date function in postgresql
Mon Mar 28 2022 06:48:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @Bambibo9799
----------------------- select date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '1 month' - interval '1 day' --Which means: truncate the current date to the first day of the month, then go back 1 month and one day. SELECT justify_days(INTERVAL '30 days'), justify_hours(INTERVAL '24 hours'); SELECT justify_interval(interval '1 year -1 hour'); --find which weekof month TO_CHAR( registration_date , 'W' )::integer as weekofmonth extract to_char as INT/String --find hour in date date_part('hour', order_time) as hour_ordered date_part('dow',registration_date) as dayofweek -- extract date_part as INT --- extract(dow from order_time) as dayofweek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --if we want to use date in one column, our row in column value cannot contain string, we can use the option nullif(column name, 'string') to replace string into NULL PARSING DATE DATE change text value to date column, but the string has to be in digit only date('monday, june 10th 2014') = error because DATE only expect STRING IN DIGIT(0-9) NOT A-Z --so we can use TO_date(date_String, format_string) = date value --The first argument is the string that you want to convert to a date. -- The second one is the input format. The TO_DATE() function returns a date value. to_Date('monday, june 10th 2014', 'Day, mm , yyyy') = DATE value SELECT TO_DATE('20170103','YYYYMMDD') > 2017-01-03 SELECT TO_DATE('2017 Feb 20','YYYY Mon DD'); > 2017-02-20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO_CHAR(expression, format) (1)The expression can be a timestamp, an interval, an integer, a double precision, or a numeric value that is converted to a string according to a specific format. > so its a DIGIT (2) pattern like MM YY DD SELECT TO_CHAR(NOW() :: DATE, 'dd/mm/yyyy'); > 23/06/2016 SELECT TO_CHAR(NOW() :: DATE, 'Mon dd, yyyy'); > Jun 23, 2016 SELECT TO_CHAR( TIMESTAMP '2017-08-18 22:30:59', 'HH24:MI:SS'); > 22:30:59 EXTRACT (YEAR FROM birth_date) AS YEAR, EXTRACT (MONTH FROM birth_date) AS MONTH, EXTRACT (DAY FROM birth_date) AS DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- now() - hire_date as diff > get interval between two date data ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE_PART(field,source) --almost the same as extract, we getting the one value in our date SELECT date_part('year',TIMESTAMP '2017-01-01'); > 2017 SELECT date_part('dow',TIMESTAMP '2017-03-18 10:20:30') dow, date_part('doy',TIMESTAMP '2017-03-18 10:20:30') doy; dow | doy -----+----- 6 | 77 ------------------------------------- date_trunc('datepart', field) --trunc a specific date into a precision time SELECT DATE_TRUNC('hour', TIMESTAMP '2017-03-17 02:09:30'); > 2017-03-17 02:00:00 SELECT date_trunc('minute', TIMESTAMP '2017-03-17 02:09:30'); > 2017-03-17 02:09:00