Snippets Collections
class Tree(object):
  def __init__(self, x, left=None, right=None):
    self.value = x
    self.left = left
    self.right = right 

x = Tree(1, Tree(0, Tree(1), Tree(3)), Tree(4))

def solution(t): 
    if not t: 
        return 0 
    stack = [(t, 0)]
    branchesSum = 0 
    while stack: 
        node, v = stack.pop() 
        if node.left or node.right:
        #depth first search 
        # the v is a little confusing to understand but easier to see in python tutor 
        # it goes from 1 to 10 to 100 etc. based on the height of the branch 
        # can probably do something like str() and converting back to int() as well 
            if node.left: 
                stack.append((node.left, node.value + v * 10)) 
            if node.right: 
                stack.append((node.right, node.value + v * 10)) 
            branchesSum += node.value + v * 10 
    return branchesSum 
# Binary trees are already defined with this interface:
# class Tree(object):
#   def __init__(self, x):
#     self.value = x
#     self.left = None
#     self.right = None
import math 
def solution(t):
    if t is None: return [] 
    stack = [t] 
    result = []
    while len(stack) > 0: 
        result.append(max(tree.value for tree in stack)) 
        next_row = [tree.left for tree in stack if tree.left] + [tree.right for tree in stack if tree.right]
        stack = next_row 
    return result 

 #1. Add max value of ‘stack’ to result. 2. Create a new list of all next values for each value in stack. 3. redefine stack to this newly made list. 4. repeat 

#alternate solution 
def solution(t):
    largestValues = []
    q = []
    height = 0
    if t:
        q.append([t, height])
        while q:
            item = q.pop()
            node = item[0]
            currentHeight = item[1]
            if node.left:
                q.insert(0, [node.left, currentHeight + 1] )
            if node.right:
                q.insert(0, [node.right, currentHeight + 1])
            checkLargest(node.value, currentHeight, largestValues)
    return largestValues
def checkLargest(value, height, largestValues):
    if height == len(largestValues):
        if largestValues[height] < value:
            largestValues[height] = value
class CircularQueue:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.head = 0
        self.tail = 0
        self.buffer = [None] * size
        self.length = 0

    def enqueue(self, value):
        self.length += 1
        self.buffer[self.tail] = value
        self.tail += 1
        if self.tail >= self.size:
            self.tail = 0

    def dequeue(self):
        self.length -= 1
        value = self.buffer[self.head]
        self.head += 1
        if self.head >= self.size:
            self.head = 0
        return value
# //Tree Traversal (visit every node once) 
# //Heavy on recursion 
# //Breadth-first (BFS) vs. Depth-first (DFS) 
# // DFS: 
# // 1) in order (go in order of value)
# // 2) pre order (start at root)
# // 3) post order (start at botom)
# //When to use BFS vs. DFS: 
# //For a fully loaded (wide) tree, BFS queue will be overloaded in the start (overloaded space complexity)
# //For a longer tree, DFS will take more memory (more rare, Trees are usually wide)
# //Big O for both is same 
# //In order: useful if you want sorted array at end (you don't really know what the root is bc it's in the middle)
# //PreOrder: useful to "export a tree" so that it can be copied bc it flattens it 

class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value): 
    self.value = value 
    self.left = None 
    self.right = None 
class BinarySearchTree: 
  def __init__(self): 
    self.root = None 
  #adds number to correct place 
  def insert(self, value): 
    #creates new Node   
    new_node = Node(value) 
    #start at root 
    #if no root exists, root becomes new_node 
    if self.root == None: 
      self.root = new_node 
      return self 
    current = self.root 
    while True: 
      #to handle special case where value is same as current node 
      #you can return None or you can add a counter property 
      if value == current.value: 
        return None 
      #check to see if value is less than current 
      if value < current.value: 
        #check to see if there is node to left 
        #if not, add new_node to left 
        if current.left == None: 
          current.left = new_node 
          return self
        #if there is node to left, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.left 
      #check to see if value is greater than current 
        #check to see if there is node to right 
        #if not, add new_node to right 
        if current.right == None: 
          current.right = new_node 
          return self 
        #if there is node to right, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.right 
  #Breadth first search iterative using queue 
  def BFS(self):
    node = self.root 
    #we will return data 
    data = [] 
    queue = [] 
    #place root node inside queue (recall FIFO)
    #while queue is not empty 
    while len(queue) > 0: 
      #dequeue node from queue and append to data  
      node = queue.pop(0)
      #if there is left on node dequeued, add to queue 
      if node.left: 
      #if there is right on node dequeued, add to queue 
      if node.right: 
      #above two lines of code could be changed if it was a ternary tree, etc. instead of binary 
      #just loop for all children 
    return data 
  #parent down uses recursive 
  def DFSPreoder(self): 
    data = [] 
    #if you want to DFS not from root, create a variable here named current and specify which node to start from 
    #helper function 
    def traverse(node): 
      #all of root node's left will happen first, then right 
      #for other types of DFS, just tweak this order 
      if node.left:
      if node.right: 
    return data 
  #children up, root should be last value 
  def DFSPostOrder(self): 
    data = []
    def traverse(node): 
      if node.left:
      if node.right: 
    return data 
  #result data list should be sorted 
  def DFSInOrder(self):
    data = []
    def traverse(node): 
      if node.left: 
      if node.right: 
    return data 

