Snippets Collections
db.usuarios.updateMany({$and:[{NombreOrganizacion:"TERPEL"},{CorreoNotificacion:null},{Activo:true}]},{$push:{Permisos:{$each:[{idPermiso:"6433e7a2e437798be6e26be8",NombrePermiso:"EMITIR BATCH TARJETA PAGO"}]}}})
use personal-website;

    "description": "This was my first major programming project that I ever saw through from start to finish. It's an emulator I wrote during the sophomore year of my undergrad. This was done so I could have a better understanding of emulation and basic hardware principles. Looking back now, it really lacks some understanding of useful C++ features and proper formatting, as well as typical C++ programming style. Regardless, I found it to be a very informative project that I learned quite a lot from.",
    "title": "SDL-CHIP8",
    "url": ""
    "description": "Notflix was an application that I made for a class in my Master's to demonstrate my ability to create an application to consume an API using ASP.NET MVC. What it does is utilize a movie database API to give random movie suggestions over different genres. I thought my result at the end looked quite nice, given some of the constraints I dealt with in the original assignment.",
    "title": "Notflix",
    "url": ""
    "description": "This was an application I made for EarthX Hack 2020. It was inspired by the toilet paper shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. The idea for this app is to list goods that you have, that you wish to trade for other goods. It would allow people to accept a trade offer and a meeting location to exchange items, and cut down on over-consumption in the face of scarcity.",
    "title": "Green Trade",
    "url": ""
    "description": "Orpheus was my first attempt writing a GUI application with conventional tooling for Windows. It is a relatively lightweight C# music player application that manages its library based on a JSON file. I think the application works decently for the short amount of time I had to learn .NET beforehand, but that the theming component of the application, as well as some more advanced functionality, could be further enhanced. Perhaps I'll tackle a similar type of project in the future once Microsoft finishes their rollout of .NET MAUI.",
    "title": "Orpheus",
    "url": ""
    "description": "This was a project I did for TAMUhack 2021 at the beginning of the year. This was my first attempt at a mobile app, and it used React Native, React Native Elements, and JavaScript for the frontend, and Node/Express/Sequelize/TypeScript on the backend, with a database managed with Docker. This was an interesting app, because it made use of barcode scanning to manage some gamification elements.",
    "title": "GOTcha",
    "url": ""
    "description": "This project is a chat application that I made to allow for privately-hosted servers. It uses Material UI/React/Redux/TypeScript on the frontend, and Node/Express/Sequelize/TypeScript on the backend with a PostgreSQL database managed with Docker.",
    "title": "Trueno",
    "url": ""
    "description": "This was a hackathon project I did with some friends for Hack-O-Lantern 2021. It's a Course Management Website that supports class creation, registration, and (some) file submission. It was a lot of fun to work on and shows some promise!",
    "title": "Class++",
    "url": ""
Grab up to 30% off on our blockchain fork development Services limited time Offer ends in November 25.

For the development of many business sectors, blockchain forks are essential. However, depending on the position, the process requires the use of technology. This is why we're going to look at some of the ways that cryptocurrencies can be developed, including forking existing blockchains to create new ones.

Hivelance, a leading blockchain fork development company, creates a customizable Blockchain Fork Development on various blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Tron, and Binance Smart Chain (BSC), allowing innovators to launch their businesses faster.

visit our site for know more-
Black Friday sale : Grab up to 30% off on our NFT Token development Services limited time Offer ends in November 25.

Hivelance is a reputable NFT Token development business that works with clients from all over the world and across many industry sectors. We have developed secure, efficient, and revenue-generating NFT development solutions. Hivelance is a leading NFT token development company that offering a  top-notch innovative NFT token development solutions for various businesses across multiple industries. Being the best token development company we create and launch the different types of tokens according to the client’s requirement. We make engaging non-fungible token with transparency, high-end security, and faster delivery.

visit our website for more info-
Grab up to 30% off on our ERC20 Token development Services limited time Offer ends in November 25.

The ERC20 Token contract is the smart contract code logic that executes the fungible token activity. When a contract is put into practise on Ethereum, it can be exchanged for any tokens with a similar value. The ERC20 token standard is used for crypto staking, voting, and the exchange of digital cash as a result. Anyone can generate ERC20 tokens and import them into Ethereum virtual machines.

Hivelance provides ERC20 token development service.  We offer an alot of options as part of our ERC20 Token development package, such as code generation, logo design, an audit of the ERC token contract, deployment to the EVM, ongoing development, security audits at regular intervals, and more. We have supported various ICO projects and helped them scale up their fundraising efforts.
  { attach_pdf: { $regex: /.*564\..*/ } },
    $set: { attach_pdf: {
      $replaceOne: { input: "$attach_pdf", find: "564. Luxacion de muñeca.docx", replacement: "564. Luxacion de muneca.docx" }
  function(myDoc) { 
    if (myDoc.comment){
        { "_id": myDoc._id },
        { "$set": { "comment": myDoc.comment.trim() } }
String.prototype.interpolate = function(params) {
  const names = Object.keys(params);
  const vals = Object.values(params);
  return new Function(...names, `return \`${this}\`;`)(...vals);

const template = 'Example text: ${text}';
const result = template.interpolate({
  text: 'Foo Boo'
    {"$group" : { "_id": "$transactionNo", "count": { "$sum": 1 }, "ids":{"$push":"$_id"} } },
    {"$match": {"_id" :{ "$ne" : null } , "count" : {"$gt": 1} } }
db.getCollection('AccountSummary').createIndex({txDate: NumberInt(1)});
  {$unwind: "$bars"},
  {$lookup: {
    localField: "bars",
    foreignField: "_id",
    as: "bar"

   {$match: {
    "bar.testprop": true

Tue Jul 30 2024 19:55:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#mongoshell #sql #mongo

Fri Jun 23 2023 17:59:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Tue May 02 2023 01:53:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#mongoshell #mongodb #mongocli #mongo

Sat Dec 03 2022 10:37:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#react.js #nodejs #mongoshell #jquery

Tue Nov 22 2022 11:39:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#b2b #c++ #css #react.js #javascript #mongoshell #mysql #crypto #nft #blockchainfork development

Tue Nov 22 2022 11:38:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#b2b #c++ #css #react.js #javascript #mongoshell #mysql #crypto #nft #nfttoken

Tue Nov 22 2022 11:36:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#erc20 #b2b #c++ #css #react.js #javascript #mongoshell #mysql #crypto

Fri Jun 10 2022 16:55:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Fri Jun 10 2022 16:55:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Wed Jun 16 2021 15:36:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Mon Jan 11 2021 06:22:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#typescript #mongoshell

Mon Nov 02 2020 13:14:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Wed Aug 19 2020 06:27:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Thu May 21 2020 18:26:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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