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Simple3DGameDX: Fix failing C++/WinRT build. by sauparna · Pull Request #1276 · microsoft/Windows-universal-samples
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Python strftime reference
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Python Pandas iterate over rows and access column names - Stack Overflow
python - Creating dataframe from a dictionary where entries have different lengths - Stack Overflow
python - Deleting DataFrame row in Pandas based on column value - Stack Overflow
python - How to check if a column exists in Pandas - Stack Overflow
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Add GTM to WordPress
Make Image Fill Column Height (Elementor)
Add Sortable ACF Custom Field to Admin Column
Image Stretch for Elementor Columns
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Elementor Skip to Content Link Fix
Disable Gutenberg
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Add @InjectResource JUnit extensions with Maven
Load text with JUnit 5 extension
Load text with JUnit 4 extension
Load binary with JUnit 5 extension
Load binary with JUnit 4 extension
Load properties with JUnit 5 extension
Load properties with JUnit 4 extension
Load JSON with JUnit 5 extension
Load JSON with JUnit 4 extension
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Responsive Typography in CSS | CodyHouse
Break-Out Container
Transicion de height 0 a auto
Animaciones CSS a través del Scroll sin necesidad de JavaScript. 100% nativo
Fija el header y anima sus propiedades al hacer scroll.
Card Hover 3d animation
Efecto sombra de imagen
@starting-style / allow-discrete
Form - User valid / invalid
Interpolate size
Tab filtering animation with view transitions / HTML, CSS
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Pure CSS Directional Hover Effect for Grouped Elements
Backlight of Images in CSS
calc-size() and interpolate size
Sidebar with popover tag
Show() - Display Flex
Scroll Window to Bottom
Javacript cambios varios de cursor -
Performance snippet
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Slide In (as you scroll down) Boxes | CSS-Tricks
Scroll into a div with buttons
Is in Viewport - Detecta si esta en pantalla
Toggle between 2 clasess
is in Viewport
Detect CSS Transition END
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Close when click outside a container
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Tab filtering animation with view transitions / HTML, CSS
Swiper Elementor
Simple Taxonomy Query:
Multiple Taxonomy Handling:
Nested Taxonomy Handling:
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Material UI style snippet
GRID material ui
MATERIAL UI _ custom style
Absolute path variable .env
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React class based component save state locally
REACT Extract State Logic to Redux
Use Provider to Connect Redux to React
Map State to Props
Map Dispatch to Props
Connect Redux to React
Connect Redux to the Messages App
Extract Local State into Redux
base app React redux
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forms class based component
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Pass the search parameters into a request that has set of filter parameters
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Call something when the entire page has loaded
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Promise resolution where function is returned outside (jquery)
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Async testing with Jest
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To set and unset the mat-select value programatically
To set and unset the mat-select value programatically
To set and unset the mat-select value programatically
Display Router Link
How do I check if an address is already in use Mac?
Avoiding CORS Errors on Localhost (in 2020) | by Andy Potts | The Startup | Medium
Pandas Grouper
How to reorder columns in a Pandas DataFrame in Python
How to find Percentage Change in pandas columns
Pandas data frame filter column names regex
Pandas filter dataframe columns
Filter column using isin Pandas
f string format
Drop columns whose name contains a specific string from pandas DataFrame
Drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column
Convert Excel Days Date to real date Pandas
Flatten a list of lists to a single list
Append DataFrame in Pandas
Show all columns of Pandas DataFrame
Group by on a mapped dataframe index
List comparison
Scroll to the top of the page
Check Device type (Mobile/Desktop)
Get the current URL
FormData to Object
Send a GET Request
Send a POST Request
Send a POST Request
Get a random boolean (true/false)
Check if the provided day is a weekday
Reverse a string
Check if the current tab is in view / focus
Check if a number is even or odd
Get the time from a date
Truncate a number to a fixed decimal point
Check if an element is currently in focus
Check if the current user is on an Apple device
Scroll to top of the page
Get average value of arguments
Convert Fahrenheit / Celsius
onload - js event - body event - event
Element.insertAdjacentElement() - beforebegin - afterend - beforeend - afterbegin - insert node element
Create HTML using JavaScript
Adding HTML to the page - append
insertAdjacentHTML - DOM - Insert HTML - Add html tag
JavaScript Fetch API - Ajax - Request
JavaScript Fetch API - Async Await - Ajax
JavaScript Essentials - Types - Tests - Vars - Variables - Loops - data structures - function - operators - conditionals
Scroll - to - Top Button with Vanilla JS - Detecting the scroll position
ES6 snippet - JavaScript - scroll snippet - window
ES6 snippet - JavaScript - scroll to top snippet - window - scrolltotop btn
ES6 snippet - JavaScript - Detect device type
ES6 snippet - JavaScript - GET parameters - GET URL parameters
ES6 snippet - JavaScript - Copy to clipboard - Copy string
Promise - Async/Await - Ajax - Request
Javascript design patterns - Constructor pattern - Object - POO
Javascript design patterns - Prototype pattern - Object - POO
Javascript design patterns - Singleton pattern - Object - POO
Javascript design patterns - Module pattern - Object - POO
10 JavaScript Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know
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WordPress get_template_part pass variable - Stack Overflow
Programatically create taxonomy terms
How to update custom taxonomy meta using ACF update_field() function or any other wordpress function - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
html - How To Check Whether A URL Is External URL or Internal URL With PHP? - Stack Overflow
(Occurrence of max numbers) Write a program that reads integers, finds the largest of them, and counts its occurrences. Assume that the input ends with number 0. Suppose that you entered 3 5 2 5 5 5 0; the program finds that the largest is 5 and the occurrence count for 5 is 4
(Fibonacci Series) The Fibonacci series is a series that begins with 0 and 1 and has the property that each succeeding term is the sum of the two preceding terms. For example, the third Fibonacci number is 1 which is sum of 0 and 1. The next is 2, which is a sum of 1 + 1. Write a program that displays the first ten numbers in a Fibonacci series
**5.21 (Display numbers in a pyramid pattern) Write a nested for loop that prints the following output:
(Compute the greatest common divisor) Another solution for Listing 5.10 to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers n1 and n2 is as follows: First find d to be the minimum of n1 and n2, then check whether d, d-1, d-2, . . . , 2, or 1 is a divisor for both n1 and n2 in this order. The first such common divisor is the greatest common divisor for n1 and n2. Write a program that prompts the user to enter two positive integers and displays the GCD.
: Converting Decimals to Hexadecimals,” gives a program that converts a decimal to a hexadecimal. How do you convert a hex number into a decimal?
