.partition() (picking up piece of string between separators)


Mon Jun 28 2021 17:17:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Quinn #textpreprocessing #nlp #py

# picking up piece of string between separators
# function using partition, like partition, but drops the separators
def between(left,right,s):
    before,_,a = s.partition(left)
    a,_,after = a.partition(right)
    return before,a,after

s = "bla bla blaa <a>data</a> lsdjfasdjöf (important notice) 'Daniweb forum' tcha tcha tchaa"
print between('<a>','</a>',s)
print between('(',')',s)
print between("'","'",s)

""" Output:
('bla bla blaa ', 'data', " lsdjfasdj\xc3\xb6f (important notice) 'Daniweb forum' tcha tcha tchaa")
('bla bla blaa <a>data</a> lsdjfasdj\xc3\xb6f ', 'important notice', " 'Daniweb forum' tcha tcha tchaa")
('bla bla blaa <a>data</a> lsdjfasdj\xc3\xb6f (important notice) ', 'Daniweb forum', ' tcha tcha tchaa')

(picking up piece of string between separators)
