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		<form method="POST">
			<input type="text" name="domain" <?php if(isset($_POST['domain'])) echo 'value="'.$_POST['domain'].'"' ?>>
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					if ( gethostbyname($_POST['domain']) == $_POST['domain'] )
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						echo "<p class='failur'>Sorry, {$_POST['domain']} is not available</p>";
 * @ PHP 5.6
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 * @ Release on : 24.03.2018
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require "init.php";
require ROOTDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "includes" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "clientareafunctions.php";
$domain = WHMCS\Input\Sanitize::decode(App::getFromRequest("domain"));
$ext = App::getFromRequest("ext");
$sld = App::getFromRequest("sld");
$tld = App::getFromRequest("tld");
$tlds = App::getFromRequest("search_tlds");
$captcha = new WHMCS\Utility\Captcha();
$validate = new WHMCS\Validate();
$captcha->validateAppropriateCaptcha(WHMCS\Utility\Captcha::FORM_DOMAIN_CHECKER, $validate);
if ($validate->hasErrors()) {
    WHMCS\Session::set("captchaData", array("invalidCaptcha" => true, "invalidCaptchaError" => $validate->getErrors()[0]));
    WHMCS\Session::set("CaptchaComplete", false);
} else {
    WHMCS\Session::set("captchaData", array("invalidCaptcha" => false, "invalidCaptchaError" => false));
    WHMCS\Session::set("CaptchaComplete", true);
if (in_array($domain, array(Lang::trans("domaincheckerdomainexample")))) {
    $domain = "";
if ($ext && $domain) {
    if (substr($ext, 0, 1) != ".") {
        $ext = "." . $ext;
    $domain .= $ext;
if (!$domain && $sld && $tld) {
    if (substr($tld, 0, 1) != ".") {
        $tld = "." . $tld;
    $domain = $sld . $tld;
if (is_array($tlds) && 0 < count($tlds)) {
    $tldToAppend = $tlds[0];
    if (substr($tldToAppend, 0, 1) != ".") {
        $tldToAppend = "." . $tldToAppend;
    if ($domain) {
        $domain = $domain . $tldToAppend;
    } else {
        if ($sld) {
            $domain = $sld . $tldToAppend;
$domainRequestSuffix = $domain ? "&query=" . urlencode($domain) : "";
if (App::getFromRequest("transfer")) {
    App::redirect("cart.php", "a=add&domain=transfer" . $domainRequestSuffix);
if (App::getFromRequest("hosting")) {
    App::redirect("cart.php", substr($domainRequestSuffix, 1));
App::redirect("cart.php", "a=add&domain=register" . $domainRequestSuffix);

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<?php if(preg_match('/\Ahttps?:\/\/([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?\Z/', 'http://'.$_POST['domain'])) // URL auf validität überprüfen. 
  $whois=array(); // Array initialisieren. Es folgen Deklarationen des mehrdimensionalem Arrays.
  $whois['.de']['string']='Status:      free';
  $whois['.com']['string']='No match for';
  $whois['.net']['string']='No match for';
  $whois['.org']['string']='NOT FOUND';
  $whois['.info']['string']='NOT FOUND';
  $whois['.biz']['string']='Not found';
  $whois['.ag']['string']='NOT FOUND';
  $whois['.am']['string']='No match';
  $whois['.as']['string']='Domain Not Found';
  $whois['.at']['string']='nothing found';
  $whois['.be']['string']='Status:      FREE';
  $whois['.cd']['string']='No match';
  $whois['.ch']['string']='not have an entry';
  $whois['.cx']['string']='Status: Not Registered';
  $whois['.dk']['string']='No entries found';
  $whois['.it']['string']='Status: AVAILABLE';
  $whois['.li']['string']='do not have an entry';
  $whois['.lu']['string']='No such domain';
  $whois['.nu']['string']='NO MATCH for';
  $whois['.ru']['string']='No entries found';
  $whois['']['string']='No match for';
  $whois['']['string']='No match';
  $whois['.ws']['string']='No match for';

  $domain=str_replace('www.', '', $_POST['domain']); // Solche Dinge sind Detailssache (..)  Letztlich muss die Anfrage an den WHOIS-Server ohne http::// , www. usw. stattfinden. -> Nur Domainname und Domainendung.


// Verbindung zum whois server aufbauen / Status der Domain erfragen.

 $check=fsockopen($whois[$_POST['tld']]['server'], 43);
  fputs($check, $domain.$_POST['tld']."\r\n");
    $report=$report.fgets($check, 128);

  if(ereg($whois[$_POST['tld']]['string'], $report)) // Was soll geschehen, wenn domain noch frei ist?
    print('domain frei.');
  else // Was, wenn nicht?
    print('domain nicht frei.');
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								<p class="blue">.com <span>$10.91</span></p>
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								<p class="yellow">.org <span>$13.11</span></p>
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								<p class="orange">.net <span>$14.95</span></p>
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								<p class="green">.info <span>$15.32</span></p>
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החלפת טקסט באתר (מתאים גם לתרגום נקודתי) הסרת פונטים של גוגל מתבנית KAVA ביטול התראות במייל על עדכון וורדפרס אוטומטי הוספת תמיכה בקבצי VCF באתר (קבצי איש קשר VCARD) - חלק 1 להחריג קטגוריה מסוימת מתוצאות החיפוש שליפת תוכן של ריפיטר יצירת כפתור שיתוף למובייל זיהוי אלו אלמנטים גורמים לגלילה אופקית התקנת SMTP הגדרת טקסט חלופי לתמונות לפי שם הקובץ הוספת התאמת תוספים לגרסת WP הוספת טור ID למשתמשים הסרת כותרת בתבנית HELLO הסרת תגובות באופן גורף הרשאת SVG חילוץ החלק האחרון של כתובת העמוד הנוכחי חילוץ הסלאג של העמוד חילוץ כתובת העמוד הנוכחי מניעת יצירת תמונות מוקטנות התקנת SMTP הצגת ה-ID של קטגוריות בעמוד הקטגוריות להוריד מתפריט הניהול עמודים הוספת Favicon שונה לכל דף ודף הוספת אפשרות שכפול פוסטים ובכלל (של שמעון סביר) הסרת תגובות באופן גורף 2 בקניה הזו חסכת XX ש''ח חיפוש אלמנטים סוררים, גלישה צדית במובייל שיטה 1 לאפשר רק מוצר אחד בעגלת קניות הצגת הנחה במספר (גודל ההנחה) הוספת "אישור תקנון" לדף התשלום שינוי צבע האדמין לפי סטטוס העמוד/פוסט שינוי צבע אדמין לכולם לפי הסכמות של וורדפרס תצוגת כמות צפיות מתוך הדשבורד של וורדפרס הצגת סוג משתמש בפרונט גלילה אין סופית במדיה שפת הממשק של אלמנטור תואמת לשפת המשתמש אורך תקציר מותאם אישית
הודעת שגיאה מותאמת אישית בטפסים להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 1 להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 2 שינוי הגבלת הזיכרון בשרת הוספת לינק להורדת מסמך מהאתר במייל הנשלח ללקוח להפוך כל סקשן/עמודה לקליקבילית (לחיצה) - שיטה 3 יצירת כפתור שיתוף למובייל פתיחת דף תודה בטאב חדש בזמן שליחת טופס אלמנטור - טופס בודד בדף פתיחת דף תודה בטאב חדש בזמן שליחת טופס אלמנטור - טפסים מרובים בדף ביי ביי לאריק ג'ונס (חסימת ספאם בטפסים) זיהוי אלו אלמנטים גורמים לגלילה אופקית לייבלים מרחפים בטפסי אלמנטור יצירת אנימציה של "חדשות רצות" בג'ט (marquee) שינוי פונט באופן דינאמי בג'ט פונקציה ששולפת שדות מטא מתוך JET ומאפשרת לשים הכל בתוך שדה SELECT בטופס אלמנטור הוספת קו בין רכיבי התפריט בדסקטופ ולדציה למספרי טלפון בטפסי אלמנטור חיבור שני שדות בטופס לשדה אחד שאיבת נתון מתוך כתובת ה-URL לתוך שדה בטופס וקידוד לעברית מדיה קוורי למובייל Media Query תמונות מוצר במאונך לצד תמונת המוצר הראשית באלמנטור הצגת תאריך עברי פורמט תאריך מותאם אישית תיקון שדה תאריך בטופס אלמנטור במובייל שאיבת פרמטר מתוך הכתובת והזנתו לתוך שדה בטופס (PARAMETER, URL, INPUT) עמודות ברוחב מלא באלמנטור עמודה דביקה בתוך אלמנטור יצירת "צל" אומנותי קוד לסוויצ'ר, שני כפתורים ושני אלמנטים סקריפט לסגירת פופאפ של תפריט לאחר לחיצה על אחד העמודים הוספת כפתור קרא עוד שפת הממשק של אלמנטור תואמת לשפת המשתמש להריץ קוד JS אחרי שטופס אלמנטור נשלח בהצלחה מצב ממורכז לקרוסלת תמונות של אלמנטור לייבלים מרחפים בטפסי פלואנטפורמס
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INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Monthly regular gift income (DD, CC, PayPal) INCOME AND SPEND SO AGENCT AND PAYROLL INCOME AND SPEND Non Monthly DD income INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY Donation (50020) Income and Spend Summary Appeal (50050) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY:FAV Donation (50060) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: In Memory Of (IMO) (50170) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Single Fundraised Sales (51040)+Books(51050) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Single Fundraised Sales (51040)+Books(51050) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Single Fundraised Sales (51040)+Books(51050) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Single Fundraised Sales (51040)+Books(51050) INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY: Raffle ticket sales INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY:51060 - Community Fundraising INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY:50130 - Collecting Tins INCOME AND SPEND SUMMARY:50110 - Gift Aid REGULAR GIVING SUMMARY: Monthly regular gift payments CC/PP/DD SINGLE GIFT SUMMARY: Single gift payments (donations only) NEW SUPPORTER INCOME: Single gift payments NEW SUPPORTER INCOME: Monthly regular gift income NEW SUPPORTER INCOME: New monthly regular gifts established (new supporters only) NEW SUPPORTER INCOME: Single gift income (new supporters only) EXISTING BASE: INCOME FROM EXISTING REGULAR INSTRUCTIONS EXISTING BASE Monthly regular gift payments (CC/PP/DD) EXISTING BASE: Existing Non monthly DD income Existing Base other regular giving income EXISTINGBASE Cumulative monthly regular gift payments EXISTING BASE Monthly regular gift income from new regular donor EXISTING BASE single gift donations income - existing supporters EXISTING BASE Single gift donations EXISTING BASE: Single gift income - high value gifts Existing Base: Workplace giving income EXISTING BASE Volunteer fundraising & other cash income (Community Events, FB fundraiser, Lilo) EXISTING BASE: Gift aid income ES ES Monthly cc/pp/dd Income existing ES ES Monthly cc/pp/dd Payments existing Single Single gift under 500 Total Regular giving Existing WORKPLACE GIVING
