Rock Paper Scissors GUI In Python: The GUI code
Wed Jul 19 2023 14:45:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @pythonHub #python #python-hub #day3
# FILE: from customtkinter import * from PIL import Image from rock_paper_scissors import game class RPS(CTk): """ A class representing the Rock Paper Scissors game GUI. Inherits from customtkinter.CTk. Attributes: None Methods: __init__: Initializes the GUI and sets up the game window. check: Function to handle the player's choice and display the game result. Usage: app = RPS() app.mainloop() """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializes the Rock Paper Scissors GUI. Creates and configures the main game window. Parameters: None Returns: None """ super().__init__() self.title("Rock Paper Scissors") self.geometry("500x600") self.Label = CTkLabel(self, text="Choose Rock Paper or Scissors").grid(row=0,column=2,padx=150) # Create an instance of the CTkImage class for the 'rock' choice image # using the light_image parameter to load the image file from the given path. # The size parameter is set to (100, 100) to resize the image to the specified dimensions. self.rock_img = CTkImage("rock.png"), size=(100,100)) # Create an instance of the CTkButton class for the 'rock' choice button. # The image parameter is set to the previously created CTkImage instance, # so the button will display the 'rock' image as its icon. # The text parameter is set to an empty string to hide any text on the button. # The fg_color parameter is set to "#242424", which represents the foreground color (text color) of the button. # The hover_color parameter is set to "#242424", which represents the background color of the button when hovered. # The command parameter is set to a lambda function that calls the 'self.check()' method with argument 0, # representing the 'rock' choice, when the button is clicked. self.ilr = CTkButton(self, image=self.rock_img, text="", fg_color="#242424", hover_color="#242424", command=lambda: self.check(0)) # Position the 'rock' choice button in the grid layout at row 1 and column 2. # The padx parameter is set to 150 to add horizontal padding around the button to create spacing. self.ilr.grid(row=1,column=2,padx=150) self.paper_img = CTkImage("paper.png"), size=(100,100)) self.ilp = CTkButton(self, image=self.paper_img, text="", fg_color="#242424", hover_color="#242424", command=lambda: self.check(1)) self.ilp.grid(row=2,column=2,padx=150) self.scissors_img = CTkImage("scissors.png"), size=(100,100)) self.ils = CTkButton(self, image=self.scissors_img, text="",fg_color="#242424", hover_color="#242424", command=lambda: self.check(2)) self.ils.grid(row=3,column=2,padx=150) self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.grid(row=4,column=2,padx=150,pady=10) def check(self, player_choice: int) -> None: """ Function to handle the player's choice and display the game result. Parameters: player_choice (int): The player's choice. Should be an integer between 0 and 2, where 0 represents 'rock', 1 represents 'paper', and 2 represents 'scissors'. Returns: None """ result = game(player_choice) res1 = CTkLabel(self, text=result[0],text_color ="#ADD8E6").grid(row=5,column=2,padx=150,pady=10) res2 = CTkLabel(self, text=result[1], text_color="pink").grid(row=6,column=2,padx=150,pady=10) res3 = CTkLabel(self, text=result[2]).grid(row=7,column=2,padx=150,pady=10) if __name__ == "__main__": app = RPS() app.mainloop()
This is GUI class base class is linked here!