Stress tests for the Raspberry Pi (GitHub - nschloe/stressberry)


Mon Apr 04 2022 15:21:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @foobar1452 #testing

How to
To run stressberry on your computer, simply install it with

[sudo] apt install stress
python3 -m pip install stressberry
Users of Arch Linux ARM can install from the official repos

[sudo] pacman -S stressberry
and run it with

stressberry-run out.dat
stressberry-plot out.dat -o out.png
(Use MPLBACKEND=Agg stressberry-plot out.dat -o out.png if you're running the script on the Raspberry Pi itself.)

If it your computer can't find the stressberry tools after installation, you might have to add the directory $HOME/.local/bin to your path:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/pi/.local/bin
(You can also put this line in your .bashrc.)

The run lets the CPU idle for a bit, then stresses it with maximum load for 5 minutes, and lets it cool down afterwards. The entire process takes 10 minutes. The resulting data is displayed to a screen or, if specified, written to a PNG file.

If you'd like to submit your own data for display here, feel free to open an issue and include the data file, a photograph of your setup, and perhaps some further information.

To run the tests, just check out this repository and type


stress testing