Windows: 7/Vista/XP/2K tcp tunneling nbtscan: Multiple-OS command line utility: NETBIOS nameserver scanner Linux: Simulating slow internet connection Linux/Ubuntu: Changing gateway address and flush/restart network interface Linux: SSH Tunnel to local machines. Linux: Get my external ip address Linux/Ubuntu: Enable/Disable ping response Linux: Cron: Reset neorouter Linux/Ubuntu: sniff tcp communications (binary output) Liunux/Ubuntu: get a list of apps that are consuming bandwidth Linux/Ubuntu: iptables: block external outgoing ip address Linux/Ubuntu: How to setup pptp vpn server Linux: NGINX: Setup alias Linux: ssh without password Linux: NGINX: Proxy reverse Linux: one way remote sync using unison and ssh Linux: Open ssh port access using a combination (knocking technique) Linux: ssh login for only one user Linux/Ubuntu: Server: Configuring proxies Linux/Ubuntu: Share folder with Windows (via samba) Linux: Get all my local IP addresses (IPv4) Linux/Ubuntu: list ufw firewall rules without enabling it Linux/Ubuntu: Connect windows to shared folder as guest Linux/Ubuntu: Avoid connection from specific ip address without using iptables Linux: Telegram: Send telegram message to channel when user logged via ssh Linux/Ubuntu: nginx: Configuration to send request to another server by servername Modbus/ModPoll Linux/Neorouter: watchdog for neorouter connection Linux: libgdcm: Send dicom images to PACS using gdcmscu. Ubuntu: mount full rw cifs share Linux/Ubuntu: NGINX: Basic authentication access Linux/Ubuntu: Mosquitto: Enable mqtt service Linux: Detect if port is closed from command line Linux: Get internet content from command line using wget Mac OSX: Port redirection Windows 10: Port redirection/Tunneling Python: Telegram Bot API: Ask/Answer question PHP: Post a XML File using PHP without cURL Nginx: Call php without extension PHP: Send compressed data to be used on Javascript (i.e. Json data) PHP: Download file and detect user connection aborted Linux/Proxmox: Enable /dev/net/tun for hamachi PHP: using curl for get and post NGINX: Creating .htpasswd
Linux: Free unused cache memory Linux: mounting VirtualBox VDI disk using qemu nbtscan: Multiple-OS command line utility: NETBIOS nameserver scanner Linux: Saving one or more webpages to pdf file Linux: Creating iso image from disk using one line bash command Linux/PostgreSQL: Getting service uptime Linux: Simulating slow internet connection Linux/Ubuntu: Changing gateway address and flush/restart network interface Linux: SSH Tunnel to local machines. Linux: Fast find text in specific files using wild cards Linux: Merging two or more pdf files into one, by using ghostscript Linux: Cron command for deleting old files (older than n days) Linux: Get my external ip address Linux: Get the size of a folder Linux: Get the size of a folder Linux: Get the size of a folder Lazarus/Linux: Connect to SQLServer using ZeosLib component TZConnection Linux/Ubuntu: Get ordered list of all installed packages Linux/Ubuntu: Enable/Disable ping response Linux/DICOM: Very small DICOM Server Linux: Cron: Reset neorouter Linux/Oracle: Startup script Linux/Ubuntu: detect if CD/DVD disk ispresent and is writeable Linux/PHP: Let www-data run other commands (permission) Linux/DICOM: Create DICOM Video Linux: Apply same command for multiple files Linux/Ubuntu: sniff tcp communications (binary output) Linux: rsync: Backup remote folder into local folder Linux: Installing Conquest Dicom Server Linux: Get number of pages of PDF document via command line Linux: split file into pieces and join pieces again Linux/Ubuntu: iptables: block external incoming ip address Liunux/Ubuntu: get a list of apps that are consuming bandwidth Linux/Ubuntu: iptables: block external outgoing ip address Linux/DICOM: dcmtk: Modify data in dicom folder Linux/Docker: save/load container using tgz file (tar.gz) Linx/Ubuntu: solve problem apt-get when proxy authentication is required Docker: Clean all Linux: ImageMagick: convert first page of pdf document to small jpeg preview Linux: Convert pdf to html PostgreSQL: backup/restore remote database with pg_dump Linux/Ubuntu: How to setup pptp vpn server Linux/Xubuntu: Solve HDMI disconnection caused by non-supported resolution Linux: List all users PostgreSQL: Log all queries Linux: NGINX: Setup alias Linux: ssh without password Linux: NGINX: Proxy reverse Linux: one way remote sync using unison and ssh Linux: Deleting files keeping only lastest n-files in specific folder Linux: Open ssh port access using a combination (knocking technique) Linux: Get Memory percentages. Linux: Can not sudo, unkown user root (solution) Linux: PDF: How to control pdf file size Linux: ssh login for only one user Linux: get pid of process who launch another process Linux: PHP: Fix pm.max server reached max children Linux/Ubuntu: Server: Configuring proxies Linux: Compare two files displaying differences Sox: Managing audio recording and playing Linux: VirtualBox: Explore VDI disk without running virtualbox Linux: Get machine unique ID Linux: rsync only files earlier than N days Linux: Create Virtual Filesystem Linux/Ubuntu: Server: Add disks to lvm Python/Ubuntu: connect to sqlserver and oracle Linux/Ubuntu: Share folder with Windows (via samba) Linux: Get all my local IP addresses (IPv4) Linux/Ubuntu: list ufw firewall rules without enabling it Linux/Ubuntu: Connect windows to shared folder as guest Linux: delete tons of files from folder with one command Linux/Ubuntu: Avoid connection from specific ip address without using iptables Linux: Telegram: Send telegram message to channel when user logged via ssh Linux/Ubuntu: Create barcode from command line. Linux: PHP/Python: Install python dependencies for python scripts and run scripts form php Linux/Ubuntu: nginx: Configuration to send request to another server by servername Linux/Ubuntu: Fix Imagemagick "not authorized" exception Linux/Neorouter: watchdog for neorouter connection Linux: libgdcm: Send dicom images to PACS using gdcmscu. Ubuntu: mount full rw cifs share Linux/Ubuntu: NGINX: Basic authentication access PostgreSQL: Backup/Restore database from/to postgres docker. Linux/Ubuntu: Mosquitto: Enable mqtt service Linux/PHP: Connect php7.0 with sqlserver using pdo. Linux: Detect if port is closed from command line Linux: PHP: Run shell command without waiting for output (untested) Linux/Ubuntu: OS Installation date Linux/Ubuntu: Join pdf files from command line using pdftk Linux: Get internet content from command line using wget Linux/PHP/SQL: Ubuntu/Php/Sybase: Connecting sysbase database with php7 Linux/Ubuntu: Solve LC_ALL file not found error Linux/Ubuntu: Run window program with wine headless on server Linux/Docker: List ip addresses of all containers. Linux: sysmon script (memory usage) Linux: Firebird: Create admin user from command line Linux/Firebird: Backup/Restore database Git: Update folder linux/dfm-to-json/docker Linux/Oracle/Docker: 19c-ee Linux/Docker: SQL Server in docker Linux/PHP/Docker: Run docker command from php/web Linux/Docker: Oracle 12-ee docker Linux: Oracle: Backup using expdp Linux/PHP/NGINX: Increase timeout Lazarus/Fastreport: Install on Linux Linux/Ubuntu: fswatch: watch file changes in folder Linux/Docker: SQLServer: mssql-scripter: backup/restore Linux/Ubuntu: Enable/disable screensaver Linux: SQLServer: Detect MDF version Linux/Docker: Oracle install 19c (II) on docker FirebirdSQL: Restore/Backup Linux/NGINX: Redirect to another server/port by domain name Linux/Proxmox: Enable /dev/net/tun for hamachi Linux/Ubuntu: Create sudoer user Linux: PDF-url to text without downloading pdf file Docker: Reset logs
