Sat Jul 24 2021 11:05:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
#include<stdio.h> typedef struct student{ int roll; char name[100]; int marks[3]; }st; void takeinput(st candidate[]){ for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("\nFor student %d\n",i+1); printf("Enter the following details\n"); printf("roll:"); scanf("%d",&candidate[i].roll); printf("name:"); scanf("%s",candidate[i].name); for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ printf("marks in subject %d:",j+1); scanf("%d",&candidate[i].marks[j]); } } } void printinput(st candidate[]){ printf("The details of all the students are as follows\n"); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("\nroll no:%d\nname:%s\n",candidate[i].roll,candidate[i].name); for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ printf("marks in subject %d:%d\n",j+1,candidate[i].marks[j]); } } } void average_st_mks(st candidate[]){ printf("Enter the serial number(1-5) of the student whose average marks to be known\n"); int no; scanf("%d",&no); int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) sum+=candidate[no-1].marks[i]; float avg=(float)sum/3; printf("The average marks candidate bearing roll:%d is %.2f\n",candidate[no-1].roll,avg); } void average_subj_mks(st candidates[]){ printf("Enter the serial number(1-3) of the subject whose average is to be known\n"); int subject_number; scanf("%d",&subject_number); int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ sum+=candidates[i].marks[subject_number-1]; } float avg=(float)sum/5; printf("The average score of students in subject no:%d is %.2f\n",subject_number,avg); } void swap(st *candidate){ printf("Enter the serial number(1-5) of student whose subject marks are to be swapped\n"); int i; scanf("%d",&i); printf("Enter the serial number(1-3) of two subjects whose marks to be swapped\n"); int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); int temp=candidate[i-1].marks[a-1]; candidate[i-1].marks[a-1]=candidate[i-1].marks[b-1]; candidate[i-1].marks[b-1]=temp; } void print_mks_student(st candidate[]){ printf("Enter the serial number(1-5) of the student you want to print marks\n"); int n; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ printf("subject %d: %d mks\n",i+1,candidate[n-1].marks[i]); } } void upp_to_low(st candidate[]){ printf("Enter the serial number(1-5) of student you want to convert name to lowercase\n"); int n; scanf("%d",&n); int i=0; do{ char ch=candidate[n-1].name[i]; if(ch>=65 && ch<=90) candidate[n-1].name[i]=ch+32; i++; }while(candidate[n-1].name[i]!='\0'); printf("student name changed to %s\n",candidate[n-1].name); } int main(){ st candidate[5]; int flag=1; char choice; do{ printf("\nEnter the choice from the menu as per mentioned in the question paper\n"); printf("The choice should be between a-g(lowercase)\nEnter any other character to stop the program\n"); scanf(" %c",&choice); switch(choice){ case 'a':takeinput(candidate); break; case 'b':printinput(candidate); break; case 'c':average_st_mks(candidate); break; case 'd':average_subj_mks(candidate); break; case 'e':swap(candidate); break; case 'f':print_mks_student(candidate); break; case 'g':upp_to_low(candidate); break; default: flag=0; } }while(flag==1); return 0; }