how to convert csv file to word file in Python


Tue Jul 02 2024 08:04:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @freepythoncode ##python #coding #python #programming #word #doc #csv #pandas

from docx import Document
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('out.csv').to_dict()
word_doc = Document()

table_head = list(df.keys())

table_head_len = len(table_head)
tables_rows_len = len(df['name'])

# create tabel
table = word_doc.add_table(cols = table_head_len, rows = tables_rows_len)

# add the first row in the table
for i in range(table_head_len):
    table.cell(row_idx = 0, col_idx = i).text = table_head[i]

# add rows for name col
for i in range(1, tables_rows_len):
    table.cell(row_idx = i, col_idx = 0).text = df['name'][i]

# add rows for age col
for i in range(1, tables_rows_len):
    table.cell(row_idx = i, col_idx = 1).text = str(df['age'][i])'word_doc.docx')