Linux/PostgreSQL: Getting service uptime Lazarus/Linux: Connect to SQLServer using ZeosLib component TZConnection Linux/Oracle: Startup script PostgreSQL: backup/restore remote database with pg_dump PostgreSQL: Log all queries PostgreSQL: Create DBLINK PostgreSQL: Database replication Python/Ubuntu: connect to sqlserver and oracle Oracle/SQL: Generate range of dates PostgreSQL: Convert records to json string and revert to records PostgreSQL: Extract function DDL PostgreSQL: Backup/Restore database from/to postgres docker. Linux/PHP: Connect php7.0 with sqlserver using pdo. PostgreSQL: Trigger template PostgreSQL: Count all records in spite of using offset/limit PHP/SQL: Reverse SQL Order in sentence PostgreSQL: Filter using ilike and string with spaces PostgreSQL: Create log table and trigger Postgres: Get string all matches between {} Linux/PHP/SQL: Ubuntu/Php/Sybase: Connecting sysbase database with php7 PostgreSQL: Must know PostgreSQL: Debito, Credito, Saldo PostgreSQL: Count total rows when range is empty PostgreSQL: Extremely fast text search using tsvector PostgreSQL: Create a copy of DB in same host PHP/PostgreSQL: Event Listener Linux: Firebird: Create admin user from command line SQL: CTE Parent-child recursive Windows/Docker/Firebird: Backup remote database Linux/Firebird: Backup/Restore database PostgreSQL: Set search path (schemas) for user Firebird on Docker Firebird: Find holes in sequence (missing number) Linux/Oracle/Docker: 19c-ee Firebird: Create an Array of integers from String Oracle: Change Sys/System user pasword Oracle: Create/drop tablespace Oracle: Create User/Schema Linux: Oracle: Backup using expdp Oracle: Get slow queries Linux: SQLServer: Detect MDF version Linux/Docker: Oracle install 19c (II) on docker FirebirdSQL: Restore/Backup Firebird: Age Calculation using Ymd format Postgresql: Age calculation to Ymd Firebird: Create Range of dates, fraction in days, hours, minutes, months or years Firebird: DATE_TO_CHAR Function (like Oracle's TO_CHAR) MS SQLServer Backup Database MS SQLServer: Detect long duration SQL sentences Firebird: Fast Search Firebird: Code Generator FirebirdSQL 2.x: DATE_TO_CHAR Procedure (like Oracle's TO_CHAR) MSSQLServer: Sequences using Date based prefix format Firebird: Query to get "Range of time" based on unit: days, months, years, etc Firebird: Generate a range of numbers.
CSS: Setup a perfect wallpaper using background image CSS: Ellipsis at end of long string in element Javascript: Is my browser on line? CSS: Crossbrowser blur effect Javascript: calculating similarity % between two string Javascript: vanilla and crossbrowser event handler accepting arguments Javascript: convert native browser event to jQuery event. Linux: Convert pdf to html Javascript: Convert proper name to Capital/Title Case Javascript: Disable Back Button - (untested) HTML/CSS: Login Page HTML/CSS: Circular progress bar using css HTML/CSS: Data column organized as top-down-right structure HTML/CSS: Printing page in letter size Javascript: Get file name from fullpath. HTML/CSS: Header/Body/Footer layout using flex Windows: Chrome: Avoid prompt on custom url calling by changing registry Javascript: Get filename and path from full path filename Javascript: Clone array/object. CSS + FontAwesome: Battery charging animation CSS: spin element HTML/CSS: Switch with input CSS: Transparent event clicks having translucid front div element CSS: Blurry Glass Effect CSS: Grow element size when mouse hover Javascript/jQuery: Input with fixed prefix. Javascript: ProtocolCheck Javascript: Beep Telegram: Chat/html (personal) PHP: php-imagick: Thumbnail from thispersondoesnotexists Javascript: Get host info Javascript: Vanilla async get HTML/CSS: Rotating circle loader PHP: Post JSON object to API without curl Javascript: Post data to new window. CSS/Android Ripple Effect in Pure CSS OSRM/API: OpenStreet Maps Calculate distance between points OSM/OpenLayers: Place marker on coordinates using custom image. PHP: Send compressed data to be used on Javascript (i.e. Json data) PHP/JSignature: Base30 to PNG Javascript: Query Params to JSON Javascript/CSS: Ripple Effect - Vanilla Delphi/UniGUI: Disable load animation PHP: Send basic authentication credentials Delphi: Post JSON to API PHP: Receiving Bearer Authorization token from header Linux/NGINX: Redirect to another server/port by domain name Javascript: Async/Await Web Programming: Fastest way for appending DOM elements CSS: Animated progress bar CSS: Shake element CSS: Align elements like windows explorer icons layout style Javascript: Submit JSON object from form values Javascript: Fetch POST JSON Linux: PDF-url to text without downloading pdf file Javascript/in Browser: Jump to anchor Javascript/NodeJS: Uglify js files CSS: Two of the best readable fonts in web CSS: Dark/Theater background Javascript: Detect inactivity / idle time Svelte: Dynamic component rendering CSS: Responsive Grid NGINX: Creating .htpasswd Javascript: Wait until all rendered Javascript: Print PDF directly having URL Sveltekit: Create component dynamically Sveltekit: Create component dynamically Sveltekit: Import component dynamically CSS: Animation/Gelatine
substr(): It takes two arguments, the starting index and number of characters to slice. substring(): It takes two arguments, the starting index and the stopping index but it doesn't include the character at the stopping index. split(): The split method splits a string at a specified place. includes(): It takes a substring argument and it checks if substring argument exists in the string. includes() returns a boolean. If a substring exist in a string, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. replace(): takes as a parameter the old substring and a new substring. replace(): takes as a parameter the old substring and a new substring. charAt(): Takes index and it returns the value at that index indexOf(): Takes a substring and if the substring exists in a string it returns the first position of the substring if does not exist it returns -1 lastIndexOf(): Takes a substring and if the substring exists in a string it returns the last position of the substring if it does not exist it returns -1 concat(): it takes many substrings and joins them. startsWith: it takes a substring as an argument and it checks if the string starts with that specified substring. It returns a boolean(true or false). endsWith: it takes a substring as an argument and it checks if the string ends with that specified substring. It returns a boolean(true or false). search: it takes a substring as an argument and it returns the index of the first match. The search value can be a string or a regular expression pattern. match: it takes a substring or regular expression pattern as an argument and it returns an array if there is match if not it returns null. Let us see how a regular expression pattern looks like. It starts with / sign and ends with / sign. repeat(): it takes a number as argument and it returns the repeated version of the string. Concatenating array using concat indexOf:To check if an item exist in an array. If it exists it returns the index else it returns -1. lastIndexOf: It gives the position of the last item in the array. If it exist, it returns the index else it returns -1. includes:To check if an item exist in an array. If it exist it returns the true else it returns false. Array.isArray:To check if the data type is an array toString:Converts array to string join: It is used to join the elements of the array, the argument we passed in the join method will be joined in the array and return as a string. By default, it joins with a comma, but we can pass different string parameter which can be joined between the items. Slice: To cut out a multiple items in range. It takes two parameters:starting and ending position. It doesn't include the ending position. Splice: It takes three parameters:Starting position, number of times to be removed and number of items to be added. Push: adding item in the end. To add item to the end of an existing array we use the push method. pop: Removing item in the end shift: Removing one array element in the beginning of the array. unshift: Adding array element in the beginning of the array. for of loop Unlimited number of parameters in regular function Unlimited number of parameters in arrow function Expression functions are anonymous functions. After we create a function without a name and we assign it to a variable. To return a value from the function we should call the variable. Self invoking functions are anonymous functions which do not need to be called to return a value. Arrow Function Object.assign: To copy an object without modifying the original object Object.keys: To get the keys or properties of an object as an array Object.values:To get values of an object as an array Object.entries:To get the keys and values in an array hasOwnProperty: To check if a specific key or property exist in an object forEach: Iterate an array elements. We use forEach only with arrays. It takes a callback function with elements, index parameter and array itself. The index and the array optional. map: Iterate an array elements and modify the array elements. It takes a callback function with elements, index , array parameter and return a new array. Filter: Filter out items which full fill filtering conditions and return a new array reduce: Reduce takes a callback function. The call back function takes accumulator, current, and optional initial value as a parameter and returns a single value. It is a good practice to define an initial value for the accumulator value. If we do not specify this parameter, by default accumulator will get array first value. If our array is an empty array, then Javascript will throw an error every: Check if all the elements are similar in one aspect. It returns boolean find: Return the first element which satisfies the condition findIndex: Return the position of the first element which satisfies the condition some: Check if some of the elements are similar in one aspect. It returns boolean sort: The sort methods arranges the array elements either ascending or descending order. By default, the sort() method sorts values as strings.This works well for string array items but not for numbers. If number values are sorted as strings and it give us wrong result. Sort method modify the original array. use a compare call back function inside the sort method, which return a negative, zero or positive. Whenever we sort objects in an array, we use the object key to compare. Destructing Arrays : If we like to skip on of the values in the array we use additional comma. The comma helps to omit the value at that specific index