t = BinarySearchTree() 

//Useful for background tasks, uploading resources, print/task 
//Can be impleneted with array (use push/shift or unshift/pop) or queue class 
//Again any time you use shift/unshift, you have O(N)

class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value, next=None): 
    self.value = value = next 
class Queue: 
  def __init__(self, first=None, last=None, size=0): 
    self.first = first 
    self.last = last 
    self.size = size 
  #add to end of queue (similar to append or push) and returns size 
  def enqueue(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value) 
    if self.first == None: 
      self.first = new_node 
      self.last = new_node 
    else: = new_node
      self.last = new_node 
    self.size += 1
    return self.size 
  #remove from beginning of queue 
  def dequeue(self): 
    if self.first == None: 
      return None 
    temp = self.first 
    if self.first == self.last: 
      self.last = None 
    #set 1st property to be original first's next 
    self.first = 
    self.size -= 1 
    return temp.value 
  #useful to visualize any other function works 
  def print_queue_to_list(self): 
    result = []
    current = self.first 
    while current: 
      current = 

s = Queue() 
s.print_queue_to_list() >> [1, 2, 3]
s.print_queue_to_list() >> [2, 3]

// Big O: 
// Insertion and Removal: O(1) **this is mainly what stacks are good for 
// Access and Search: O(N) 
//Recall with array implenetation, insertion and removal is not constant 
# //Used in call stack, undo/redo, routing 
# //Array implenentation (just use pop/push or shift/unshift) 
# //Recall that pop/push is more efficient than shift/unshift 
# //Indexes take up memory so linked list implenetation will be better 
# //Single linked implenetation of stack:

class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value, next=None): 
    self.value = value = next 

class Stack: 
  def __init__(self, first=None, last=None, size=0): 
    self.first = first
    self.last = last 
    self.size = size 
  #Similar to shift or insert(0, value). Adds to stack and returns size. Recall stack is LIFO  
  def push(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value) 
    if self.first == None: 
      self.first = new_node 
      self.last = new_node 
      #stores current 1st property on stack 
      temp = self.first 
      #reset 1st property to be newly created one 
      self.first = new_node 
      #set new next property = temp 
    #increment stack 
    self.size += 1  
    return self.size 
  #in python, this would be pop(0). Similar to unshift. Removes first element on stack  
  def pop(self): 
    #special case if stakc is empty 
    if self.first == None: 
      return None 
    temp = self.first 
    #if there is only 1 node, set 1st node and last property to be None 
    if self.first == self.last: 
      self.last = None
      #self.first = None will be set in next line 
    #for all scenarios except empty stack 
    self.first = 
    self.size -= 1 
    return temp.value 
    #useful to visualize reverse() or any other function works 
  def print_stack_to_list(self): 
    result = []
    current = self.first 
    while current: 
      current = 

s = Stack() 
s.print_stack_to_list() # [3, 2, 1]
s.print_stack_to_list() #[2, 1]

# //these methods deal with 1st node bc thats what stacks do (LIFO) 
# // Big O: 
# // Insertion and Removal: O(1) **this is mainly what stacks are good for 
# // Access and Search: O(N) 
# //almost identical to doubly linked list but 
# //every node has another pointer to previous node 
# //Advantages: able to access list at end instead of going from start 
# //Disadvantages: takes up more memory 

class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value, next=None, previous=None): 
    self.value = value = next 
    self.previous = previous 

class DoublyLinkedList:
  def __init__(self, head=None, tail=None, length=0):
    self.head = head 
    self.tail = tail 
    self.length = length 

