# Imports
import os
import sys
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from monai.transforms import LoadImage
from openvino.inference_engine import IECore
from models.custom_segmentation import SegmentationModel
from notebook_utils import benchmark_model, download_file, show_live_inference
# Settings
# The directory that contains the IR model (xml and bin) files
MODEL_PATH = "pretrained_model/quantized_unet_kits19.xml"
# Uncomment the next line to use the FP16 model instead of the quantized model
# MODEL_PATH = "pretrained_model/unet_kits19.xml"
# Benchmark Model Performance
ie = IECore()
# By default, benchmark on MULTI:CPU,GPU if a GPU is available, otherwise on CPU.
device = "MULTI:CPU,GPU" if "GPU" in ie.available_devices else "CPU"
# Uncomment one of the options below to benchmark on other devices
# device = "GPU"
# device = "CPU"
# device = "AUTO"
# Benchmark model
benchmark_model(model_path=MODEL_PATH, device=device, seconds=15)
# Download and Prepare Data
# Directory that contains the CT scan data. This directory should contain subdirectories
# case_00XXX where XXX is between 000 and 299
BASEDIR = Path("kits19_frames_1")
# The CT scan case number. For example: 16 for data from the case_00016 directory
# Currently only 117 is supported
CASE = 117
case_path = BASEDIR / f"case_{CASE:05d}"
if not case_path.exists():
filename = download_file(
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref:
os.remove(filename) # remove zipfile
print(f"Downloaded and extracted data for case_{CASE:05d}")
print(f"Data for case_{CASE:05d} exists")
# Load Model and List of Image Files
ie = IECore()
segmentation_model = SegmentationModel(
ie=ie, model_path=Path(MODEL_PATH), sigmoid=True, rotate_and_flip=True
image_paths = sorted(case_path.glob("imaging_frames/*jpg"))
print(f"{case_path.name}, {len(image_paths)} images")
# Show Inference
# Possible options for device include "CPU", "GPU", "AUTO", "MULTI"
device = "MULTI:CPU,GPU" if "GPU" in ie.available_devices else "CPU"
reader = LoadImage(image_only=True, dtype=np.uint8)
ie=ie, image_paths=image_paths, model=segmentation_model, device=device, reader=reader