M17 8l4 4m0 0l-4 4m4-4H3"></path> </svg> </button> </a> </div> </div> <div class="hidden md:block col-span-2 md:col-span-1"> <img class="object-cover object-center md:w-3/4 mx-auto" src="" alt="Curascribe case study" width="1184" height="1376"> </div> </div> </div> </div>