openssh / GitLab Infrastructure Team / · GitLab Use Apple touch icon | webhint documentation How to get GPU Rasterization How to get GPU Rasterization Migrating to Manifest V3 - Chrome Developers Migrating to Manifest V3 - Chrome Developers Manifest - Web Accessible Resources - Chrome Developers chrome.webRequest - Chrome Developers chrome.webRequest - Chrome Developers Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Cross-site scripting – Wikipedia Export-ModuleMember (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn Sourcegraph GraphQL API - Sourcegraph docs Winge19/vscode-abl: An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Progress OpenEdge ABL language. Winge19/vscode-abl: An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Progress OpenEdge ABL language. Winge19/vscode-abl: An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Progress OpenEdge ABL language. New File Cache · Actions · GitHub Marketplace Cache · Actions · GitHub Marketplace Winge19/cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions Winge19/cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions Winge19/cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions Winge19/cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions Winge19/cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions history.state during a bfcache traversal · web-platform-tests/wpt@7d60342 Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn Configure CI/CD pipeline with YAML file - MSIX | Microsoft Learn ASP.NET Core 6.0 Blazor Server APP and Working with MySQL DB - CodeProject json Process Herpaderping – Windows Defender Evasion | Pentest Laboratories 0x7c13/Notepads: A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design. Share data - UWP applications | Microsoft Learn What is ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll? What is ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll? What is ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll? What is ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll? Message passing - Chrome Developers
parsing - Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++) - Stack Overflow parsing - Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++) - Stack Overflow parsing - Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++) - Stack Overflow parsing - Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++) - Stack Overflow arrays - Convert a hexadecimal to a float and viceversa in C - Stack Overflow arrays - Convert a hexadecimal to a float and viceversa in C - Stack Overflow Why does C++ require breaks in switch statements? - Stack Overflow Why does C++ require breaks in switch statements? - Stack Overflow Why does C++ require breaks in switch statements? - Stack Overflow coding style - Switch statement fall-through...should it be allowed? - Stack Overflow performance - Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer efficiently in C? - Stack Overflow C,C++ ---结构体指针初始化_zlQ_的博客-CSDN博客_c++初始化结构体指针 c++ - C++ 返回局部变量的常引用 - SegmentFault 思否 (23条消息) C++ 去掉const_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_c++ 去掉const (23条消息) 尾置返回值类型decltype_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 变参模板函数_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_变参模板 (23条消息) 变参表达式_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 变参下标_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 变参基类_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) typname 使用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 零初始化_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) this->使用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 变量模板_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_变量模板 (23条消息) enable_if使用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) 完美转发函数_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客 (23条消息) C++ 函数返回局部变量地址和引用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_c++函数返回地址 (23条消息) C++ 函数返回局部变量地址和引用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_c++函数返回地址 (23条消息) C++ 函数返回局部变量地址和引用_最后冰吻free的博客-CSDN博客_c++函数返回地址 结构体数组定义时初始化 cJSON的数据结构 C++共用体与结构体区别-C++ union与struct的区别-嗨客网 C++共用体与结构体区别-C++ union与struct的区别-嗨客网 队列的c语言实现_51CTO博客_c语言实现队列 栈的实现 c语言版_51CTO博客_c语言栈的实现以及操作 【专业技术】如何写出优美的C 代码? - 腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云 【专业技术】如何写出优美的C 代码? - 腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云 C++ short-C++短整型-C++ short取值范围-嗨客网 C++ short-C++短整型-C++ short取值范围-嗨客网 C++ long long-C++长长整型-C++ long long取值范围-嗨客网 C++ long long-C++长长整型-C++ long long取值范围-嗨客网 C++字符-C++ char-C++字符取值范围-嗨客网 C++枚举enum-C++怎么定义枚举变量-C++枚举的作用-嗨客网 C++三目运算符-C++的三目运算符-C++三目运算符怎么用-什么是三目运算符-嗨客网 C++打印乘法表-嗨客网 C++ while循环打印乘法表-嗨客网 C++ do while循环打印乘法表-嗨客网 (转)sizeof()和_countof()区别 - 榕树下的愿望 - 博客园 详述CRC校验码(附代码)-面包板社区 详述CRC校验码(附代码)-面包板社区 详述CRC校验码(附代码)-面包板社区 C program to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal - Aticleworld Conversion of Hex decimal to integer value using C language (27条消息) vector<char>太慢,自己造一个CharVector_char vector_飞鸟真人的博客-CSDN博客 C++ windows显示器相关信息获取 - 艺文笔记
Q64 Snapshot Array - LeetCode Q63 Reorganize String - LeetCode Q62 Tricky Sorting Cost | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q62 Minimum Cost To Connect Sticks Q60 PepCoding | Longest Substring With At Most Two Distinct Characters Q59 PepCoding | Line Reflection Q58 Pairs of Non Coinciding Points | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q57 Avoid Flood in The City - LeetCode Q56 Random Pick with Blacklist - LeetCode Q55 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed - LeetCode Q55 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed - LeetCode Q54 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - LeetCode Q53 The Skyline Problem - LeetCode Q52 Encode and Decode TinyURL - LeetCode Q51 Maximum Frequency Stack - LeetCode Q50 Brick Wall - LeetCode Q50 Brick Wall - LeetCode Q49 X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards - LeetCode Q48 First Unique Character in a String - LeetCode Q47 Subdomain Visit Count - LeetCode Q46 Powerful Integers - LeetCode Q45 4Sum II - LeetCode Q44 PepCoding | Quadruplet Sum QFind K Pairs with Smallest Sums - LeetCode Q43 PepCoding | Pairs With Given Sum In Two Sorted Matrices Q42 Completing tasks | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q41 Degree of an Array - LeetCode Q-40 Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence - LeetCode Q39 PepCoding | Double Pair Array Q38 Rabbits in Forest - LeetCode Q-37* Fraction to Recurring Decimal - LeetCode Q36 PepCoding | Pairs With Equal Sum Q35 PepCoding | Count Of Subarrays With Equal Number Of 0s 1s And 2s Q34 PepCoding | Longest Subarray With Equal Number Of 0s 1s And 2s Q-34PepCoding | Pairs With Equal Sum Q33 PepCoding | Count Of Subarrays With Equal Number Of Zeroes And Ones Q32 Contiguous Array - LeetCode Q31 Subarray Sums Divisible by K - LeetCode Q30 PepCoding | Longest Subarray With Sum Divisible By K Q29 Subarray Sum Equals K - LeetCode Q27 Word Pattern - LeetCode Q-26 Isomorphic Strings - LeetCode Q-25 PepCoding | Group Shifted String Q24 Group Anagrams - LeetCode Q23 Valid Anagram - LeetCode Q22 PepCoding | Find Anagram Mappings Q21 PepCoding | K Anagrams Q20 Find All Anagrams in a String - LeetCode Q-19 Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N - LeetCode Q-18 PepCoding | Count Of Substrings Having At Most K Unique Characters Q-17 PepCoding | Longest Substring With At Most K Unique Characters Q-16 PepCoding | Maximum Consecutive Ones - 2 Q15 PepCoding | Maximum Consecutive Ones - 1 Q-14 PepCoding | Equivalent Subarrays Q13 PepCoding | Count Of Substrings With Exactly K Unique Characters Q-12 PepCoding | Longest Substring With Exactly K Unique Characters Q-11 PepCoding | Count Of Substrings Having All Unique Characters Q-10 PepCoding | Longest Substring With Non Repeating Characters Q-9 PepCoding | Smallest Substring Of A String Containing All Unique Characters Of Itself Q8 PepCoding | Smallest Substring Of A String Containing All Characters Of Another String | leetcode76 Q-7 PepCoding | Largest Subarray With Contiguous Elements Q-6 PepCoding | Count Of All Subarrays With Zero Sum Q5 PepCoding | Largest Subarray With Zero Sum Q4 PepCoding | Count Distinct Elements In Every Window Of Size K Q-3 PepCoding | Check If An Array Can Be Divided Into Pairs Whose Sum Is Divisible By K Q2 PepCoding | Find Itinerary From Tickets Q1 PepCoding | Number Of Employees Under Every Manager 2653. Sliding Subarray Beauty
