# Importing assets into the application layout (Asset Tags)
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "your_stylesheet" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "your_javascript" %>
<%= image_tag "happy_cat.jpg" %>
<%# comment %> ?
<%= link_to "Sample Text", whichever_path %>
# With clas
<%= link_to "Sample Text", whichever_path, class: "my-btn" %>
# Passing params
link_to "Edit this post", edit_post_path(3) # don't hardcode 3!
# Or specify more params
post_path(3, :referral_link => "/some/path/or/something")
# Rendering partials
<%= render "user_form" %>
# this will be from a file called _user_form.html.erb in app/views/users
# Passing variables to partials (using the locals "options hash")
<%= render partial: "shared/your_partial", :locals => { :user => user } %>
# Or
<%= render "shared/your_partial", :user => user %>
# If the partial name + the variable name are the same, use this shorthand notation
<%= render user %>
# To change the action of a Turbo Drive link, you can use data attributes inside of your Rails link tags
<%= link_tpo "Edit Post", edit_post_path(@post), data: { turbo_action: "replace" } %>
# This will => <a href="..." data-turbo-action="replace">Edit Article</a>
# Change the HTTP Request Method of a Turbo link
<%= link_to "Delete Post", post_pat(@post), data: { turbo_method: "delete" } %>
# This will => <a href="..." data-turbo-method="delete">Delete Article</a>
# Disable Turbo Drive
<div data-turbo="false"> # Disabled
<%= link_to "foo", "bar" %> # Disabled
<%= link_to "baz", "qux", data: { turbo: "true" } %> # Enabled