  #add to end of list 
  def append(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value)
    #if there is no head (list is empty), set head and tail to be new_node 
    if self.head == None: 
      self.head = new_node 
      self.tail = new_node
    #otheriwse, set next property on tail to be new node and set tail to be newly created node 
    else: = new_node 
      new_node.previous = self.tail 
      self.tail = new_node 
    #increment length and return 
    self.length += 1 
    return self 
  #removes last element of list 
   def pop(self): 
    if self.head == None: 
      return None 
    #current will eventually be the last elemeent and will be removed 
    current = self.head 
    #variable right before end 
    new_tail = current 
    #while loop to traverse to end 
      new_tail = current 
      current = 
    #sets new tail 
    self.tail = new_tail 
    #cuts off old tail and current previous property = None 
    current.previous = None 
    #decrement list 
    self.length -= 1 
    #to account when list will be destroyed 
    if self.length == 0: 
      self.head = None
      self.tail = None 
    return current 
  #removes elememnt at head. Note in python, shift doesn't exist, it would be .pop(0) or you can use remove which is defined later
  def shift(self): 
    if self.head == None: 
      return None 
    #current_head will be removed and returned 
    current_head = self.head 
    self.head = 
    #severs new self.head previous property
    self.head.previous = None 
    self.length -= 1 
    #to account when list will be destroyed 
    if self.length == 0: 
      self.tail = None 
    #severs current_head. Note previous is already set to None = None 
    return current_head 

  #adds to start of list and replaces head. I included shift/unshift because this is what makes linked list special in terms of reducing big O 
  def unshift(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value)
    #edge case to account if list is originally empty 
    if self.head == None: 
      self.head = new_node 
      self.tail = self.head 
      temp = self.head 
      self.head = new_node = temp 
      temp.previous = self.head 
    self.length += 1 
  #travels to node at index and returns node 
  def traverse(self, index): 
    if index < 0 or index >= self.length: 
      raise IndexError('index out of range')
    counter = 0 
    current = self.head 
    #since this is doubly linked list, you can also approach from tail and go backwards 
    while counter != index: 
      current = 
      counter += 1 
    return current 
  #travels to node at index and returns node's value 
  def get(self, index): 
    #to accomodate normal python function, where if you give index = -1 in a get(), it will return last index and so on 
    if index < 0: 
      index = self.length + index 
    node = self.traverse(index)
    return node.value 
  #replaces value at index 
  def set(self, index, value): 
    found_node = self.traverse(index) 
    if found_node: 
      found_node.value = value
      return True 
      return False 
  #insert value at index and adds 1 to length, returns boolean if successful 
  def insert(self, index, value): 
    if index < 0 or index > self.length: 
      raise IndexError('index out of range')
    if index == self.length: 
      #not not is similar to !! in javascript and it's so it returns a boolean if successful 
      return not not self.append(value)
    if index == 0: 
      return not not self.unshift(value) 
      new_node = Node(value) 
      previous_node = self.traverse(index - 1) 
      after_node = 
      #creating relations before new_node = new_node 
      new_node.previous = previous_node 
      #creating relations after new_node = after_node 
      after_node.previous = new_node 
      #increment length
      self.length += 1 
      return self 
  def remove(self, index): 
    if index < 0 or index > self.length: 
      return indexError('index out of range') 
    if index == self.length - 1: 
      return self.pop()
    if index == 0: 
      return self.shift() 
      #need to get previous node and after node to create relationships 
      previous_node = self.traverse(index - 1) 
      #removed_node will be removed and returned  
      removed_node = 
      after_node = 
      #unlink removed_node = 
      after_node.previous = previous_node 
      #sever removed_node next = None 
      removed_node.previous = None 
      self.length -= 1 
      return removed_node 
 #common interview question 
  def reverse(self): 
    #switching head and tail 
    current = self.head 
    self.head = self.tail 
    self.tail = current 
    next, previous = None, None 
    #to show for loop is possible in LL. Could use while loop as well 
    for i in range(0, self.length): 
      #think of this as creating the block 
      next = = previous #initially None 
      current.previous = next
      #think of this as connecting head/previous to the block 
      previous = current 
      current = next 
    return self 

# # // [100. 201, 250, 350, 999]
# # // first part 
# # // NODE  NEXT 
# # // 100 -> null 
# # // second part (for loop and beyond) 
# # // PREV  NODE  NEXT 
# # // line 154( prev = current; ) specifically: 
# # // 201 -> 100  -> null 
# # // line 155 (current = next;): 
# # //        PREV  NODE  NEXT 
# # // 250 -> 201 -> 100 
  #useful to visualize reverse() or any other function works 
  def print_linkedlist_to_list(self): 
    result = []
    current = self.head 
    while current: 
      current = 

