Library Management System
Wed May 15 2024 17:32:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @Mohamedshariif #c++
#include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Book { int BookID; std::string Title; std::string Author; double price; static int numOfBooks; friend class Library; // Declare Library as a friend class public: Book(int BookID, std::string Title, std::string Author, double price){ this->BookID = BookID; this->Title = Title; this->Author = Author; this->price = price; numOfBooks ++; } int getBookID() const { return BookID; } std::string getTitle() const { return Title; } std::string getAuthor() const { return Author; } double getPrice() const { return price; } //Static Function static int getTotalNumOfBooks(){ return numOfBooks; }; }; int Book::numOfBooks = 0; //Class User class Users{ public: std::string name; std::string address; std::string email; int phoneNum; Users(std::string n, std::string addre,std::string em, int pN){ name = n; address = addre; email = em; phoneNum = pN; } //Virtual Function & Overiding function virtual void display(){ } }; //Derived Class from Base class User class Student: public Users{ int studentID; public: Student(int studentID, std::string name, std::string address, std::string email, int phoneNum):Users(name, address, email, phoneNum){ this->studentID = studentID; } int getStudentID() const { return studentID; } //Function Overloading, Same Name but different arguments. void print(std::string name){ cout<<"student Name: "<<name<<endl; } void print(std::string name, int studentID){ cout<<"Student Name: "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Student ID: "<<studentID<<endl; } //Default arguments void print(std::string name, std::string email, int studentID = 1111){ cout<<"Student Name: "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Student Email: "<<email<<endl; cout<<"Student ID: "<<studentID<<endl; } void display(){ cout<<"\n__Student Info:_ "<<endl; cout<<"ID: "<<studentID<<endl; cout<<"Name: "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Address: "<<address<<endl; cout<<"Email: "<<email<<endl; cout<<"Phone Number: "<<phoneNum<<endl; } //Friend Function friend void globalFunction(Student &stud); }; class Staff: public Users{ int staffID; public: Staff(int staffID, std::string name, std::string address, std::string email, int phoneNum):Users(name, address, email, phoneNum){ this->staffID = staffID; } int getStaffID(){ return staffID; } void display(){ cout<<"\n___Staff Info:_ "<<endl; cout<<"ID: "<<staffID<<endl; cout<<"Name: "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Address: "<<address<<endl; cout<<"Email: "<<email<<endl; cout<<"Phone Number: "<<phoneNum<<endl; } friend void globalFunction(Staff &staf); }; //Friend Function implementation void globalFunction(Student &stud, Staff &staf){ cout<<"\nAccessing Student ID: "<<stud.getStudentID()<<endl; cout<<"Accessing Staff ID: "<<staf.getStaffID()<<endl; } class Library{ vector<Book*> books; // Declaration of books vector vector<Student*> students; Book *book; std::string name; std::string address; public: Library(std::string name, std::string address){ this->name = name; this->address = address; } void setBook(Book *book){ this->book = book; } Book* getBook(){ return book; } std::string getName(){ return name; } void setName(std::string name){ this->name = name; } std::string getAddress(){ return address; } void setAddress(std::string address){ this->address = address; } void addBook(const std::string& title, const std::string& author, double price) { int id = books.size() + 1; // Generate ID automatically based on the number of books books.push_back(new Book(id, title, author, price)); cout << "Book added successfully with ID: " << id << endl; } bool deleteBook(int id) { auto it = find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [id](const Book* book) { return book->getBookID() == id; }); if (it != books.end()) { books.erase(it); return true; } return false; } void editBook(int id, std::string newTitle, std::string newAuthor, double newPrice) { auto it = find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [id](const Book* book) { return book->getBookID() == id; }); if (it != books.end()) { (*it)->Title = newTitle; (*it)->Author = newAuthor; (*it)->price = newPrice; } } void showBookInfo(int