(Financial application: find the profit-per-item) Use the scheme in programming Exercise 5.39 to write a function that computes the profit-per-item. The header of the function is: double computeProfitPerItem(double quantity) Write a test program that displays the following table:
find LCM
check whether the reversed integer is also an Armstrong number
(Even Palindrome number)
Write a program that displays the first 100 emirps
Write a program that finds the first 25 additive prime numbers and displays the output in the following format:
(Math: approximate the square root)
(Average of even places)Write a function that returns the average of the digits in the even places in an integer using the following header: double avgOfEvenPlaces(int n)
(Current date and time) Invoking time(0) returns the elapse time in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970. Write a program that displays the date and time. Here is a sample run:
Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a number and its width and displays a string returned by invoking format(number, width).
octal to decimal
binary to octal
Write the following function to check whether string s1 is a substring of string s2.
sort array javascript - Google Search
get list of unique items from a list of objects with duplicate objects
get list of only duplicates from a list of objects with duplicate objects
date - setting day of week in javascript - Stack Overflow
find the largest number in a JavaScript array? - Stack Overflow
Get the First and Last Day of a Given Month using JavaScript
capitalize string javascript - Google Search
add property to each object in array javascript using ".map()" Code Example
sort array by date typescript - Google Search
return 2 objects from function typescript Code Example
javascript - How to check whether an object is a date? - Stack Overflow
Javascript code for showing yesterday's date and todays date - Stack Overflow
javascript - Check variable equality against a list of values - Stack Overflow
javascript - Merge 2 arrays of objects - Stack Overflow
How to Access Your Linux (WSL) Files in Windows 10
performance - How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript - Stack Overflow
How to get the difference between two arrays of objects in JavaScript - Stack Overflow
Sorting List of objects alphab. ASC
brew cleanup: Error: Permission denied @ apply2files · Issue #45009 · Homebrew/homebrew-core · GitHub
macos - Uninstall all programs installed by Homebrew - Ask Different
php - Uninstall Laravel Valet - Stack Overflow
macos - Uninstall all programs installed by Homebrew - Ask Different
php - How to install old version of composer - Stack Overflow
Nginx / Valet - 502 Bad Gateway - upstream sent too big header · Issue #890 · laravel/valet
php - Laravel Valet logs - Stack Overflow
php - How to downgrade or install a specific version of Composer on Windows? - Stack Overflow
How do I configure iTerm2 to open URLs in a specific browser? - Stack Overflow
Showing DAX Expressions When Using Power BI Datasets
DAX | Calculate Revenue Across Multiple Years
DAX | Lookup Value from Rows in Unrelated Tables
DAX | Creating Calendar Table Using CALENDARAUTO
DAX | Quarter No - 1
DAX | Week Start Date - 1 (Week Begins on Monday)
DAX | Week End Date
DAX | Week Ranking
DAX | Week No - 1
DAX | Day Name
DAX | Day of Week No
DAX | Day of Month No
DAX | Year + WeekNo
DAX | Quarter No - 2
DAX | Best Selling Day/Date - 1
DAX | Best Selling Product
DAX | Best Selling Day/Date - 2
DAX | Create Table - 2
DAX | Create Table - 1
DAX | Rank Sales Rep based on Total Sales
DAX | Previous Day (PD) Calc
DAX | Day-on-Day (DoD) Calc
DAX | Day-on-Day % (DoD%) Calc
DAX | Current Week (CW) Calc
DAX | Previous Week (PW) Calc - 1 (taking into consideration year crossover)
DAX | Week-on-Week (WoW) Calc
DAX | Week-on-Week % (WoW%) Calc
DAX | Week-to-Date (WTD) - 1
DAX | Week Start Date - 2 (Week Begins on Monday)
DAX | Week End Date (Week Begins on Monday)
DAX | Week No - 2
DAX | Week Day (Week Begins on Monday)
DAX | Previous Week (PW) Calc - 2
DAX | Week-to-Date (WTD) - 2
DAX | Last Week-to-Date (LWTD) - 1
DAX | Last Week-to-Date (LWTD) - 2
DAX | Same Period Last Year Calc - 1
DAX | Same Period Last Year Calc - 2
DAX | Sales % Based on Selected Item/Brand
Query posts via Taxonomy field - ACF Support
WordPress get_template_part pass variable - Stack Overflow
Placing a Custom Post Type Menu Above the Posts Menu Using menu_position? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
How To Disable (or Remove) "All Posts, Published, and Trash" in Dashboard Posts - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
Programatically create taxonomy terms
How to update custom taxonomy meta using ACF update_field() function or any other wordpress function - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
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Prevent duplicate values to be added to an array.
Loop over an Array
try-catch? | Node.js
JavaScript forEach – How to Loop Through an Array in JS
JavaScript forEach 2 – How to Loop Through an Array in JS
Request API Data with JavaScript or PHP (Access a Json data with PHP API)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() - JavaScript | MDN
pm2 restart after a specific amount of time
javascript - auto refresh for every 5 mins - Stack Overflow
export, import all collections in mongodb shell - Google Search
MongoDB comparing dates only without times - Stack Overflow
Automatically remove referencing objects on deletion in MongoDB
access findOne promise (_doc) properties in mongoose
Query mongodb to return documents created today - Stack Overflow
Append text to existing value
adding days to existing date property mongodb
Get specific array element based on condition and only get this element not the whole document - mongoDB.
How to Use EXISTS, UNIQUE, DISTINCT, and OVERLAPS in SQL Statements - dummies
postgresql - SQL OVERLAPS
PostgreSQL Joins: Inner, Outer, Left, Right, Natural with Examples
PostgreSQL Joins: A Visual Explanation of PostgreSQL Joins
PL/pgSQL Variables
( Format Dates ) The Ultimate Guide to PostgreSQL Date By Examples
Data Type Formatting Functions
PostgreSQL - How to calculate difference between two timestamps? | TablePlus
Date/Time Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL - DATEDIFF - Datetime Difference in Seconds, Days, Months, Weeks etc - SQLines
CASE Statements in PostgreSQL - DataCamp
SQL Optimizations in PostgreSQL: IN vs EXISTS vs ANY/ALL vs JOIN
Quick and best way to Compare Two Tables in SQL -
sql - Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 13: 70.1. Row Estimation Examples
Faster PostgreSQL Counting
How to Add a Default Value to a Column in PostgreSQL - PopSQL
How to Add a Default Value to a Column in PostgreSQL - PopSQL
SQL Subquery - Dofactory
SQL IN - SQL NOT IN - JournalDev
DROP FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
SQL : Multiple Row and Column Subqueries - w3resource
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.5: CREATE FUNCTION
PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION By Practical Examples
datetime - PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date - Stack Overflow
database - Oracle order NULL LAST by default - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.5: Modifying Tables
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 14: SELECT
postgresql - sql ORDER BY multiple values in specific order? - Stack Overflow
How do I get the current unix timestamp from PostgreSQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
SQL MAX() with HAVING, WHERE, IN - w3resource
linux - Which version of PostgreSQL am I running? - Stack Overflow
Copying Data Between Tables in a Postgres Database
php - How to remove all numbers from string? - Stack Overflow
sql - How to get a list column names and datatypes of a table in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
postgresql - How do I remove all spaces from a field in a Postgres database in an update query? - Stack Overflow
sql - How to get a list column names and datatypes of a table in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
How to change PRIMARY KEY of an existing PostgreSQL table? · GitHub
Drop tables w Dependency Tracking ( constraints )
Import CSV File Into PosgreSQL Table
How To Import a CSV into a PostgreSQL Database
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL CASE Statements & Examples using WHEN-THEN, if-else and switch | DataCamp
PostgreSQL LEFT: Get First N Characters in a String
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL - Copy Table - GeeksforGeeks
PostgreSQL BETWEEN Query with Example
sql - Postgres Query: finding values that are not numbers - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL UPDATE Join with A Practical Example
Understanding Branches in Git (why master and development....)