# l = DoublyLinkedList() 
# l.append(1) 
# l.append(2)
# l.pop()
# l.shift()
# l.unshift(3)
# l.append(4) 
# l.traverse(0)
# l.get(-2)
# l.set(2, 7)
# l.insert(0, 99)
# l.remove(2)
# l.print_linkedlist_to_list()
# l.reverse() 
# l.print_linkedlist_to_list()

# y = l.length
# print(y)

# // Insertion: 
# // O(1) 
# // Removal: recall in SL it depends 
# // O(1)
# // Searching: 
# // O(N) but optimized bc you can start from head or tail (but more memory)
# // Access: 
# // Same as searching 
class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value, next=None): 
    self.value = value = next 

class SinglyLinkedList:
  def __init__(self, head=None, tail=None, length=0):
    self.head = head 
    self.tail = tail 
    self.length = length 

  #add to end of list 
  def append(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value)
    #if there is no head (list is empty), set head and tail to be new_node 
    if self.head == None: 
      self.head = new_node 
      self.tail = self.head 
    #otheriwse, set next property on tail to be new node and set tail to be newly created node 
    else: = new_node 
      self.tail =
    #increment length and return 
    self.length += 1 
    return self 
  #removes last element of list 
  def pop(self): 
    if self.head == None: 
      return None 
    #current will eventually be the last elemeent and will be removed 
    current = self.head 
    #variable right before end 
    new_tail = current 
    #while loop to traverse to end 
      new_tail = current 
      current = 
    #sets new tail 
    self.tail = new_tail 
    #cuts off old tail = None 
    #decrement list 
    self.length -= 1 
    #to account when list will be destroyed 
    if self.length == 0: 
      self.head = None
      self.tail = None 
    return current 
  #removes elememnt at head. Note in python, shift doesn't exist, it would be .pop(0) or you can use remove which is defined later
  def shift(self): 
    if self.head == None: 
      return None 
    current_head = self.head 
    self.head = 
    self.length -= 1 
    #to account when list will be destroyed 
    if self.length == 0: 
      self.tail = None 
    return current_head 
  #adds to start of list and replaces head. I included shift/unshift because this is what makes linked list special in terms of reducing big O 
  def unshift(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value)
    #edge case to account if list is originally empty 
    if self.head == None: 
      self.head = new_node 
      self.tail = self.head 
      temp = self.head 
      self.head = new_node = temp 
    self.length += 1 
  #travels to node at index and returns node 
  def traverse(self, index): 
    if index < 0 or index >= self.length: 
      raise IndexError('index out of range')
    counter = 0 
    current = self.head 
    while counter != index: 
      current = 
      counter += 1 
    return current 
  #travels to node at index and returns node's value 
  def get(self, index): 
    #to accomodate normal python function, where if you give index = -1 in a get(), it will return last index and so on 
    if index < 0: 
      index = self.length + index 
    node = self.traverse(index)
    return node.value 
  #replaces value at index 
  def set(self, index, value): 
    found_node = self.traverse(index) 
    if found_node: 
      found_node.value = value
      return True 
      return False 
  #insert value at index and adds 1 to length, returns boolean if successful 
  def insert(self, index, value): 
    if index < 0 or index > self.length: 
      raise IndexError('index out of range')
    if index == self.length: 
      #not not is similar to !! in javascript and it's so it returns a boolean if successful 
      return not not self.append(value)
    if index == 0: 
      return not not self.unshift(value) 
      new_node = Node(value) 
      previous_node = self.traverse(index - 1) 
      temp = 
      #set next property of previous node to be new_node = new_node 
      #set new_node next to be old next of previous 
      #you can also write this as = temp = temp 
      self.length += 1 
      return True 
  def remove(self, index): 
    if index < 0 or index > self.length: 
      return indexError('index out of range') 
    if index == self.length - 1: 
      return self.pop()
    if index == 0: 
      return self.shift() 
      #need to get previous node to create relationships 
      previous_node = self.traverse(index - 1) 
      #removed_node will be removed and returned  
      removed_node = 
      #unlink removed_node = 
      #sever removed_node next = None 
      self.length -= 1 
      return removed_node 
  #common interview question 
  def reverse(self): 
    #switching head and tail 
    current = self.head 
    self.head = self.tail 
    self.tail = current 
    next, previous = None, None 
    #to show for loop is possible in LL. Could use while loop as well 
    for i in range(0, self.length): 
      #think of this as creating the block 
      next = = previous #initially None 
      #think of this as connecting head/previous to the block 
      previous = current 
      current = next 
    return self 