id) { auto it = std::find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [id](const Book* book) { return book->getBookID() == id; }); if (it != books.end()) { std::cout << "Book ID: " << (*it)->getBookID() << std::endl; std::cout << "Book Title: " << (*it)->getTitle() << std::endl; std::cout << "Book Author: " << (*it)->getAuthor() << std::endl; std::cout << "Book Price: " << (*it)->getPrice() << std::endl; } } std::vector<Book*>& getBooks() { // Return a reference to the vector of books return books; } void addStudent(const std::string& name, const std::string& address, const std::string& email, int phoneNum) { int id = students.size() + 1; // Generate ID automatically based on the number of students students.push_back(new Student(id, name, address, email, phoneNum)); cout << "Student added successfully with ID: " << id << endl; } bool deleteStudent(int id) { auto it = find_if(students.begin(), students.end(), [id](const Student* student) { return student->getStudentID() == id; }); if (it != students.end()) { students.erase(it); return true; } return false; } void editStudent(int id, const string& newName, const string& newAddress, const string& newEmail, int newPhoneNum) { auto it = find_if(students.begin(), students.end(), [id](const Student* student) { return student->getStudentID() == id; }); if (it != students.end()) { (*it)->name = newName; (*it)->address = newAddress; (*it)->email = newEmail; (*it)->phoneNum = newPhoneNum; } } void showStudentInfo(int id) { auto it = find_if(students.begin(), students.end(), [id](const Student* student) { return student->getStudentID() == id; }); if (it != students.end()) { cout << "Student ID: " << (*it)->getStudentID() << endl; cout << "Student Name: " << (*it)->name << endl; cout << "Student Address: " << (*it)->address << endl; cout << "Student Email: " << (*it)->email << endl; cout << "Student Phone Number: " << (*it)->phoneNum << endl; } } }; int main() { Library library("University Library", "Uskudar"); while (true) { cout << "\nMenu:" << endl; cout << "1. Manage Books" << endl; cout << "2. Manage Students" << endl; cout << "3. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; int choice; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: { cout << "\nBooks Menu:" << endl; cout << "1. Add Book" << endl; cout << "2. Delete Book" << endl; cout << "3. Edit Book" << endl; cout << "4. Show Book Information" << endl; cout << "5. Book List" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; int bookChoice; cin >> bookChoice; switch (bookChoice) { case 1: { std::string title, author; double price; cout << "Enter book title: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, title); cout << "Enter book author: "; getline(cin, author); cout << "Enter book price: "; cin >> price; library.addBook(title, author, price); break; } case 2: { int id; cout << "Enter ID of the book to delete: "; cin >> id; if (library.deleteBook(id)) { cout << "Book with ID " << id << " deleted successfully." << endl; } else { cout << "Book with ID " << id << " not found." << endl; } break; } case 3: { int id; string newTitle, newAuthor; double newPrice; cout << "Enter ID of the book to edit: "; cin >> id; cout << "Enter new title: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newTitle); cout << "Enter new author: "; getline(cin, newAuthor); cout << "Enter new price: "; cin >> newPrice; library.editBook(id, newTitle, newAuthor, newPrice); cout << "Book edited successfully." << endl; break; } case 4: { int id; cout << "Enter ID of the book to show information: "; cin >> id; library.showBookInfo(id); break; } case 5: { vector<Book*> books = library.getBooks(); cout << "\nBook List:" << endl; for (Book* book : books) { cout << "Book ID: " << book->getBookID() << ", Title: " << book->getTitle() << ", Author: " << book->getAuthor() << ", Price: " << book->getPrice() << endl; } break; } default: cout << "Invalid choice." << endl; } break; } case 2: { cout << "\nStudents Menu:" << endl; cout << "1. Add Student" << endl; cout << "2. Remove Student" << endl; cout << "3. Edit Student" << endl; cout << "4. Get Student Info" << endl; cout << "5. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; int studentChoice; cin >> studentChoice; switch (studentChoice) { case 1: { std::string name, address, email; int phoneNum; cout << "Enter student name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, name); cout << "Enter student address: "; getline(cin, address); cout << "Enter student email: "; cin >> email; cout << "Enter student phone number: "; cin >> phoneNum; library.addStudent(name, address, email, phoneNum); break; } case 2: { int id; cout << "Enter ID of the student to remove: "; cin >> id; if (library.deleteStudent(id)) { cout << "Student with ID " << id << " removed successfully." << endl; } else { cout << "Student with ID " << id << " not found." << endl; } break; } case 3: { int id; string newName, newAddress, newEmail; int newPhoneNum; cout << "Enter ID of the student to edit: "; cin >> id; cout << "Enter new name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newName); cout << "Enter new address: "; getline(cin, newAddress); cout << "Enter new email: "; cin >> newEmail; cout << "Enter new phone number: "; cin >> newPhoneNum; library.editStudent(id, newName, newAddress, newEmail, newPhoneNum); cout << "Student edited successfully." << endl; break; } case 4: { int id; cout << "Enter ID of the student to get information: "; cin >> id; library.showStudentInfo(id); break; } case 5: { cout << "Exiting students menu..." << endl; break; } default: cout << "Invalid choice." << endl; } break; } case 3: cout << "Exiting..." << endl; return 0; default: cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 3." << endl; } } return 0; } //OUTPUT: Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Books Menu: 1. Add Book 2. Delete Book 3. Edit Book 4. Show Book Information 5. Book List Enter your choice: 1 Enter book title: The Power Enter book author: James Enter book price: 23 Book added successfully with ID: 1 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Books Menu: 1. Add Book 2. Delete Book 3. Edit Book 4. Show Book Information 5. Book List Enter your choice: 1 Enter book title: Psychology Enter book author: Mike Enter book price: 21 Book added successfully with ID: 2 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Books Menu: 1. Add Book 2. Delete Book 3. Edit Book 4. Show Book Information 5. Book List Enter your choice: 5 Book List: Book ID: 1, Title: The Power, Author: James, Price: 23 Book ID: 2, Title: Physcology, Author: Mike, Price: 21 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Books Menu: 1. Add Book 2. Delete Book 3. Edit Book 4. Show Book Information 5. Book List Enter your choice: 2 Enter ID of the book to delete: 2 Book with ID 2 deleted successfully. Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Books Menu: 1. Add Book 2. Delete Book 3. Edit Book 4. Show Book Information 5. Book List Enter your choice: 5 Book List: Book ID: 1, Title: The Power, Author: James, Price: 23 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Students Menu: 1. Add Student 2. Remove Student 3. Edit Student 4. Get Student Info 5. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter student name: Mohamed Enter student address: Istanbul Enter student email: Enter student phone number: 5544 Student added successfully with ID: 1 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Students Menu: 1. Add Student 2. Remove Student 3. Edit Student 4. Get Student Info 5. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter student name: Nasir Enter student address: Istanbul Enter student email: Enter student phone number: 1122 Student added successfully with ID: 2 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Students Menu: 1. Add Student 2. Remove Student 3. Edit Student 4. Get Student Info 5. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Enter ID of the student to remove: 2 Student with ID 2 removed successfully. Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Students Menu: 1. Add Student 2. Remove Student 3. Edit Student 4. Get Student Info 5. Exit Enter your choice: 4 Enter ID of the student to get information: 2 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Students Menu: 1. Add Student 2. Remove Student 3. Edit Student 4. Get Student Info 5. Exit Enter your choice: 4 Enter ID of the student to get information: 1 Student ID: 1 Student Name: Mohamed Student Address: Istanbul Student Email: Student Phone Number: 5544 Menu: 1. Manage Books 2. Manage Students 3. Exit Enter your choice: 3 Exiting... Normal program termination. Exit status: 0