DSA 1.8 : Pointers DSA-1.8 : Pointers DSA-1.8 : Pointers DSA 1.8 : Pointers DSA 1.10 : Reference DSA 1.12 - Pointer to structure DSA 1.12 - pointer to structure DSA 1.15 : Paramter passing method : by value DSA 1.15 : Parameter passing method- by address DSA 1.15 : parameter passing method -by reference DSA 1.18 : returning array from a function DSA 1.20 : pointer to structure DSA 1.23 : monolithic program DSA 1.24 : procedural or modular programming DSA 1.25 : procedural programming using structure and functions DSA 1.26 : Object Oriented programming approach DSA 1.30 : template classes DSA 5.52 Recursion using static variable DSA 5.56 : tree recursion DSA 5.58 : Indirect recursion DSA 5.56 : Nested recursion DSA 5.68 : Taylor series using recursion DSA 5.70 : Taylors series using Horner's rule DSA 5.73 : Fibonacci using iteration DSA 5.73 : Fibonacci using recursion DSA 5.73 : Fibonacci using memoization and recursion DSA 5.75 : nCr using recursion DSA 5.76 : Tower of Hanoi DSA 7 : array ADT DSA 7.99 - Delete function in an array DSA 7.102 : Linear Search DSA 146 : C++ class for Diagonal matrix DSA 150 : Lower Triangular matrix Diagonal matrix full code Creation of sparse matrix 175. Display for linked list 176. Recursive display for linked list 178 : counting nodes in a linked list 179: sum of all elements in a linked list 181: find the largest element in the linked list 183: searching for a value in linked list 184: Improve searching in a linked list 186: Inserting a new node in a linked list (logic) 186: Insertion in a linked list (function) 189: Creating a linked list by inserting at end 191: Inserting in a sorted linked list 192: deleting a node from a linked list 195 : check if the linked list is sorted or not 197: Remove duplicates from sorted linked list
Q66 Distinct Echo Substrings - LeetCode 1316 (rabin karp rolling hash -> O(n^2)) Q66 Distinct Echo Substrings - LeetCode 1316(O(n^3) solution) Q65 Interleaving String - LeetCode 97 Q64 Frog Jump - LeetCode 403 Q63 Champagne Tower - LeetCode 799 Q62 Super Ugly Number - LeetCode 313 Q61 Ugly Number 2 - LeetCode 264 Q60 Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome - LeetCode 1316 Q59 Temple Offerings | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q58 Word Break - LeetCode 139 Q57 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence - LeetCode 446 Q56 Arithmetic Slices - LeetCode 413 Q55 Max sum of M non-overlapping subarrays of size K - GeeksforGeeks (tabulization) Q55 Max sum of M non-overlapping subarrays of size K - GeeksforGeeks (memoization) Q54 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays - LeetCode 689 Q53 Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays - LeetCode 1031 Q52 Maximum difference of zeros and ones in binary string | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q51 Mobile numeric keypad | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q50 Distinct Transformation LeetCode Playground ( tabulization approach) Q50 - Distinct Transformation- LeetCode Playground ( recursion + memoization approach) Q49 Highway BillBoards - Coding Ninjas Codestudio approach 2 Q49 Highway BillBoards - Coding Ninjas Codestudio (approach 1 LIS) Q48 Knight Probability in Chessboard - LeetCode 688 Q47 Cherry Pickup - LeetCode 741 (recursion approach) Q46 Super Egg Drop - LeetCode 887 Q45 Predict the Winner - LeetCode 486 Q45 Optimal Strategy For A Game | Practice | GeeksforGeeks | leetcode 46 Q44 Largest Sum Subarray of Size at least K | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q42 Maximum Subarray - LeetCode 53 Q41 Minimum Cost To Make Two Strings Identical | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q40 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings - LeetCode 712 Q39 Scramble String - LeetCode 87 Q38 Edit Distance - LeetCode 72 Q37 Regular Expression Matching - LeetCode 10 Q36 Wildcard Matching - LeetCode Q35 Longest Repeating Subsequence | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q34 Longest Common Substring | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q33 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences - LeetCode 730 Q32 Number of distinct subsequences | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q31 Longest Palindromic Substring - LeetCode Q30 Count Palindromic Subsequences | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q29 Longest Palindromic Subsequence - LeetCode 516 Q28 Longest Common Subsequence - LeetCode 1143 Q27 Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon - LeetCode 1039 Q26 Optimal binary search tree | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q24 Matrix Chain Multiplication | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q23 Palindrome Partitioning II - LeetCode 132 Q23 Palindrome Partitioning II - LeetCode - 132 ( n^3 approach) Q22 Palindromic Substrings - LeetCode 647 Q21 Rod Cutting | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q20 Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon - LeetCode 1039 Q19 Intersecting Chords in a Circle | Interviewbit Q18 Generate Parentheses - LeetCode 22 Q17 PepCoding | Count Of Valleys And Mountains Q16 Unique Binary Search Trees - LeetCode 96 Q15 Catalan Number Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities - 2492 Q14 Perfect Squares - LeetCode Q13 Russian Doll Envelopes - LeetCode (LIS in NlogN - accepted solution) Q13 Russian Doll Envelopes - LeetCode 354 solution1(LIS in O(n^2)) Q12 PepCoding | Maximum Non-overlapping Bridges Q11 Longest Bitonic subsequence | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q10 Maximum sum increasing subsequence | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q9 PepCoding | Print All Longest Increasing Subsequences Q8 Longest Increasing Subsequence - LeetCode 300 Q7 2 Keys Keyboard - LeetCode 650 Q-6 PepCoding | Print All Results In 0-1 Knapsack Q5 PepCoding | Print All Paths With Target Sum Subset Q4 PepCoding | Print All Paths With Maximum Gold Q3 PepCoding | Print All Paths With Minimum Cost Q2 Jump Game II - LeetCode 45 Q1 Maximal Square - LeetCode 221 Q67 Longest Increasing Subsequence - LeetCode 300 ( LIS O(nlogn) solution) Q43 K-Concatenation Maximum Sum - LeetCode 1191 Q13 Russian Doll Envelopes - LeetCode 354 ( LIS -> O(nlogn) solution) Q25 Burst Balloons - LeetCode 312
Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities - 2492 Number of Operations to Make Network Connected - 1319 Q42 Mother Vertex | Interviewbit (kosraju) Q41 Count Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju’s Algorithm) Q40 Leetcode 734. Sentence Similarity Q39 Satisfiability of Equality Equations - LeetCode 990 Q38 Redundant Connection II - LeetCode 685 Q37 Redundant Connection - LeetCode 684 Q36 Minimize Malware Spread II - LeetCode 928 Q35 Minimize Malware Spread - LeetCode 924 Q34 Accounts Merge - LeetCode 721 Q33 Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations - LeetCode 1722 Q32 Rank Transform of a Matrix - LeetCode 1632 Q32 Reconstruct Itinerary - leetcode 332 (eularian path && Eularian cycle) Q31 Regions Cut By Slashes - LeetCode 959 Q30 Minimum Spanning Tree | Practice | GeeksforGeeks (kruskal algo) Q29 Number of Islands II - Coding Ninjas (DSU) Q28 Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable - LeetCode 1579 Q27 Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths - LeetCode 1675 Q26 Network Delay Time - LeetCode 743 Q25 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops - LeetCode 787 Q24 Distance from the Source (Bellman-Ford Algorithm) | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q23 Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost - Coding Ninjas Q22 Swim in Rising Water - LeetCode 778 Q21 Water Supply In A Village - Coding Ninjas Q20 Minimum Spanning Tree | Practice | GeeksforGeeks(prims algo) Q19 Alien Dictionary | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q18 Course Schedule - LeetCode 207 (kahn's algorithm) Q17 Minimum edges(0-1 BFS) | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q17 Minimum edges(0-1 BFS) | Practice | GeeksforGeeks ( using djikstra) Q16 Sliding Puzzle - LeetCode 773 Q15 Bus Routes - LeetCode 815 Q14 Shortest Bridge - LeetCode 934 (without pair class) Q14 Shortest Bridge - LeetCode 934 ( with pair class) Q 13 As Far from Land as Possible - LeetCode 1120 Q12 Rotting Oranges - LeetCode 994 Q11 01 Matrix - LeetCode 542 Q10 Number of Distinct Islands | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q9 Number of Enclaves - LeetCode 1085 Q8 Coloring A Border - LeetCode 1034 Q7 Unique Paths II - 63 Q6 Unique Paths III - LeetCode 980 Q5 Number of Provinces - LeetCode 547 Q4 Number of Islands - LeetCode 200 Q3 Number of Operations to Make Network Connected - LeetCode 1319 Q2 All Paths From Source to Target - LeetCode 797 Q1 Find if Path Exists in Graph - LeetCode 1971 Q43 is Cycle present in DAG ? GFG ( Topological Sort) Q43 is cycle present in DAG ? GFG (using kahns algo) Q44 Bellman ford | GFG ( Smaller code) Q45 Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid - LeetCode 1368