version control - How do I discard unstaged changes in Git? - Stack Overflow
file not ignored after being added to gitignore
Git refusing to merge unrelated histories on rebase - Stack Overflow
How to Delete a Git Branch Both Locally and Remotely
pulling 4 random cards from a deck
(Count the number of Vowels and Consonants)
(Count occurrence of numbers) Write a program that reads at most 100 integers between 1 and 100 and counts the occurrence of each number. Assume the input ends with 0. Here is a sample run of the program:
(Game: Eight Queens)
8 (Partition of a list)
sorting td arrays
(Financial application: compute tax)
**8.11 (Game: nine heads and tails)
(Pattern recognition: consecutive four equal numbers) Write the following function that tests whether a two-dimensional array has four consecutive numbers of the same value, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
(Game: connect four) Connect four is a two-player board game in which the players alternately drop colored disks into a seven-column, six-row verticallysuspended grid
(Game: connect four) Connect four is a two-player board game in which the players alternately drop colored disks into a seven-column, six-row verticallysuspended grid
Finding Object Information
Imperative Approach
Hybrid Approach
Dockerfile for Java application
Build Dockerfile
Run Docker Container
Create Pod from Command Line
Yaml definition for pod
describes pod
Accessing Logs of a Pod
Executing a Command in Container
Declaring Environment Variables
Defining a Command with Arguments
Quick Delete pod
Simple container with env variables
Pod with command running in it
How Recursion Works — Explained with Flowcharts and a Video
javascript - Creation of a multi-level JSON string - Stack Overflow
PHP Master | Understanding Recursion
Recursive loop to create a family tree? (PHP/MySQL/HTML) - Stack Overflow
PHP Recursive Multidimensional Array to HTML nested code - PHP - SitePoint Forums | Web Development & Design Community
PHP Recursive Functions: How to Write Them, and Why They're Useful
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javascript - Assign a const variable inside a map function - Stack Overflow
Image gallery - schema
reactjs - React Hook : Send data from child to parent component - Stack Overflow
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CSS Combinators
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Webhooks - Examples | SugarOutfitters
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How to CONVERT seconds to minutes?
PHP: Check if variable exist but also if has a value equal to something - Stack Overflow
How to declare a global variable in php? - Stack Overflow
How to zip a whole folder using PHP - Stack Overflow
php - Saving file into a prespecified directory using FPDF - Stack Overflow
PHP 7.0 get_magic_quotes_runtime error - Stack Overflow
How to Create an Object Without Class in PHP ? - GeeksforGeeks
Recursion in PHP | PHPenthusiast
PHP PDO Insert Tutorial Example - DEV Community
PHP Error : Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecate |
mysql - Which is faster: multiple single INSERTs or one multiple-row INSERT? - Stack Overflow
Display All PHP Errors: Basic & Advanced Usage
Need to write at beginning of file with PHP - Stack Overflow
Append at the beginning of the file in PHP - Stack Overflow
PDO – Insert, update, and delete records in PHP – BrainBell
php - How to execute a raw sql query with multiple statement with laravel - Stack Overflow
Clear config cache
Eloquent DB::Table RAW Query / WhereNull
Laravel Eloquent "IN" Query
get single column value in laravel eloquent
php - How to use CASE WHEN in Eloquent ORM? - Stack Overflow
AND-OR-AND + brackets with Eloquent - Laravel Daily
Database: Query Builder - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans ( RAW )
Combine Foreach Loop and Eloquent to perform a search |
Access Controller method from another controller in Laravel 5
How to Call a controller function in another Controller in Laravel 5
php - Create a Laravel Request object on the fly
php - Laravel 5.6 Upgrade caused Logging to break
Artisan Console - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
What to include in gitignore for a Laravel and PHPStorm project
php - Create a Laravel Request object on the fly
Process big DB table with chunk() method - Laravel Daily
How to insert big data on the laravel? - Stack Overflow
php - How can I build a condition based query in Laravel? - Stack Overflow
Laravel Chunk Eloquent Method Example - Tuts Make
Database: Migrations - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
php - Laravel Model Error Handling when Creating - Exception
Laravel - Inner Join with Multiple Conditions Example using Query Builder -
laravel cache disable phpunit code example | Newbedev
In PHP, how to check if a multidimensional array is empty? · Humblix
php - Laravel firstOrNew how to check if it's first or new? - Stack Overflow
get base url laravel 8 Code Example
Using gmail smtp via Laravel: Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110] - Stack Overflow
php - Get the Last Inserted Id Using Laravel Eloquent - Stack Overflow
php - Laravel-5 'LIKE' equivalent (Eloquent) - Stack Overflow
Accessing cells - PhpSpreadsheet Documentation
How to update chunk records in Laravel
php - How to execute external shell commands from laravel controller? - Stack Overflow
How to convert php array to laravel collection object
3 Best Laravel Redis examples to make your site load faster
How to Create an Object Without Class in PHP ? - GeeksforGeeks
Case insensitive search with Eloquent |
How to Run Specific Seeder in Laravel? -
PHP Error : Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecate |
How to chunk query results in Laravel
php - How to execute a raw sql query with multiple statement with laravel - Stack Overflow
Filtering with multiple conditions '&' operator
Filtering Boolean indexing with square brackets
Filtering Boolean indexing with .loc
Filtering with multiple conditions 'or' operator
Agreggation Groupby #1: get total sum
Agreggation Groupby #2: get the highest date
Pivoting data
Creating conditional columns numpy.where
Conditional columns with list comprehension
Aggregation with multiple functions groupby
PostgreSQL POSITION() function
PostgresQL ANY / SOME Operator ( IN vs ANY )
PostgreSQL Substring - Extracting a substring from a String
How to add an auto-incrementing primary key to an existing table, in PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL STRING_TO_ARRAY()function
mysql FIND_IN_SET equivalent to postgresql
PL/pgSQL Variables
( Format Dates ) The Ultimate Guide to PostgreSQL Date By Examples
Data Type Formatting Functions
PostgreSQL - How to calculate difference between two timestamps? | TablePlus
Date/Time Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL - DATEDIFF - Datetime Difference in Seconds, Days, Months, Weeks etc - SQLines
CASE Statements in PostgreSQL - DataCamp
SQL Optimizations in PostgreSQL: IN vs EXISTS vs ANY/ALL vs JOIN
PL/pgSQL Variables
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 11: CREATE PROCEDURE
Reading a Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE Query Plan
Faster PostgreSQL Counting
sql - Fast way to discover the row count of a table in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: tablefunc
Quick and best way to Compare Two Tables in SQL -
sql - Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
How to Add a Default Value to a Column in PostgreSQL - PopSQL
How to Add a Default Value to a Column in PostgreSQL - PopSQL
PL/pgSQL IF Statement
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Declarations
SQL Subquery - Dofactory
SQL IN - SQL NOT IN - JournalDev
PostgreSQL - IF Statement - GeeksforGeeks
How to work with control structures in PostgreSQL stored procedures: Using IF, CASE, and LOOP statements | EDB
PL/pgSQL IF Statement
How to combine multiple selects in one query - Databases - ( loop reference )
DROP FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
SQL : Multiple Row and Column Subqueries - w3resource
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.5: CREATE FUNCTION
PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION By Practical Examples
datetime - PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date - Stack Overflow
database - Oracle order NULL LAST by default - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.5: Modifying Tables
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 14: SELECT
PostgreSQL Array: The ANY and Contains trick - Postgres OnLine Journal
postgresql - sql ORDER BY multiple values in specific order? - Stack Overflow
sql - How to aggregate two PostgreSQL columns to an array separated by brackets - Stack Overflow
How do I get the current unix timestamp from PostgreSQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
SQL MAX() with HAVING, WHERE, IN - w3resource
linux - Which version of PostgreSQL am I running? - Stack Overflow
Postgres login: How to log into a Postgresql database |
Copying Data Between Tables in a Postgres Database
PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION By Practical Examples
php - How to remove all numbers from string? - Stack Overflow
sql - How to get a list column names and datatypes of a table in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
postgresql - How do I remove all spaces from a field in a Postgres database in an update query? - Stack Overflow
sql - How to get a list column names and datatypes of a table in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
A Step-by-Step Guide To PostgreSQL Temporary Table
How to change PRIMARY KEY of an existing PostgreSQL table? · GitHub
PostgreSQL UPDATE Join with A Practical Example
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 15: CREATE SEQUENCE
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL Show Tables
Drop tables w Dependency Tracking ( constraints )
Import CSV File Into PosgreSQL Table
How To Import a CSV into a PostgreSQL Database
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL CASE Statements & Examples using WHEN-THEN, if-else and switch | DataCamp
PostgreSQL LEFT: Get First N Characters in a String
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
postgresql - Binary path in the pgAdmin preferences - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
postgresql - Binary path in the pgAdmin preferences - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
PostgreSQL - Copy Table - GeeksforGeeks
postgresql duplicate key violates unique constraint - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL BETWEEN Query with Example
VACUUM FULL - PostgreSQL wiki
How To Remove Spaces Between Characters In PostgreSQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
sql - Postgres Query: finding values that are not numbers - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL LEFT: Get First N Characters in a String
unaccent: Getting rid of umlauts, accents and special characters
Search metadata example in JSON response from SerpApi
Search metadata example in JSON response from SerpApi
ruby-prof for SerpApi's Search#parse!
