Snippets Collections
# need to try this:

# connect to Azure account:

# view resource groups 
Get-AzResourceGroup |Format-Table

# list batch accounts

# view batch account info, first create $context parameter:
$context = Get-AzBatchAccountKeys -AccountName osbatchaccount
# now run this command:
Get-AzBatchPool -Id "osbatchpool" -BatchContext $context

# delete batch account:
Remove-AzBatchAccount -AccountName <account_name>
# view batch node information
Get-AzBatchComputeNode -PoolId "osbatchpool" -Id "nodeid" -BatchContext $context

# view files and URL on a node in batch pool
Get-AzBatchComputeNode "osbatchpool" -Id "nodeid" -BatchContext $context | Get-AzBatchNodeFile -BatchContext $context
# check if python is installed using powershell:
if ($pythonPath) {
    # Python is installed, get the version
    $pythonVersion = & $pythonPath --version 2>&1
    Write-Output "Python is installed. Version: $pythonVersion"
} else {
    Write-Output "Python is not installed on this node."
# commant to execute PS script 
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File CheckPython.ps1

# display all system variables unsing Powershell:
dir env:

# remove a single task in azure batch job
Remove-AzBatchTask -JobId "myjob" -Id "mytask10" -BatchContext $context
# remove all tsks in a batch job:
# Get all tasks in the specified job
$jobId = "adfv2-osbatchpool"
$tasks = Get-AzBatchTask -JobId $jobId -BatchContext $context
# Remove each task in the job
foreach ($task in $tasks) {
     Remove-AzBatchTask -JobId $jobId -Id $task.Id -BatchContext $context
Write-Host "All tasks in the job have been removed."
# generate public key using Powershell
# email at the end is just a signature that you created it
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

# then cd to a folder with files and run this in PS:
icacls * /reset /t /c /q   #

# start the ssh-agent in the background using GIT
eval "$(ssh-agent)"

# using GIT add private key to SSH agent: (PowerShell does not work for some reason)
# cd to .ssh folder first "cd C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh"
ssh-add ~/.ssh id_rsa

# add public key to a GitHub repository: Left top corner--> settings

# Clone repository using GIT
# make sure you are in GIT repository : "cd C:/Users/oserdyuk/Documents/AzureProjects/azure-resume"
git clone

						### Push changes to GIT  ###
# save what you've done
git add -A
# say what you've done
git commit -m "Deployed storage and bla bla"
# push what you've done
git push

# if a project created in vs code and then need to be pushed to github
git push --set-upstream master

# Troubleshooting

# add Private key to ssh agent using PS
ssh-add C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/
# or make sure you are in c:/oserdyuk and run
ssh-add .\.ssh\id_rsa

#if error: Error loading key "C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/": invalid format
# you can either overrite key in a right format: (it changes email to oserdyuk@oserdyuk-vm - not sure why)
ssh-keygen -f C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/   # click Enter to ignore password

git clone

# to remove keys from SSH agent
ssh-add -D

# service OpenSSH Authentification Agent. Make sure it's running.
# start service in powershell
Start-Service -Name "OpenSSH Authentication Agent"
# check if it started
Get-Service ssh-agent

# start the ssh-agent in the background
eval "$(ssh-agent)"

echo "$(ssh-agent)"

# check whether agent is running or not (GIT)
if ps -p $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null
   echo "ssh-agent is already running"
   # Do something knowing the pid exists, i.e. the process with $PID is running
eval `ssh-agent -s`

# list all keys that are present in the agent PS or GIT
ssh-add -l

# overwrite the key. Just please enter (to ignore password)
 ssh-keygen -f C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/

ssh-add -L # copy the key, place it into GitHub. Worked

ssh-add "C:/Users/oserdyuk/.ssh/"  -- Error loading key. Invalid format

ssh-add ~/.ssh my_id_rsa
# make sure the module is installed:
Install-Module -Name ReportingServicesTools

# add computername to trusted hosts list to be able to connect remotely
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "POWERBI"

# view content of the folder
$reportServerUri = ''
$folderName = "/AFH/Align General/Programs"
Get-RsFolderContent -ReportServerUri $reportServerUri -RsFolder $folderName | Format-Table -AutoSize

# Return existing data source information for "GrossBudget" report. If multiple datasources uses for queries - it will return all of them. 
$ReportPortalUri = ""
Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem "/AFH/GrossBudget" -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri

# Get connection string info for "Construction - AY Loss Ratios" report
$ReportPortalUri = ""
Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem "/AFH/Align General/Programs/Construction - AY Loss Ratios" -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri

#----------Change connection string username and passwork in PowerBI reports-------------------

# connect remotely to POWERBI server
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName POWERBI -Credential ssrsserviceaccount
# specify parameters
$ReportPortalUri = ""
$ReportName = '/AFH/Catalytic/Underwriter Reports/Underwriter Production'
$Username = 'catalyticSSRS'
$Password = 'RND1101!'
$ServerName = ''
# grab parameters that are currently exists in a report
$parameters = Get-RsRestItemDataModelParameters $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri
# Map to a dictionary to access the parameter values.
$parameterdictionary = @{}
foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { $parameterdictionary.Add($parameter.Name, $parameter); }
# change parameter value. "ServerName" or "datasource" whatever the name of the parameter in PowerBI
$parameterdictionary[“ServerName”].Value = $ServerName
# update parameters that are currentl in a report
Set-RsRestItemDataModelParameters -RsItem $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri -DataModelParameters $parameters
# print what changed
# set authentification mode, username and password
$dataSources = Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri
$dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.AuthType = 'UsernamePassword' # UsernamePassword should be used when specifying SQL or Basic Credentials
$dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.Username = $Username
$dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.Secret = $Password
Set-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem $ReportName -RsItemType PowerBIReport -DataSources $datasources
Get-Content "\\fs01\Align\Public\OLEGSQLSWITCH\Servers.txt" |
          if(Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -quiet){
               "$_ Up"
               "$_ Down"

Sat Nov 18 2023 22:30:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#powershell #ping

Tue Jun 21 2022 23:59:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#powershell #ping

Tue May 24 2022 20:02:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#powershell #ping

Wed Nov 03 2021 21:37:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#powershell #ping

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