chapter2-code-1 chapter2-code-2 chapter2-code-3 chapter3-code-1 chapter4-code-1 chapter4-code-2 chapter4-code-3 chapter4-code-4 chapter4-code-5 chapter4-code-6 chapter4-code-7 chapter4-code-8 chapter4-code-9 chapter4-code-10 chapter5-code-1 chapter5-code-2 chapter5-code-3 chapter6-code-1 chapter6-code-2 chapter6-code-3 chapter7-code-1 chapter7-code-2 chapter7-code-3 chapter7-code-4 chapter7-code-5 chapter7-code-6 chapter7-code-7 chapter7-code-8 chapter7-code-9 chapter7-code-10 chapter7-code-11 chapter7-code-12 chapter7-code-13 chapter8-code-1 chapter8-code-2 chapter8-code-3 chapter8-code-4 chapter9-code-1 chapter9-code-2 chapter9-code-3 chapter9-code-4 chapter10-code-1 chapter10-code-2 chapter10-code-3 chapter10-code-4 chapter10-code-5 chapter11-code-1 chapter11-code2 chapter11-code-3 chapter11-code-4 chapter11-code-5 chapter11-code-6 chapter12-code-1 chapter12-code-2 chapter13-code-1 chapter13-code-2 chapter13-code-3 chapter13-code-4 chapter13-code-5 chapter14-code-1 chapter14-code-2 chapter14-code-3 chapter14-code-4 chapter15-code-1 chapter15-code-2 chapter16-code-1 chapter16-code-2 chapter16-code-3 chapter16-code-4 chapter16-code-5 chapter16-code-6 chapter16-code-7 chapter16-code-8 chapter16-code-9 chapter16-code-10 chapter17-code-1 chapter17-code-2 chapter18-code-1 chapter18-code-2 chapter18-code-3 chapter18-code-4 chapter18-code-5 chapter19-code-1 chapter19-code-2 chapter19-code-3 chapter20-code-1 chapter21-code-1 chapter21-code-2 chapter21-code-3 chapter21-code-4 chapter21-code-5 chapter22-code-1 chapter22-code-2 chapter22-code-3 chapter23-code-1 chapter23-code-2 chapter23-code-3 chapter23-code-4 chapter23-code-5 chapter24-code-1 chapter24-code-2 chapter24-code-3 chapter25-code-1 chapter25-code-2 chapter25-code-3 chapter25-code-4 chapter25-code-5 chapter25-code-6 chapter25-code-7 chapter25-code-8 chapter25-code-9 chapter26-code-1 chapter26-code-2 chapter27-code-1 chapter27-code-2 chapter28-code-1 chapter28-code-2 chapter29-code-1 chapter11-code-2 chapter1-code-1
Display Custom Post By Custom Texonomy Hide Section If Data Empty Custom post Url Change Social Share Link Genrator / meta tag OG Set Custom post type template Custom post by current category page List all Category Loop Reverse Reverse Array in custom repeat fields Display custom texonomy name into post WP Rocket Delay JavaScript execution Files Post FIlter By Texonomy URL Check and echo active exclude current post from single page Post Sort by Custom Taxonomy in Admin Ajex select change texonomy and post Wordpress Ajex select Get Category Name (wp get object()) List Display Custom Taxonomy Order Date Woocommerce Disable notification for plugin update Custom Ajax Form for WP Order Expiry Woocommerce Post By Post Taxonomy Hide Section If Data Empty Product SKU Search with default search Hide WP Version Disable REST API Get Post Data with Post or page id (WCK CTP Select field) Custom API For Page with custom fields Disable WordPress Update Notifications Create Users Automatically In WordPress / create admin login Create and Diplsay ACF Texonomy Data Custom Post by Custom Texo filter JQuery Multiple Select Filter WordPress Premium Plugins Repo WP Premium Plugins Repo Part 2 Custom Taxonomy Template Post Order by ASC and DESC on published date Post Order by ASC and DESC on published date Widget Register and Dipslay Display category and Subcategory with Post CF7 Successful Submit Redirect to another page Load Fancybox on page load Once in month with cookies SVG Support in WP in function.php List Custom Taxonomy Wordpress Admin Login Page Layout Change Change Posts To Blogs (Post Type) JQuery Load More Display Custom Post under custom taxonomy Search Form with result page Stater Theme style.css file Acf option page Call Another Custom Header Zoho Integration for cf7 Forms www redirection 404 WP Template Coming Soon HTML Template Display Custom Posts by Category With Ajax filter Disable wordpress update notification / wp update notification custom breadcrumbs Disable admin toolbar except admin Disable Comment module on whole website Custom Data / Product / Card Filter by page load (by get and isset function) Mastek Resource Page for filter data List All pages on admin dashboard Custom Taxonomy Name on Single Page custom texonomy list with child WordPress Security and admin page Code Js Load on Page Based
Prints I love python Opens a comic in webbrowser YouTube video downloader GUI in Python A Simple Text Editor In Python CTk Login Form GUI in Python A Word Guessing Game In Python A GUI Password Manager With Database Connectivity in Python Word Counter In Python An Adventure Game GUI In Python A Basic Browser In Python Using PyQt5 (This doesn't store your browsing history!) Speech command Bot (Doraemon) In Python To-Do List Interface(With Lottie) In Python To-Do List Interface(With Lottie) In Python: HTML Code Rock Paper Scissors GUI In Python Rock Paper Scissors GUI In Python: The GUI code Your Motivator With Python And Unsplash Dice Stimulator Python CTk GUI A PNG to WEBP Converter With Python Mini Calculator GUI with Python A Number-Guessing Game In Python A Random Wikipedia Article Generator GUI In Python Your Own Gallery In Python A Tic Tac Toe Game In Python AI Weather Predictor That Doesn't Predict The Weather A Real-Time Spelling Checker In Python How to make a simple button in customtkinter Button like one on my website in python CTk How to make a simple checkbox in customtkinter python Hobby Selector Using Python CustomTkinter A sample comment in Python Python hub challenge 1 Single line comment in Python Multi line comments in Python Inline comments in Python Demonstrating Integers in Python Demonstrating Boolean numbers in Python Demonstrating Float numbers in Python Demonstrating Complex numbers in Python challenge 2 solution (numbers in python) Implicit type conversion in python Explicit type conversion python part 1 Explicit type conversion in python part 2 String formatting in Python String Concatenation in Python String formatting using print function Python Format function in Python % operator string formatting in Python F-String in Python How to utilize variables in string's solution string indexing python String Slicing question String Slicing question2 String Slicing question3 String Slicing question4 String Slicing question5 String Slicing Answer 1 String Slicing Answer 2 String Slicing Answer 3 String Slicing Answer 4 String Slicing Answer 5 String part 2 challenge solution Madlib in Python (solution) Madlib in Python (solution) output Madlib in Python (solution) 2 Madlib in Python (solution) output 2 Dictionary challenge solution Dictionary challenge solution output Single value tuple Python Single value tuple Python output Concatenate tuples in Python Copy a tuple in Python count() method tuple python index() method tuple python Tuple challenge Tuple challenge output Creating a set in Python Fun world Dictionary challenge Fun world Dictionary Output If else statement Elif ladder Multiple if statements Python Nested if else statements Python if else comprehension Simple calculator in python (if else challenge) Simple calculator in python (if else challenge) Output Iterating through list in Python Iterating through list in Python using For loop Break statement in Python Continue statement in Python Pass statement in Python Else with for loop in Python
9. Write a C program that prints the English alphabet (a-z). 10. Write a C program that prints both the Max and Min value in an array 1. Write a C program that takes a character from the user and prints its corresponding ASCII value 2. Write a C program, which reads an integer and checks whether the number is divisible by both 5 and 6, or neither of them, of just one of them. 4. Write a C program that checks if a number is prime or not. 5. Write a C program that stores an integer code in a variable called ‘code’. It then prompts the user to enter an integer from the standard input, which we will compare with our original ‘code’. If it matches the code, print ‘Password cracked’, otherwise, prompt the user to try again. For example, int code = 23421; //23421 is the code here. 6. Based on question 5, modify the program to keep track of the number of attempted password guesses. It then prints: “The password was cracked after ‘n’ amount of tries”, n being the tracking variable. Bonus Questions: 1. What is the difference between a while loop and a do-while loop? 2. Is the size of an Array mutable after declaration? 3. What is the purpose of passing the address of a variable in scanf? 4. What are the various possible return values for scanf? 5. Why do we declare the main method as an int function with return 0 at the end? 7. Write a C program that prompts the User to initialize an array by providing its length, and its values. It then asks him to enter the ‘focal number’. Your task is to print all the values in the array that are greater than the ‘focal number’. 8. Write a C program that prompts the user to enter 10 positive numbers and calculates the sum of the numbers.
