Hobby Selector Using Python CustomTkinter


Fri Jul 28 2023 11:41:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @pythonHub #python #python-hub #ctk #oop

# Create a custom application class "Hobbies" that inherits from CTk (Custom Tkinter)
class Hobbies(CTk):
    # Constructor of the class
    def __init__(self):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class (CTk) using super()
        # Create a label to display "Select your hobbies"
        self.display_label = CTkLabel(self, text="Select your hobbies")
        self.display_label.pack(padx=10, pady=10)

        # Create a frame to hold the checkboxes
        self.frame =CTkFrame(self)
        self.frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10)

        # Create a StringVar to store the value of the first hobby (initially empty)
        self.hobby1 = StringVar()
        # Create a CTkCheckBox for "Coding"
        # When the checkbox is toggled, the self.hobby() method will be called
        # The checkbox's variable is self.hobby1, and its values are "Coding" (checked) and "" (unchecked)
        self.hobby1_cb = CTkCheckBox(self.frame, text="Coding", command=self.hobby,
                                            variable=self.hobby1, onvalue="Coding", offvalue="")
        self.hobby1_cb.grid(row=0, padx=10, pady=10)

        # Create a StringVar to store the value of the second hobby (initially empty)
        self.hobby2 = StringVar()
        # Create a CTkCheckBox for "Cricket"
        # When the checkbox is toggled, the self.hobby() method will be called
        # The checkbox's variable is self.hobby2, and its values are "Cricket" (checked) and "" (unchecked)
        self.hobby2_cb = CTkCheckBox(self.frame, text="Cricket", command=self.hobby,
                                            variable=self.hobby2, onvalue="Cricket", offvalue="")
        self.hobby2_cb.grid(row=1, padx=10, pady=10)

        # Create a StringVar to store the value of the third hobby (initially empty)
        self.hobby3 = StringVar()
        # Create a CTkCheckBox for "Drawing"
        # When the checkbox is toggled, the self.hobby() method will be called
        # The checkbox's variable is self.hobby3, and its values are "Drawing" (checked) and "" (unchecked)
        self.hobby3_cb = CTkCheckBox(self.frame, text="Drawing", command=self.hobby,
                                            variable=self.hobby3, onvalue="Drawing", offvalue="")
        self.hobby3_cb.grid(row=2, padx=10, pady=10)

        # Create a label to display the selected hobbies
        self.label= CTkLabel(self.frame, text="")

    # Method to handle the checkbox toggle event
    def hobby(self):
        # Destroy the existing label to clear its contents

        # Create a new label to display the selected hobbies
        self.label = CTkLabel(self.frame, text=f"{self.hobby1.get()} {self.hobby2.get()} {self.hobby3.get()}")

# Create an instance of the custom application class "Hobbies"
app = Hobbies()
# Start the main event loop of the application