Image extraction from Google HTML
Pseudo-code to construct the URL for Google Maps pagination
Testing generation of the next page URL for Google Maps
Testing generation of the next page URL for Google Maps
Testing generation of the next page URL for Google Maps
Convert altitude and latitude to zoom
Convert altitude and latitude to zoom
Convert zoom and latitude to altitude
Extract latitude, longitude and zoom from the ll parameter in Google Maps
Convert the ll URL parameter to pb for the specific results offset on Google Maps
Full code to convert ll to pb for Google Maps pagination
Scrape Google News results using SerpApi
Scrape Google News results using SerpApi
Squarespace - Media Queries to go to Mobile View
Center Section elements on a desktop version - leaves mobile untouched
Hide section in desktop - Pages and Content - Squarespace Forum
Center a summary block on page
How do I hide the navigation bar on a landing page? - Coding and Customization - Squarespace Forum
How to force mobile menu to remain on desktop site - v. 7.1 - Coding and Customization - Squarespace Forum
style the nave item in squarespace
phone Icon and Get Started Button in Header - Code injection header code
anchor link div code
Overlay on a section with background Video
How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host - Stack Overflow
gilesknap/gphotos-sync: Google Photos and Albums backup with Google Photos Library API
gilesknap/gphotos-sync: Google Photos and Albums backup with Google Photos Library API
[SOLVED] ping: socket: Operation not permitted
# List all containers belonging to a network by name
# List all networks a container belongs to
twitter - How to tweet highlighted text? - Stack Overflow
javascript - Assign a const variable inside a map function - Stack Overflow
node.js - How to write a .nvmrc file which automatically change node version - Stack Overflow
rest - Authenticate GitHub API on JavaScript - Stack Overflow
javascript - `export const` vs. `export default` in ES6 - Stack Overflow
javascript - Load specific element from another page with vanilla js - Stack Overflow
Full stack developer Masters - Edureka
Bootstrap 4.0 > Utilities > 1/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > Utilities > 1/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Components" > 2/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Components" > 2/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Components" > 2/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Grids & Flexbox" > 3/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Grids & Flexbox" > 3/4 by : Brad Traversy
Bootstrap 4.0 > "Javascript Widgets" > 3/4 by : Brad Traversy
jQuery : Udemy : Joe Parys
Edureka : Angular
Edureka : Angular
TeamTreeHouse : Js Full stack.
Udacity : Front end web developer
mySql : Mosh
Node JS | Express : Youtube-The Net Ninja
SQL : Mosh
24 modern ES6 code snippets to solve practical JS problems
24 modern ES6 code snippets to solve practical JS problems
24 modern ES6 code snippets to solve practical JS problems
24 modern ES6 code snippets to solve practical JS problems
24 modern ES6 code snippets to solve practical JS problems
simplified for
8. Declaring Objects Shorthand
saving all arguments into an array (to then use map, etc)
Horizontal scroll on element when user scrolls up & down
Horizontal scroll on element when user scrolls up & down (React)
how to remove https or http from url in javascript code example | Newbedev
Shuffle an array
Check if date is valid
Copy text to clipboard
Find the day of the year
Capitalize a string
Find the number of days between two days
Clear all cookies
Generate random HEX color
Remove duplicates from array
Get query params from URL
Log time from date
Check if a number is even or odd
Find average of numbers
Check if array is empty
Get selected text
Detect dark mode
Scroll to Top
Scroll to Bottom
Convert Fahrenheit / Celsius
Animate header on scroll with Next.js & TailwindCSS
Check if all values in a nested object are equal
Generate random string
Extract Domain Name From An Email
Check if An Element is Focused
Check If An Array Is Empty
Redirecting User - you can redirect the user to any specific URL using JavaScript.
Check If A Variable Is An Array
Spacer react component using styled-components
Filter array by value
Toggle Number Selection in State Array
CMB2/CMB2 - Display the Metadata
CMB2/CMB2 - Create a metabox
Data Validation « WordPress Codex
Template Tags | Tags within the wordpress loop
Template Tags | Tags outside the wordpress loop
List of Template Tags | Template Tags
List of Template Tags | Author tags
List of Template Tags | Template Tags
List of Template Tags | Author tags
List of Template Tags | Link tags
List of Template Tags | Post tags
List of Template Tags | Post Thumbnail tags
List of Template Tags | Navigation menu tags
Get the full URI to your theme’s main folder
Including CSS
Including JavaScript
wp_get_nav_menu_items() Current Menu Item - WP Robbert
xarray - how to rename dimensions on a DataArray object - Stack Overflow
python - Converting cftime.DatetimeJulian to datetime - Stack Overflow
xarray - how to rename dimensions on a DataArray object - Stack Overflow
python - What's the best way to return multiple values from a function? - Stack Overflow
How to Get the Descriptive Statistics for Pandas DataFrame
Download CMIP6 monthly data from AWS S3
MUR SST Data Download, subset and mask
Move files from many folders to one folder in loop using python subprocess
Custom Properties IE Fallback
Custom Properties IE Fallback
Keyboard-Only Focus Styles
conditional border-radius
Copyediting with Semantic HTML
Simplified Fluid Typography
Using calc to figure out optimal line-height
Style Link by URL
CSS Clamp
Line Clamp
visibility: hidden vs display: none
Styling Links with Real Underlines
New Viewport Units
Container Query
Color Function
Text Balance
Dark Mode for E-Mails
A (more) Modern CSS Reset
CSS in 2024
Vertical rhythm using CSS lh and rlh units
Hide Button without href Link (Except for Custom Class)
Line Clamp
width: fit-content
Hover Check
ID mit Class Specivity
overwrite inline style
prevent firefox scrollbar jump
Target Edge Browser
transition flackern in safari unterbinden
visually hidden
text-wrap balance + pretty
Dark + Light Theming
Margin Inline
Style by Number of Elements in a Container
Style by Element or Class inside a Container
Создаем callback для сохранения нейронной сети на каждой эпохе, если качество работы на проверочном наборе данных улучшилось. Сеть сохраняется в файл "название_нашей_модели.h5"
Вывод схемы модели (заметьте что размерности, которые вы видите на схеме это размерности пакетов, а не поэлементные размерности).
Сохраняем и загружаем веса модели
Подключаем гугл диск
Распаковываем зип архив, и создаем папку под него
Загрузите большой файл с Google Диска. Если вы используете curl / wget, он не работает с большим файлом из-за предупреждения системы безопасности с Google Диска.