Q12 Maximum Path Sum in the matrix - Coding Ninjas (Striver DP) Q- Recursion | Memoization | Tabulization in 2d dp READ ME Q18 Partitions with Given Difference | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q17 Perfect Sum Problem | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q16 Minimum sum partition | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q52 Boolean Evaluation - Coding Ninjas Q-49 Matrix Chain Multiplication - Coding Ninjas Q24 Rod Cutting | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q23 Knapsack with Duplicate Items | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q-19 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem | Practice | GeeksforGeeks Q14 Subset Sum Equal To K - Coding Ninjas Q14 Cherry Pickup - Coding Ninjas Q-8 Ninja’s Training - Coding Ninjas Q-6 Maximum sum of non-adjacent elements - Coding Ninjas Q-3 Frog Jump - Coding Ninjas Q55 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones - LeetCode 1277 Q55 Maximal Rectangle - LeetCode 85 Q54 Partition Array for Maximum Sum - LeetCode1043 Q53 Palindrome Partitioning II - LeetCode 132 Q51 Burst Balloons - LeetCode 312 Q50 Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick - LeetCode 1547 Q47 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence - LeetCode 673 Q45 Longest String Chain - LeetCode 1048 Q44 Largest Divisible Subset - LeetCode 368 Q43 Longest Increasing Subsequence - LeetCode 300 Q34 Wildcard Matching - LeetCode 44 Q33 Edit Distance - LeetCode 72 Q-32 Distinct Subsequences - LeetCode 115 Q25 Longest Common Subsequence - LeetCode 1143 Q22 Coin Change II - LeetCode 518 Q-20 Coin Change - LeetCode 322 Q-15 Target Sum - LeetCode 494 Q-12 Triangle - LeetCode 120 Q11 Minimum Path Sum - LeetCode 64 Q-10 Unique Paths II - LeetCode Q-9 Unique Paths - LeetCode 62 Q-6 House Robber II - LeetCode 213 Q-5 House Robber - LeetCode 198 Q-1 Climbing Stairs - LeetCode 70
8. Write a C program function that uses pointers to swap to numbers. 6. Write a C program that prints the English alphabet using pointers. 10. Write a C program void function that uses pointers to perform decompose operation. (Print only in the main function). Decompose means breaking up a decimal number into an integer part and a double part and storing them in different variables. 1. Write a C program function called ‘changeEven’ that changes all the even numbers within an array to 0, using pointer arithmetic 2. Write a C program function called ‘changePrime’, that changes all the prime numbers within an array to 0. Use another function, within ‘changePrime, called ‘checkPrime’, to check and return whether the number is prime or not, then update the value in the ‘changePrime’ accordingly. Don’t use pointer arithmetic 3. Write a C program that sorts an Array in descending order. 4. Write a C program function called ‘factorial’ that calculates and returns the factorial of a number. 5. Write a C program that gets an Array with 10 3-digits integer IDs. The program then prompts the user to enter his ID, which will be compared to the existing IDs within our Array. If his ID is matched, print “Accepted”, else print “Unaccepted”. 7. Write a C program that accepts three integers: a, b, and c, and prints them in ascending order 9. After the holidays lots of people were rushing to move back to their apartments. In this scenario, even numbers will represent women while odd numbers will represent men. Store the sequence of entry into the building by typing in even and odd numbers into an array at random. Calculate the largest sequence of women entering the building before a man enters. (The largest continuous number of women that entered before a man came in) Example: 17, 4, 6, 8, 9, 2, 8, 49 (The largest continuous number of women is 3).
Write a loop that reads positive integers from console input, printing out those values that are greater than 100, and that terminates when it reads an integer that is not positive. The printed values should be separated by single blank spaces. Declare any variables that are needed. Write a loop that reads positive integers from console input, printing out those values that are even, separating them with spaces, and that terminates when it reads an integer that is not positive. Write a loop that reads positive integers from console input and that terminates when it reads an integer that is not positive. After the loop terminates, it prints out the sum of all the even integers read. Given an int variable n that has been initialized to a positive value and, in addition, int variables k and total that have already been declared, use a while loop to compute the sum of the cubes of the first n counting numbers, and store this value in total. Thus if n equals 4, your code should put 1*1*1 + 2*2*2 + 3*3*3 + 4*4*4 into total. Use no variables other than n, k, and total. Do not modify n. Don't forget to initialize k and total with appropriate values. loop design strategies Given a char variable c that has already been declared, write some code that repeatedly reads a value from console input into c until at last a 'Y' or 'y' or 'N' or 'n' has been entered. Given a string variable s that has already been declared, write some code that repeatedly reads a value from console input into s until at last a "Y" or "y" or "N" or "n" has been entered. Write a loop that reads strings from console input where the string is either "duck" or "goose". The loop terminates when "goose" is read in. After the loop, your code should print out the number of "duck" strings that were read. Objects of the BankAccount class require a name (string) and a social security number (string) be specified (in that order) upon creation. Declare an object named account, of type BankAccount, using the values "John Smith" and "123-45-6789" as the name and social security number respectively.
components-of-robot Difference in Robot System and AI Programs How does the computer vision contribute in robotics? Goals of Artificial Intelligence four Categories of AI What is searching?What are the different parameters used to evaluate the search technique? Uninformed Search Algorithms First-Order Logic Inference rule in First-Order Logic What are different branches of artificial intelligence? Discuss some of the branches and progress made in their fields. What is adversarial search? Write the steps for game problem formulation. State and explain minimax algorithm with tic-tac-toe game. Explain the role of Intelligent Agent in AI. Also explain all types of intelligent agents in details. Explain PEAS. Write the PEAS description of the task environment for an automated car driving system. Define the role of the machine intelligence in the human life Describe arguments in multiagent systems and its types. negotiation and bargining Explain information retrieval with its characteristics. What is information extraction ? What do you mean by natural language processing ? Why it is needed? What are the applications of natural language processing? What are the various steps in natural language processing Machine translation What are the three major approaches of machine translation ? Forward Chaining AND Backward Chaining with properties Difference between Forwarding Chaining and Backward Chaining: knowledge representation Explain unification algorithm used for reasoning under predicate logic with an example. State Space Search in Artificial Intelligence Explain about the hill climbing algorithm with its drawback and how it can be overcome ? What is the heuristic function? min max algorithm Describe alpha-beta pruning and give the other modifications to the Min-Max procedure to improve its performance.
