regexp_replace to remove special characters
Mon Mar 21 2022 02:42:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @Bambibo9799
Syntax: REGEXP_REPLACE(source, pattern, replacement_string, [, flags]) select *, regexp_replace(t1, '[[:digit:]]+', '','g'),--remove all number in t1 regexp_replace(t2, '[[:alpha:]]+', '','g')as t3-- remove all alpahbets in t2 from ( select *, regexp_replace(name, '[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '','g')as t1 -- remove all special lcharacter ,regexp_replace(number, '[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '','g') as t2 --remove all special character from remove_specialcharacter_csv as rsc ) tt regexp_replace(t1, '\D', '','g')as t3, -- remove all letter in t1 regexp_replace(t2, '\d', '','g')as t5-- remove all number in t2 \d matches any digit, like [[:digit:]] -- nomor 1-9 \s matches any whitespace character, like [[:space:]] \w matches any word character, like [[:word:]] \D matches any non-digit, like [^[:digit:]] --- bukan nomor \S matches any non-whitespace character, like [^[:space:]] \W matches any non-word character, like [^[:word:]] ^ matches at the beginning of the string $ matches at the end of the string we have used Regular Expression in PostgreSQL using the TILDE (~) operator and the wildcard ‘.*’. the expression can be implemented as “^.*$”. SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[A-Z].*$’ --A 1 UPPERCASE STRING SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[0–9].*$’ --0 1 NUMBER SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[A-Z] [A-Z].*$’ -- 2 UPPERCASE STRING OR SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[A-Z] {2}.*$’ -- 2 UPPERCASE STRING SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[0–9]{2}.*$’ --2 NUMBER SELECT * FROM GreaterManchesterCrime WHERE CrimeID ~ ‘^[A-Z][0–9].*$’ -- 1 UPPERCASE 1 NUMBER [A-Z][A-Z]\d\d = 2 UPPERCASE LETTER AND 2 DIGIT STRING meaning only 2 UPPER followed by 2 digit can show up SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ABC12345xyz', '[[:alpha:]]', '', 'g'); -- menghilangkan string SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ABC12345xyz', '\D', '', 'g'); -- menghilangkan string SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ABC12345xyz', '[[:digit:]]', '', 'g'); -- menghilangkan number SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ABC12345xyz', '\d', '', 'g'); -- menghilangkan number select regexp_replace(replace('dadjkasdkjad21312....','.',''),'[a-z]','','g')