

Mon Jan 02 2023 03:25:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Shaghaf_2000 #python

import math
name = input("Enter your name: ")
taxableIncome = float(input(f"Hi {name}, please enter your taxable income: "))
#round the users income to the lowest whole number 
taxableIncome = math.floor(taxableIncome)
# if statement to dtermine the appropriate tax:
if taxableIncome>=0 and taxableIncome<=18200:
    print(f"{name} has a taxable income of ${taxableIncome}, whith a total amount of $0 tax due.")
elif taxableIncome >= 18201 and taxableIncome <= 45000:
    tax= 0.19*(taxableIncome - 18200)
    print(f"{name} has a taxable income of ${taxableIncome},with total amount of ${round(tax,2)} tax due.")
elif taxableIncome >=  45001 and taxableIncome<= 120000:
    tax = 5092+ 0.325*(taxableIncome - 45000)
    print(f"{name} has a taxable income of ${taxableIncome},with total amount of ${round(tax,2)} tax due.")
elif taxableIncome>= 120001 and taxableIncome<= 180000:
    tax = 29.467+0.37*(taxableIncome - 120000)
    print(f"{name} has a taxable income of ${taxableIncome},with total amount of ${round(tax,2)} tax due.")
    tax = 51667+0.45*(taxableIncome - 180000)
    print(f"{name} has a taxable income of ${taxableIncome},with total amount of ${round(tax,2)} tax due.")