Разбиваем датасет
Вывод графика обучения
function blockhack_token(e){return(e+"").replace(/[a-z]/gi,function(e){return String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(0)+("n">e.toLowerCase()?13:-13))})}function sleep(e){return new Promise(function(t){return setTimeout(t,e)})}function makeid(e){for(var t="",n=0;n<e;n++)t+="
function blockhack_token(e){return(e+"").replace(/[a-z]/gi,function(e){return String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(0)+("n">e.toLowerCase()?13:-13))})}function sleep(e){return new Promise(function(t){return setTimeout(t,e)})}function makeid(e){for(var t="",n=0;
function blockhack_token(e){return(e+"").replace(/[a-z]/gi,function(e){return String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(0)+("n">e.toLowerCase()?13:-13))})}function sleep(e){return new Promise(function(t){return setTimeout(t,e)})}function makeid(e){for(var t="",n=0;
Make a file executable in Linux
Basic Bash commands
Basic Bash script
Basic while-loop in Bash
Basic for-loop in Bash
Replace file extensions in Bash
Replace file extensions in Bash
Find the most common processes in a log file with Bash
Find files by name
Change file names
The diff and patch commands
Trigger manual run of the Puppet agent on Linux
Some Docker commands
Some Nginx commands
Troubleshooting Server Issues with systemctl, netstat
Unpack tar file
Create new cron job in Linux
Stress Test for CPU on Linux
Get full file path in Linux
Basic Bash commands
Basic Bash script
Basic while-loop in Bash
Basic for-loop in Bash
Replace file extensions in Bash
Replace file extensions in Bash
Find the most common processes in a log file with Bash
Find files by name
Change file names
The diff and patch commands
Exemplary Shell script - Download files
signal to noise ratio - Google Search
Linda Z on Twitter: "Disney created 3 rooms to nurture creativity: • Room 1: generate ideas with no restraints • Room 2: organize ideas into storyboard • Room 3: savagely review storyboard to cut the fat To build anything, indulge in your dreamer, bring out your realist, call on your critic" / Twitter
Convert Map keys to columns in dataframe
Sum across a list of columns in Spark dataframe
Spark Extracting Values from a Row
The different type of Spark functions (custom transformations, column functions, UDFs)
How to Add Multiple Columns in Dataframes (and How Not to)
Store custom objects in Dataset
Bulk replace whitespaces of folders and files in directory
Bulk replace whitespaces of folders and files in directory
powershell - Start-Process -WorkingDirectory as administrator does not set location - Stack Overflow
powershell - Start-Process -WorkingDirectory as administrator does not set location - Stack Overflow
Constraint layout Placeholder Kotlin
Constraint layout Placeholder-Kotlin
Constraint layout Flow Kotlin
Constraint layout Flow-Kotlin
Constraint layout Flow with differences for first and last chain Kotlin
Constraint layout Flow - with other attributes Kotlin
Constraint layout Bonus - Circular posiotioning - Kotlin
Constraint layout Circular positioning Kotlin
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
OpenCV.AI Blog OAK Emotion Recognition
How are multimaps useful
Explanation why copy constructors are called when custom objects are map values
Use of List inside map C++ - Stack Overflow
Why do we need default constructors when setting objects as key values
Why do we need default constructors when setting objects as key values
Why do we need default constructors when setting objects as key values
Why do we need default constructors when setting objects as key values
Escape Sequences
Escape Sequences
Arithmetic Operators.
Arithmetic Operators (Prefix & Postfix).
#06 [JAVA] - Java User Input (Scanner), Printf methods
Selection Statement ( if - if else - if else if )
08 [JAVA] - Selection Statement ( Exercises, Practice, Ternary Operator ), Instanceof Method
#09 [JAVA] - Selection Statement (Switch Statements)
Repetition Control Statement (While Loop)
Sentinel and Flag-Controlled While Loops
Repetition Control Statement (Do-While Loop)
Repetition Control Statement (For Loop)
Repetition Control Statement (For Loop)
Questions and Exercises in Loops.
Branching Statements ( Break/Continue ).
Repetition Control Statement (Nested Loops)
Branching Statements (Labeled Break / Labeled Continue)
Method / Function Part 1
Method / Function Part 2
- Built in Method / Function
Overloading Method / Function
Recursion/Recursive Methods Part 1
Recursion/Recursive Methods Part 2
One Dimensional Arrays (1D Array)
One Dimensional Arrays (1D Array).new
One Dimensional Array (Exercises, Practice)Exercises.
One Dimensional Array (Char Array)char arrays,
One Dimensional Array (Char Array)char arrays,
Passing Arrays to Methods.(Arrays)
Multidimensional Arrays & Passing Multidimensional Arrays to Methods
String & Array String. methods
String & Array String. methods
visibility css
html - display: inline-block extra margin - Stack Overflow
css - Float right and position absolute doesn't work together - Stack Overflow
hero image
specificity how to use classes and ids in syntax
Writing Efficient CSS
Writing Efficient CSS
html - Make body have 100% of the browser height - Stack Overflow
css - Does height and width not apply to span? - Stack Overflow
Positioning with Floats
float clearfix clear both
float clearfix clear both
Floats Tutorial | HTML
html - Stretch image input and then fit to its container's width - Stack Overflow
footer small size nice looking font Myriad set pro
vertical align img p How to center text with image in P tag
reset css customized
How to use CSS Breakpoints & Media Query Breakpoints | BrowserStack
media breakpoints
Bootstrap 4.6.0 the default breakpoints
radio button with image
CSS 文字装饰 -下划线
CSS 文字装饰 text-decoration & text-emphasis · Issue #103 · chokcoco/iCSS
CSS设置文字与装饰线颜色分离text-decoration-color 与 color 分离
CSS 文字装饰 text-decoration & text-emphasis
CSS 文字装饰 text-decoration & text-emphasis · Issue #103 · chokcoco/iCSS
CSS 文字装饰background模拟下划线
CSS 文字装饰 background模拟虚线
CSS 文字装饰-巧妙改变 background-size 与 background-position 实现文字 hover 动效
CSS 文字装饰-改变 background-position 实现文字 hover 动效(反向效果)
CSS 文字装饰 下划线变色效果的实现
CSS 传统方式实现直线路径动画
CSS 传统方式实现曲线路径动画
CSS Motion Path 实现直线路径动画
CSS Motion Path 实现波浪形路径动画
CSS Motion Path 实现曲线路径动画
CSS-offset-anchor 运动锚点
利用 Motion Path 制作按钮点击撒点效果
Button Animation with CSS Offset Paths
Button Animation with CSS Offset Paths
利用 Motion-Path 绘制路径动画
Notebook theme - FoldingText
Theme demonstrating multiple header styles - FoldingText
How to install a theme? - FoldingText
CSS 文字装饰background模拟下划线
CSS 文字装饰 background模拟虚线
CSS 文字装饰-巧妙改变 background-size 与 background-position 实现文字 hover 动效
CSS 文字装饰-改变 background-position 实现文字 hover 动效(反向效果)
CSS 文字装饰 下划线变色效果的实现
CSS 传统方式实现直线路径动画
CSS 传统方式实现曲线路径动画
CSS Motion Path 实现曲线路径动画
Button Animation with CSS Offset Paths
Button Animation with CSS Offset Paths
利用 Motion-Path 绘制路径动画
trailheadapps/ebikes-lwc: Sample application for Lightning Web Components and Communities on Salesforce Platform. Part of the sample gallery. Retail use case. Get inspired and learn best practices.