3. (Interest Calculator) The simple interest on a loan is calculated by the formula interest = principal * rate * days / 365; The preceding formula assumes that the rate is the annual interest rate, and therefore includes the division by 365 (days). Develop a program that will input principal, rate, and days for several loans, and will calculate and display the simple interest for each loan, using the preceding formula. 2. (Car-Pool Savings Calculator) Research several car-pooling websites. Create an application that calculates your daily driving cost, so that you can estimate how much money could be saved by carpooling, which also has other advantages such as reducing carbon emissions and reducing traffic congestion. The application should input the following information and display the user’s cost per day of driving to work: a) Total miles driven per day. b) Cost per gallon of gasoline. c) Average miles per gallon. d) Parking fees per day. e) Tolls per day. 1. (Diameter, Circumference, and Area of a Circle) Write a program that reads in the radius of a circle and prints the circle’s diameter, circumference, and area. Use the constant value 3.14159 for π. Perform each of these calculations inside the printf statement(s) and use the conversion specifier %f. Turbo C 1. (Credit Limit Calculator) Develop a C program that will determine if a department store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account. For each customer, the following facts are available: a) Account number b) Balance at the beginning of the month c) Total of all items charged by this customer this month d) Total of all credits applied to this customer's account this month e) Allowed credit limit The program should input each fact, calculate the new balance (= beginning balance + charges – credits), and determine whether the new balance exceeds the customer's credit limit. For those customers whose credit limit is exceeded, the program should display the customer's account number, credit limit, new balance and the message “Credit limit exceeded.” Here is a sample input/output dialog: 2. (Sales Commission Calculator) One large chemical company pays its salespeople on a commission basis. The salespeople receive P200 per week plus 9% of their gross sales for that week. For example, a salesperson who sells P5000 worth of chemicals in a week receives P200 plus 9% of P5000, or a total of P650. Develop a program that will input each salesperson’s gross sales for last week and will calculate and display that salesperson’s earnings. Process one salesperson's figures at a time. Here is a sample input/output dialog: Valentines Coding
PL/SQL sum of two numbers. PL/SQL even numbers in range PL/SQL prime or not PL/SQL PERFECT OR NOT PL/SQL ARMSTRONG OR NOT Write a Procedure to find Fibonacci series upto given range. Write a Procedure to swap two numbers. Write a Function to find Factorial of a given number. Write a Function to find GCD of a two numbers. 3.Write a Function to find x^n. TRIGGER to display a message when Record is inserted in employee table(using before). TRIGGER to display a message when Record is inserted in employee table(using After). TRIGGER to display a message when Record is inserted or updated in employee table Procedure Palindrome or not. Write a Procedure to Reverse a number. sal 3000 exception value error exception negative exception invalid cursor exception upper CURSOR experience >=23 CURSOR CURSOR to display first 5 records display_all_records_using_explict_CURSOR checking_deptnumber_for_CURSOR CaptureDemo FUNCTION on factorial Create a PL/SQL procedure with an OUT parameter to calculate the square and cube of a number Write a PL/SQL program to find area of circle area of rectangle area of rectangle pl/sql area of rectangle 2) Write a PL/SQL Function program to use IN,OUT 2) Create a PL/SQL procedure with parameters to calculate the square of a number Trigger update emp salary print 2) Create a trigger to update the Instructor's Name in Courses table when it is updated in Students table Write a PL/SQL Program to calculate sum of digits of any number 2) Create a trigger to update Project Budget When Employee Salary is Increased PL/SQL Program to demonstrate the Strings plsql even trigger salary update trigger instructor name trigger old salary new salary
UserController Latest working login - frontend GetUserById - Possibly working(needs better photo handling) GetUserById - Works similar to Assignment 3 AllProducts(needs to get sipecified user id) Photo handling in profile page(before base64 changes) - Frontend test api key - sendgrid Forgot and Reset password methods (before Sendgrid implementation) - UserController Payment Prompt PaymentController(suggested by chatgpt) Payment model (b4 chatgpt changes) Reward controller, model, viewmodel & AppDbContext (b4 my changes) Reward model, viewmodel, controller & AppDbContext (latest working v1.0 after changes) Reward frontend component, service and model (latest working v1.0 after changes) Help on Register (usertype dilemma) Suggested Reward structure (chatgpt v1.0) Host Records namecheap (b4 changes) Predined Reward Types Reward controller (after changes v1.1) Profile Page ts (before member and reward changes) ProfilePageComponent(with working frontend image) Member Manager Component (B4 Reward Changes) SearchUser Backend Method(Dropped) AppDbContext (B4 Anda's backend implementation) UserController (B4 Anda's Backend Implementation) program.cs (B4 Anda's backend implementation) OnSubmit - Before profile update changes NG0900 error Program cs that allows authentication in cart&wishlist Before Wishlist and Cart Count Changes Program cs - (Order working version without configuring swagger for bearer) Forgot and Reset Password methods (before email logic) Product controller - B4 base64 and model change Product seed data - AppDbContext (b4 crud) UserDeletionService.cs - (B4 Configurable Timer Implementation) program.cs (b4 changing to have functionality for configurable timer) deletion settings update - html and ts (b4 viewing ability) Working UserDeletionService.cs - (Constraint: Limitation of 24.8 days) Checkout - with Discount Payfast.component.ts - before create payment Register User - deleted Register Employee - deleted Create Order (before product quantity depletion change) MovetoCart (before available stock changes) product-list component (before side navbar changes) Help PDF Method (convert to image and cannot search but has styling) Help PDF Method (can search but has no styling) User Deletion Logic (Before stored procedure implementation ) Stored Procedure Template in SQL (before replacing with mine) Stored Procedure for UpdateUserDeletionSettings and UserDeletionService (WORKING VERSION) Exporting Payments to Excel (Purely Frontend) Reward (before service) Payfast ts (before vat and discount implementation) Profile Page (before rewards) AppDbContext (Before merging) Product controller, model, viewmodels (Before Inventory relation) Inventory controller, model, viewmodel (before relation to product) Inventory controller, model, viewmodel (before relation to product) Supplier + Supplier_Order Controller, Models, Viewmodels (Before inventory implementation) Payfast ts (before type error) IMPORTS!!! IMPORTS!!! Seed data QualifyingMembers Stored Procedure Audit Trail Logic OrderStatusUpdate service (working with Period error) Adding Stored Procedure to DBContext ProductType seed data
1)OPERATORS TASK 1A 2)Student grade task 1B 3)command line arguments 1C 4)Constructor and method overloading task 2a 5)type casting task 2B 6)Use array sum of integers and find the sum and average of the elements of that array in java 7)Practice further programs on the usage of arrays in java 8)Write a program to utilize both standard and custom packages. The program should reflect the usage of packages in a correct manner, along with the purpose of access modifiers 9))Write a program to use gc() method of both System and Runtime classes. Experiment with other methods of those classes. 10)write a program using the hierarchy of employees in a university 11))Write a program to understand polymorphic invocation of methods,while overriding the methods. Use an employee base class and manager sub class; override the computeSalary() method to illustrate the concept. 12)Develop an application that uses inheritance. Use the class Account and then subclass it into different account types. Then making use of Customer and Employee classes to develop the application to reflect the nature of banking operations. Use minimum operational sequence. 13)Demonstrate the use of abstract classes. Write a Person abstract class and then subclass that into Student and Faculty classes. Use appropriate fields and methods. 14)Write a program to demonstrate the usage of interfaces. 15)Write a program to understand the full capability of String class.Implement as many methods as required. Consult API documentation to read through the methods. 16)Write programs using StringBuffer and StringBuilder library classes. 17)Write a program to demonstrate the usage of try and associated keywords. Introduce bugs into the program to raise exceptions and then catch and process them. 18)Learn how to create and use custom exceptions. 19)Using byte streams, write a program to both read from and write to files. 20)Using FileReader and FileWriter, write a program to perform file copying and any other suitable operations. 21)Write a Java Program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text file. 22)Use the classes StringTokenizer, StringReader and StringWriter to write a program to find the capabilities of these classes. 23)Write a program to demonstrate enumerations and usage of Assertions. 24) Demonstrate assertions through simple programs. 25)Write programs to illustrate the use of Thread class and Runnable interface. 26)Write a program to show the assignment of thread priorities. 27)Write a program to synchronize threads. Use Producer and Consumer problem to illustrate the concept. 28) LABEL DEMO 29) BUTTON DEMO 30) CHECK BOX DEMO 31) RADIO BUTTON DEMO 32) COMBO BOX DEMO 1 33) COMBO BOX DEMO 2 34) LIST DEMO 35) TEXT DEMO 36) File input stream demo(IO) 37) file output stream demo(IO) 38) file input stream demo (BYTE) 39) file OUTput stream demo (BYTE) 40) BUFFERED INPUT STREAM DEMO (BYTE) 41) BUFFERED OUTPUT STREAM DEMO (BYTE) 42)Byte Array Output sTream Demo (BYTE) 43) Byte Array Input Stream Demo (BYTE) 44) FILE READER & WRITER DEMO (CHAR) 45) Char Array Reader & WRITER Demo (CHAR) 46) CHAR BUFFER READER & WRITER DEMO (CHAR) 47) FILE FUNCTIONS (IO) 48) DIR LIST & CONSOLE DEMO 49) SERIALIZATION 50) INTER THREAD COMMUNICATION
choppystick/PyDoku: An implementation of the classic Sudoku puzzle game using Python and Pygame. It offers a graphical user interface for playing Sudoku, with features such as a menu system, difficulty levels, and the ability to play puzzles from the New York Times website. choppystick/py-sudoku-solver: Python implementation of a Sudoku solver using Linear Programming (LP). The solver can handle Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties and can find multiple solutions if they exist. choppystick/py-sudoku-solver: Python implementation of a Sudoku solver using Linear Programming (LP). The solver can handle Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties and can find multiple solutions if they exist. choppystick/PyDoku: An implementation of the classic Sudoku puzzle game using Python and Pygame. It offers a graphical user interface for playing Sudoku, with features such as a menu system, difficulty levels, and the ability to play puzzles from the New York Times website. choppystick/py-sudoku-solver: Python implementation of a Sudoku solver using Linear Programming (LP). The solver can handle Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties and can find multiple solutions if they exist. choppystick/PyDoku: An implementation of the classic Sudoku puzzle game using Python and Pygame. It offers a graphical user interface for playing Sudoku, with features such as a menu system, difficulty levels, and the ability to play puzzles from the New York Times website. choppystick/PyDoku: An implementation of the classic Sudoku puzzle game using Python and Pygame. It offers a graphical user interface for playing Sudoku, with features such as a menu system, difficulty levels, and the ability to play puzzles from the New York Times website. choppystick/py-sudoku-solver: Python implementation of a Sudoku solver using Linear Programming (LP). The solver can handle Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties and can find multiple solutions if they exist.