# // [100. 201, 250, 350, 999]
# // first part 
# // NODE  NEXT 
# // 100 -> null 
# // second part (for loop and beyond) 
# // line 154( prev = current; ) specifically: 
# // 201 -> 100  -> null 
# // line 155 (current = next;): 
# //        PREV  NODE  NEXT 
# // 250 -> 201 -> 100 
  #useful to visualize reverse() works 
  def print_linkedlist_to_list(self): 
    result = []
    current = self.head 
    while current: 
      current = 

l = SinglyLinkedList() 
l.set(2, 7)
l.insert(0, 99)

y = l.length

# //Big O: 
# //Insertion: O(1)
# //Removal: depends O(1) if start or O(N) at end 
# //Above 2 are main advantages vs. arrays esp at start 
# //Searching: O(N)
# //Access: O(N) 
# //Recall with array implenetation, insertion and removal is not constant 
# //Lists are linear but trees are nonlinear 
# //Often working with binary trees and specifically binary search trees 
# //SL is techically a special case tree 
# //Root: top node of tree
# //Child: node directly connected to another node when moving away from root 
# //Parent: converse notion of child 
# //Siblings: group of node with same parent 
# //Leaf: node with no children 
# //Edge: connection betweeen one node and another (often arrows) 
# //Used for HTML DOM, network routing, abstract syntax trees, folder organization, AI, best possible move (decision tree)
# //We will focus on binary search tree (can only have at most 2 child nodes)
# //For each node, everything to left is smaller. Right >> bigger

class Node: 
  def __init__(self, value): 
    self.value = value 
    self.left = None 
    self.right = None 

class BinarySearchTree: 
  def __init__(self): 
    self.root = None 

  #adds number to correct place 
  def insert(self, value): 
    #creates new Node   
    new_node = Node(value) 
    #start at root 
    #if no root exists, root becomes new_node 
    if self.root == None: 
      self.root = new_node 
      return self 
    current = self.root 
    while True: 
      #to handle special case where value is same as current node 
      #you can return None or you can add a counter property 
      if value == current.value: 
        return None 
      #check to see if value is less than current 
      if value < current.value: 
        #check to see if there is node to left 
        #if not, add new_node to left 
        if current.left == None: 
          current.left = new_node 
          return self
        #if there is node to left, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.left 
      #check to see if value is greater than current 
        #check to see if there is node to right 
        #if not, add new_node to right 
        if current.right == None: 
          current.right = new_node 
          return self 
        #if there is node to right, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.right 
  #find() returns value while contains() returns boolean 
  #find will point to entire node 
  def find(self, value): 
    #check to see if there is root and if not, we are done! 
    if self.root == None: 
      return False 
    current = self.root 
    found = False 
    while current and not found: 
      #if value is less than current 
      if value < current.value: 
        #check to see if there is node to left 
        #if there is, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.left 
        #if not, we ar edone because current will no longer exist 
      #if value is greater than current 
      elif value > current.value: 
        #check to see if there is node to right 
        #if there is, move to that node and repeat 
        current = current.right 
        #if not, we are done because current will no longer exist 
        found = True 
    if not found:
      return None 
    return current 
  def contains(self, value): 
    if self.root == None: 
      return False 
    current = self.root 
    found = False 
    while current and not found: 
      if value < current.value: 
        current = current.left 
      elif value > current.value: 
        current = current.right 
        return True 
    return False 
t = BinarySearchTree()

# // Insertion and Search: O(log N) VERY GOOD 
# // Not guaranteed if BST is a one sided tree (choose a different root) 
# //      10
# //   5     13
# // 2  7  11  16
# // tree = BinarySearchTree()
# // tree.insert(10)
# // tree.insert(5)
# // tree.insert(13)
# // tree.insert(11)
# // tree.insert(2)
# // tree.insert(16)
# // tree.insert(7)
# // tree.find(7) >> will point to node with 7  
# // tree.contains(6) >> False 
# //Primitive way of making Tree before insert() 
# // tree = BinarySearchTree()
# // tree.root = Node(10)
# // tree.root.right = Node(15)
# // tree.root.left = Node(7)
# // tree.root.left.right = Node(9)


Tue Aug 09 2022 00:00:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

#python #methods #queue #codesignal #first #search #max #depth

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