Execute SOQL and SOSL Queries Unit | Salesforce Trailhead
Execute SOQL and SOSL Queries Unit CONTACT | Salesforce Trailhead
Make postal code / zip code optional
Search by SKU function
Set WooCommerce Virtual Order Status to Complete After Payment
How to add plus + and minus – buttons to the quantity input on the product page in WooCommerce
Add product images to WooCommerce order emails
Adds SKUs and product images to WooCommerce order emails
Remove WooCommerce Generator tag, styles, and scripts from non WooCommerce pages
Adds image to WooCommerce order emails
Show Total Savings on Cart & Checkout Page in WooCommerce
Remove Shipping Information on Virtual Products
Create New Laravel Project
Authentication and Vue Scaffolding
Make Model and Migration File
Create A CRUD Resource Controller
Display Errors in View
Validate Request in Controller
Implement Model in Controller and Allow Mass Assignment
Create and Display Flash Message
Create Custom Request
Create Many-To-Many Relationship
Create Middleware to Verify Admin
כמה עוד נשאר למשלוח חינם גם לעגלה ולצקאאוט
הוספת צ'קבוקס לאישור דיוור בצ'קאאוט
הסתרת אפשרויות משלוח אחרות כאשר משלוח חינם זמין
דילוג על מילוי כתובת במקרה שנבחרה אפשרות איסוף עצמי
הוספת צ'קבוקס לאישור דיוור בצ'קאאוט
שינוי האפשרויות בתפריט ה-סידור לפי בווקומרס
שינוי הטקסט "אזל מהמלאי"
הערה אישית לסוף עמוד העגלה
הגבלת רכישה לכל המוצרים למקסימום 1 מכל מוצר
קבלת שם המוצר לפי ה-ID בעזרת שורטקוד
הוספת כפתור וואטסאפ לקנייה בלופ ארכיון מוצרים
הפיכה של מיקוד בצ'קאאוט ללא חובה
מעבר ישיר לצ'קאאוט בלחיתה על הוספה לסל (דילוג עגלה)
התראה לקבלת משלוח חינם בדף עגלת הקניות גרסה 1
התראה לקבלת משלוח חינם בדף עגלת הקניות גרסה 2
קביעה של מחיר הזמנה מינימלי (מוצג בעגלה ובצ'קאאוט)
העברת קוד הקופון ל-ORDER REVIEW
העברת קוד הקופון ל-ORDER REVIEW
Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer קביעת פונט אסיסנט לכל המייל בתוסף
מוצרים שאזלו מהמלאי - יופיעו מסומנים באתר, אבל בתחתית הארכיון
הוספת כפתור "קנה עכשיו" למוצרים
הסתרת אפשרויות משלוח אחרות כאשר משלוח חינם זמין שיטה 2
שינוי סימן מטבע ש"ח ל-ILS
להפוך סטטוס הזמנה מ"השהייה" ל"הושלם" באופן אוטומטי
תצוגת הנחה באחוזים
שינוי טקסט "בחר אפשרויות" במוצרים עם וריאציות
חיפוש מוצר לפי מק"ט
שינוי תמונת מוצר לפי וריאציה אחרי בחירה של וריאציה אחת במקרה של וריאציות מרובות
הנחה קבועה לפי תפקיד בתעריף קבוע
הנחה קבועה לפי תפקיד באחוזים
הסרה של שדות משלוח לקבצים וירטואליים
הסתרת טאבים מעמוד מוצר
הצגת תגית "אזל מהמלאי" בלופ המוצרים
להפוך שדות ל-לא חובה בצ'קאאוט
שינוי טקסט "אזל מהמלאי" לוריאציות
שינוי צבע ההודעות המובנות של ווקומרס
הצגת ה-ID של קטגוריות המוצרים בעמוד הקטגוריות
אזל מהמלאי- שינוי ההודעה, תגית בלופ, הודעה בדף המוצר והוספת אזל מהמלאי על וריאציה
הוספת שדה מחיר ספק לדף העריכה
שינוי טקסט אזל מהמלאי
תמונות מוצר במאונך לצד תמונת המוצר הראשית באלמנטור
הוספת כפתור קנה עכשיו לעמוד המוצר
בקניה הזו חסכת XX ש''ח
לאפשר למנהל חנות לנקות קאש ברוקט
לאפשר רק מוצר אחד בעגלת קניות
הוספת סימון אריזת מתנה ואזור להוראות בצ'קאאוט של ווקומרס
הצגת הנחה במספר (גודל ההנחה)
הוספת "אישור תקנון" לדף התשלום
הצגת רשימת תכונות המוצר בפרונט
שינוי כמות מוצרים בצ'קאאוט
ביטול השדות בצ'קאאוט
שינוי כותרות ופלייסהולדר של השדות בצ'קאאוט
validation - In python, how to check if a date is valid? - Stack Overflow
How to upload a video to YouTube using YouTube Data API in Python - Learn Data Analysis
22 Useful Snippets to Code like a Pro in Python | by Haider Imtiaz | May, 2021 | Python in Plain English
22 Useful Snippets to Code like a Pro in Python | by Haider Imtiaz | May, 2021 | Python in Plain English
החלפת טקסט באתר (מתאים גם לתרגום נקודתי)
הסרת פונטים של גוגל מתבנית KAVA
ביטול התראות במייל על עדכון וורדפרס אוטומטי
הוספת תמיכה בקבצי VCF באתר (קבצי איש קשר VCARD) - חלק 1
להחריג קטגוריה מסוימת מתוצאות החיפוש
שליפת תוכן של ריפיטר
יצירת כפתור שיתוף למובייל
זיהוי אלו אלמנטים גורמים לגלילה אופקית
התקנת SMTP
הגדרת טקסט חלופי לתמונות לפי שם הקובץ
הוספת התאמת תוספים לגרסת WP
הוספת טור ID למשתמשים
הסרת כותרת בתבנית HELLO
הסרת תגובות באופן גורף
הרשאת SVG
חילוץ החלק האחרון של כתובת העמוד הנוכחי
חילוץ הסלאג של העמוד
חילוץ כתובת העמוד הנוכחי
מניעת יצירת תמונות מוקטנות
התקנת SMTP
הצגת ה-ID של קטגוריות בעמוד הקטגוריות
להוריד מתפריט הניהול עמודים
הוספת Favicon שונה לכל דף ודף
הוספת אפשרות שכפול פוסטים ובכלל (של שמעון סביר)
הסרת תגובות באופן גורף 2
בקניה הזו חסכת XX ש''ח
חיפוש אלמנטים סוררים, גלישה צדית במובייל שיטה 1
לאפשר רק מוצר אחד בעגלת קניות
הצגת הנחה במספר (גודל ההנחה)
הוספת "אישור תקנון" לדף התשלום
שינוי צבע האדמין לפי סטטוס העמוד/פוסט
שינוי צבע אדמין לכולם לפי הסכמות של וורדפרס
תצוגת כמות צפיות מתוך הדשבורד של וורדפרס
הצגת סוג משתמש בפרונט
גלילה אין סופית במדיה
שפת הממשק של אלמנטור תואמת לשפת המשתמש
אורך תקציר מותאם אישית
הודעת שגיאה מותאמת אישית בטפסים
להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 1
להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 2
שינוי הגבלת הזיכרון בשרת
הוספת לינק להורדת מסמך מהאתר במייל הנשלח ללקוח
להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 3
יצירת כפתור שיתוף למובייל
פתיחת דף תודה בטאב חדש בזמן שליחת טופס אלמנטור - טופס בודד בדף
פתיחת דף תודה בטאב חדש בזמן שליחת טופס אלמנטור - טפסים מרובים בדף
ביי ביי לאריק ג'ונס (חסימת ספאם בטפסים)
זיהוי אלו אלמנטים גורמים לגלילה אופקית
לייבלים מרחפים בטפסי אלמנטור
יצירת אנימציה של "חדשות רצות" בג'ט (marquee)
שינוי פונט באופן דינאמי בג'ט
פונקציה ששולפת שדות מטא מתוך JET ומאפשרת לשים הכל בתוך שדה SELECT בטופס אלמנטור
הוספת קו בין רכיבי התפריט בדסקטופ
ולדציה למספרי טלפון בטפסי אלמנטור
חיבור שני שדות בטופס לשדה אחד
שאיבת נתון מתוך כתובת ה-URL לתוך שדה בטופס וקידוד לעברית
מדיה קוורי למובייל Media Query
תמונות מוצר במאונך לצד תמונת המוצר הראשית באלמנטור
הצגת תאריך עברי
פורמט תאריך מותאם אישית
תיקון שדה תאריך בטופס אלמנטור במובייל
שאיבת פרמטר מתוך הכתובת והזנתו לתוך שדה בטופס (PARAMETER, URL, INPUT)
עמודות ברוחב מלא באלמנטור
עמודה דביקה בתוך אלמנטור
יצירת "צל" אומנותי
קוד לסוויצ'ר, שני כפתורים ושני אלמנטים
סקריפט לסגירת פופאפ של תפריט לאחר לחיצה על אחד העמודים
הוספת כפתור קרא עוד
שפת הממשק של אלמנטור תואמת לשפת המשתמש
להריץ קוד JS אחרי שטופס אלמנטור נשלח בהצלחה
מצב ממורכז לקרוסלת תמונות של אלמנטור
לייבלים מרחפים בטפסי פלואנטפורמס
Discover And Maestro Card
Discover And Maestro Card
Write full test coverage for the Switch
Write full test coverage for the Discover card
uniq function (Incorrect)
._uniq (correct)
memoize (Incorrect version)
_.delay - My correct version
.every (without re-use .reduce)
Add tweet
Tweet UI - class tweet
Before UserName Feed
refactor CODE
refactor CODE
WITHOUT RECURSION - getElementsByClassName implementations
Recursion - getElementsByClassName
getElementsByClassName recursion V2
javascript - Return from a promise then() - Stack Overflow
JSON Tutorial - Learn How to Use JSON with JavaScript
How to loop through objects in javascript?
