# Import art & game data
from art import logo, vs
from game_data import data
import random
# from replit import clear
import os # use system clear to clear screen
# Linux version
clear = lambda: os.system('clear')
# Windows version
# clear = lambda: os.system('cls')
def new_high_low():
Generate unique new item(s) to compare
compare["A"] = compare["C"]
compare["B"] = random.choice(data)
# Ensure the values are NOT the same!
while compare["B"] == compare["A"]:
compare["B"] = random.choice(data)
def display_compare():
Function to display comparisons, collect and return choice
vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"]
if score:
print(f"You're right! Current score: {score}.")
print(f"Compare A: {compare['A']['name']}, a{'n' if compare['A']['description'][0].lower() in vowels else ''} {compare['A']['description']}, {compare['A']['country']}")
print(f"Against B: {compare['B']['name']}, a{'n' if compare['B']['description'][0].lower() in vowels else ''} {compare['B']['description']}, {compare['B']['country']}")
choice = input("\nWho has more followers? Type 'A' or 'B': ").upper()
if choice == "A":
return "A","B"
return "B","A"
def higher_lower(answer):
Return True/False whether answer correct and, if True, capture answer
if compare[answer[0]]["follower_count"] > compare[answer[1]]["follower_count"]:
compare["C"] = compare[answer[0]]
return True
return False
#Initialise Dictionary to hold values for comparison
compare = {}
compare["C"] = random.choice(data)
# Start game here...
play_again = True
while play_again:
score = 0
end_game = False
while not end_game:
if higher_lower(display_compare()):
score += 1
end_game = True
if input(f"Sorry, that's wrong. Final score: {score}.\nGame over. Play again? Type 'y' or 'n': ").lower() == 'n':
play_again = False