SSH key generation for GitHub
Tue Jun 21 2022 23:59:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @serdia #powershell #ping
# generate public key using Powershell # email at the end is just a signature that you created it ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" # if you see an error: WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! # then cd to a folder with files and run this in PS: icacls * /reset /t /c /q # # start the ssh-agent in the background using GIT eval "$(ssh-agent)" # using GIT add private key to SSH agent: (PowerShell does not work for some reason) # cd to .ssh folder first "cd C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh" ssh-add ~/.ssh id_rsa # add public key to a GitHub repository: Left top corner--> settings # Clone repository using GIT # make sure you are in GIT repository : "cd C:/Users/oserdyuk/Documents/AzureProjects/azure-resume" git clone ###################################################################### ### Push changes to GIT ### # save what you've done git add -A # say what you've done git commit -m "Deployed storage and bla bla" # push what you've done git push # if a project created in vs code and then need to be pushed to github git push --set-upstream master ###################################################################### # Troubleshooting # add Private key to ssh agent using PS ssh-add C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/ # or make sure you are in c:/oserdyuk and run ssh-add .\.ssh\id_rsa #if error: Error loading key "C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/": invalid format # you can either overrite key in a right format: (it changes email to oserdyuk@oserdyuk-vm - not sure why) ssh-keygen -f C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/ # click Enter to ignore password git clone # to remove keys from SSH agent ssh-add -D # service OpenSSH Authentification Agent. Make sure it's running. C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\ssh-agent.exe # start service in powershell Start-Service -Name "OpenSSH Authentication Agent" # check if it started Get-Service ssh-agent # start the ssh-agent in the background eval "$(ssh-agent)" echo "$(ssh-agent)" # check whether agent is running or not (GIT) if ps -p $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null then echo "ssh-agent is already running" # Do something knowing the pid exists, i.e. the process with $PID is running else eval `ssh-agent -s` fi # list all keys that are present in the agent PS or GIT ssh-add -l # overwrite the key. Just please enter (to ignore password) ssh-keygen -f C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/ ssh-add -L # copy the key, place it into GitHub. Worked ssh-add "C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/" -- Error loading key. Invalid format ssh-add ~/.ssh my_id_rsa