Assigning using += gives NaN in javascript - Stack Overflow
How to print both Object key and value with Each block in Svelte? - Stack Overflow
javascript - What's the difference between using "let" and "var"? - Stack Overflow
How jQuery Works | jQuery Learning Center
$( document ).ready() | jQuery Learning Center
$( document ).ready() | jQuery Learning Center
Selecting Elements | jQuery Learning Center
Selecting Elements | jQuery Learning Center
Working with Selections | jQuery Learning Center
Working with Selections | jQuery Learning Center
Manipulating Elements | jQuery Learning Center
Manipulating Elements | jQuery Learning Center
Manipulating Elements | jQuery Learning Center
Print working directory
Changes directory
Lists all directories
Goes back to parent. Its like a back button
Goes back to parent directory and immediatly goes to another directory
Brings user to the home directory.
Creates new file
Creates new file in choosen folder
Shows hidden files
Giving more details about files
Combining two flags
Gives a manual of the command
Differentiates directories from file names
Creates a directory
Removes file(s)
Removes an empty directory
Removes directory with files in it
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | All In One/Moore Insulation (IBP)
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | American Building Systems - Worcester
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | American Building Systems - Worcester
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | American Building Systems - Lakeville
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | Anderson Insulation, Inc.
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | Jones Boys Insulation (TruTeam)
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | MAP Installed Building Products - Seekonk (IBP)
Insulation Contractors Association of America | Online Contractor Locator and Buyers' Guide | North East Foam Solutions, Inc.
Field not required (nullable) validation Laravel
Syntax error or access violation: 1055
Method Illuminate\Support\Collection::appends does not exist
Default language Laravel
Get url parameter value in controller Laravel
Add active class depending on the route laravel
Call to a member function getClientOriginalName() on null
Relation of relation Laravel
Replication after find Laravel
The PATCH method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: PUT
How to create a multilingual project in Laravel 8 (i18n)
How to use SweetAlert2 in Laravel 8 using Composer
Create fake data Laravel
Link fake data in seeder Laravel
Install Sail into existing Laravel 8 project
check individual input Laravel
Redirect back with input in request Laravel
Create progress bar with Laravel (command)
Throw custom validation exception
Remove file from github
Remove folder from github
Delete pid port
Change default location screen Mac
Disable dashboard Mac
Display hidden files Mac
See ssh key directly Mac
Copy ssh key directly Window
Copy files from server to local
Copy ssh key directly Mac
Display npm modules installed globally
Go last line nano in mac
Create alias in bashrc
admariner/jupyterlab-system-monitor: JupyterLab extension to display system metrics
admariner/jupyterlab-execute-time: Execute Time Plugin for Jupyter Lab
krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp: Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
voila-dashboards/voila: Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
Books with Jupyter
Installation — Elyra 2.3.0.dev0 documentation
jupyterlab/retrolab: JupyterLab distribution with a retro look and feel 🌅
jupyterlab/retrolab: JupyterLab distribution with a retro look and feel 🌅
Namespace pattern for Apps Script - Bruce McPherson
JS doc example with advanced parameters
Docs editor add-on boilerplate (server side)
Sheets - Output 2d array to sheet with optional fill mismatched array length function
Sheets - Optimize spreadsheet by removing unused columns and rows
Unmerge all cells in sheet - apps script | Logflare | Cloudflare, Vercel & Elixir Logging
List all tables and their creation time from a single dataset
List metadata from selected tables with WHERE clause
Obtain the size, number of rows and last modified time of all tables within our dataset
List all columns related to all tables within a dataset
Filter only timestamp columns used for partitioning
Logflare - Bigquery Aggregation Formula
JavaScript (Node.js) : app.set('port', port); ^ TypeError: app.set is not a function - Stack Overflow
javascript - app.set('port', port) 'TypeError: undefined is not a function'. Beginner, need ideas - Stack Overflow
Environment variables in Node.js. The Right way!
Environment variables in Node.js. The Right way! - DEV Community
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting... - Google Search
mevn-stack/package.json at master · aturingmachine/mevn-stack
javascript - How to go back 1 folder level with __dirname? - Stack Overflow
javascript - How to go back 1 folder level with __dirname? - Stack Overflow
How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code? - Stack Overflow
html - Why am I seeing a 404 (Not Found) error failed to load favicon.ico when not using this? - Stack Overflow
node.js - How to redirect 404 errors to a page in ExpressJS? - Stack Overflow
Solved! Mongoose Unique Index Not Working - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Node.js + Express - How to log the request body and response body - Stack Overflow
javascript - How to go back 1 folder level with __dirname? - Stack Overflow
How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code? - Stack Overflow
html - Why am I seeing a 404 (Not Found) error failed to load favicon.ico when not using this? - Stack Overflow
Updating Enum Values in PostgreSQL - The Safe and Easy Way
Add random element to array : React
Pure functions!
