Sync with rsync


Wed Aug 04 2021 16:56:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @dphillips #server #sync #copy

# Do not forget the trailing dash in the source and target destinaton paths!

# Synchronize current directory to server
rsync -avPh --stats --delete ./ HOST:REMOTE_PATH/
# Synchronize a local directory to server
rsync -avPh --stats --delete LOCAL_PATH/ HOST:REMOTE_PATH/
# Sync remote server with local path
rsync -avPh --stats --delete HOST:REMOTE_PATH LOCAL_PATH

# Ignoring tables and files larger than...
rsync -avPh --no-perms --progress  --max-size=1.5m --exclude=_processed_ --exclude=_temp_ --delete HOST:REMOTE_PATH LOCAL_PATH

-a : archive -r : recursive -l: copy symlinks -p: keep permissions -t: keep file times -g: keep group permissions -o: keep owner permissions -D: keep device information (only as root) -v: verbose -n: dry-run --delete: remove files not present in source --stats: show transfer stats Do not forget the trailing dash in the source and target destinaton paths!