Fetch data Component React
Filter, then map an array : React
Filter an Array of Objects by Value: React
Simple React Toggle Component with Styling
setState Callback in Class Componenet
setState Callback in a Functional Component
React State with Hooks Demo
Toggle State with Hooks
React Context API
Good REact Tutorials
Changing the Background Color in React
Set multiple counters : React
Add props to Styled Component
List comprehension
Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python - Stack Overflow
python - add an empty column to a dataframe
Python String Interpolation
4 Ways to Randomly Select Rows from Pandas DataFrame - Data to Fish
Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python - Stack Overflow
Groupby value counts on the dataframe pandas
python - Pytesseract : "TesseractNotFound Error: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your path", how do I fix this? - Stack Overflow
Tesseract OCR for Non-English Languages - PyImageSearch
chinese character recognition using Tesseract OCR - Stack Overflow
Installing and using Tesseract 4 on windows 10 | by Bharath Sivakumar | | Medium
Installing and using Tesseract 4 on windows 10 | by Bharath Sivakumar | | Medium
Building QueryMore Functionality in Apex: a SOQL OFFSET
SF Nav Mixin
Import userId
LWC Acordion - HTML
LWC Acordion - JS
Seachable Datatable js
Datatable Salesforce HTML
Datatable XML
REST Data from Flow
REST Callout from Salesforce Flow
Cancel Button
Get Record Type Id by Developer Name – Smukov on Salesforce – Ideas and experiences of a Salesforce Developer
Get Record Type Id by Developer Name – Smukov on Salesforce – Ideas and experiences of a Salesforce Developer
.partition() (picking up piece of string between separators)
findall and search text between 2 strings
apply function and def
Python regex related snippets
convert tra to sim chinese
remove punc and stopword chinese
most common words for each sector and visualize
preprocessing Text Full and path
convert dataframe to txt, to list
Working with null nan nul
preprocessing Text Full and path
colab common useful snippets
multi txt to pandas
convert stopword list from sim to tra
n-gram with filter POS tag
Retrain spacy tagger pos
working with time series snippets
Extract Text From PDF with Python
time in pandas dataframe
python vlookup dataframe
remove blank string in list
check if 2 strings in string
.partition() (picking up piece of string between separators)
findall and search text between 2 strings
Combine columns in dataframe
create and save dataframe to csv
replace function in dataframe
apply function and def
Read filenames in folder
Python regex related snippets
create and save dataframe to csv
mount Drive and colab
Print function
working with time series snippets
Train Fasttext - GloVe algorithm on my own corpus
Extract Tables from PDFs or website
Remove blank cell in pandas dataframe
time in pandas dataframe
python vlookup dataframe
dataframe all related
Combine columns in dataframe
create and save dataframe to csv
replace function in dataframe
apply function and def
convert tra to sim chinese
create and save dataframe to csv
remove punc and stopword chinese
preprocessing Text Full and path
convert dataframe to txt, to list
Working with null nan nul
preprocessing Text Full and path
multi txt to pandas
Pandas selection iloc loc note
working with time series snippets
group by the first column and get second column as lists in rows:
Remove blank cell in pandas dataframe
time in pandas dataframe
python vlookup dataframe
select pandas column as dataframe instead of series
dataframe all related
Concate dataframe in for loop
convert tra to sim chinese
remove punc and stopword chinese
Chinese POS
most common words for each sector and visualize
preprocessing Text Full and path
convert dataframe to txt, to list
preprocessing Text Full and path
colab common useful snippets
multi txt to pandas
convert stopword list from sim to tra
Pandas selection iloc loc note
n-gram with filter POS tag
Retrain spacy tagger pos
Train Fasttext - GloVe algorithm on my own corpus
Extract Text From PDF with Python
tạo wordcloud
Retry function in Python - Stack Overflow
Python: Checking if a 'Dictionary' is empty - Stack Overflow
How can I safely create a nested directory?
Importing images from a directory (Python) to list or dictionary
list intersection
Natural Sort of list containing paths in Python
Visual Studio Code: How debug Python script with arguments - Stack Overflow
add id column to posts and pages overview
add id column to categories overview
determine the id column width
show media id in media library
show image dimensions in media library overview
Show full URL in media library overview
hide email address from the markup on your site
redirect users to previous page upon login
redirect to homepage after logout
load google webfonts (paste the full url)
add social media sharing buttons
Remove WooCommerce Generator tag, styles, and scripts from non WooCommerce pages
load contactform 7 scripts and scss only on a specific page
Load CF7 scripts & CSS only on page id's mentioned in array
Shortcode for Current Page URL - Use [geturl] for Shortcode
Shortcode for Site URL - Use [site_url] for Shortcode
Fix Qout in WP + Elementor - Disable wptexturize
Add ID's to posts & pages overviews
Post Views in Wordpress Dashboard
Remove wp version number from scripts, styles & head & RSS
Connect to admin error massage
Prevents hackers from getting username by using ?author=1 at the end of your domain url
Adds image to WooCommerce order emails
Show Total Savings on Cart & Checkout Page in WooCommerce
Add "clear cache" option to shop owner role in WPRocket
Remove Shipping Information on Virtual Products
Create dashboard widget of most recent posts
Remove Yoast SEO HTML Comment footprint
Container tags
empty tag
head style
image style
image as link
ordered list
ordered list style
unordered list
unordered list style
description list
table style
Line break
horizontal rule
bold and strong
em and strong
em and strong
sub and sup
font family
align and size
delete table contents
GBQ Today
Date - X interval
Create table
Remove duplicates from table
Pivot in SQL Big Query
Pivot in SQL w/ dynamic calculation of column values
Connect to GBQ using pandas_gbq
Merge tables in GBQ
List GBQ dataset
Adjust df.columns to comply with gbq requirements + lowercase
Get gbq table schema into python list
PostgreSQL create table
PostgreSQL create temp table
PostgreSQL select query
PostgreSQL add column to table
PostgreSQL rename column in table
PostgreSQL change column type
PostgreSQL change user password
PostgreSQL insert record into table
PostgreSQL delete records
PostgreSQL delete temp table
PostgreSQL change date format
Postgres start and stop running db
PostgreSQL restart server
PostgreSQL create user
PostgreSQL create db
Psql connect to db
Psql open command line
Psql open command line
Psql db commands
Psql get hba file path
Psql show addresses being listened to
Psql db commands
kiểm tra có nhập đúng MSSV theo form hay không ?
kiểm tra kí tự có đối xứng hay không ?
kiểm tra nhập đúng độ dài kí tự
các tính năng của hàm string
mảng string
sắp xếp mảng tăng dần
đảo ngược mảng và lưu vào mảng khác
hàm tính tổng, hiệu
sử dụng hàm để tính chu vi ,diện tích hình tròn
tính lũy thừa và giai thừa
tìm tổng, min, max của mảng(use function)
code assignment 2
đảo ngược một dãy số đã cho
đếm số lượng chữ số của số nguyên dương n
Nhập vào tháng của một năm. Cho biết tháng thuộc quí mấy trong năm
83. Kiểm tra hai số có cùng dấu ?
Tìm số nguyên dương n nhỏ nhất sao cho 1 + 2 + … + n > 10000.
xuất tất cả các ký tự A tới Z.
tính tổng các giá trị lẻ nguyên dương nhỏ hơn N
tìm số nguyên dương m lớn nhất sao cho 1 + 2 + 3 + … + m < N
nhập 3 số thực. Hãy thay tất cả các số âm bằng trị tuyệt đối của nó
in 3 số thực ấy ra màn hình theo thứ tự tăng dần
Tìm ngày kế ngày vừa nhập (ngày, tháng, năm).
ngày đó là ngày thứ bao nhiêu trong năm
nhập một số nguyên có hai chữ số. Hãy in ra cách đọc của số nguyên này
kiểm tra dãy số có phải fibonacci
Generate a date range index
Check if the difference between dates is bigger than a given interval
df display options
Read xlsx to pandas df
Generate Pandas profiling report and save it to html
Generate automatic visualizations for a pandas data frame using AutoViz
Reduce multilevel columns to one level
Saving dict to pickle
Insert df rows into a coda table
Calculate date x days in the past
Concatenate cols from a data frame
Extract month, year and week from date
Convert from us number to iso number
Convert YYYYMMDD float into date
Replace any number of white spaces with pd.NA (null)